Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1548: There is no information, silver is perfect

Midnight's cold face was stunned, and then he sighed: "Although I have been the palace lord of Yunxiu Palace for many years, I rarely deal with people. In this respect, it is far inferior to Qingxuan."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Your character is not wrong in midnight. You have no distractions, and you are dedicated to verifying the avenue. So your achievements are incalculable for ordinary people. But these are all because you have a very high starting point. It’s the best instruction and practice method in the world, so I don’t eat the fireworks in the world. But I have climbed up from the bottom of the continent, the most humble identity, little by little, every person I experienced in the process of growing up. Things, all these have made me together. The more I experience and the more I understand, I will discover the vastness of the world and the misty nature of the heavens, and the human resources are sometimes poor and impossible to get."

Midnight said: "I understand. Under heaven, everything is like ants. So while we pursue the avenue, we must have awe and piety towards the avenue. Yaheng taught me this way before."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Yaheng is really a good teacher. If there is a chance in the future, I hope to see you again."

Midnight nodded and said: "We must see you again."

The eyes of the two exchanged, both were slightly startled, and there was a strange heat in their hearts, as if their heart was scratched by something neither light nor heavy, and they hurriedly looked away.

Suddenly, an awkward feeling spread in the secret room.

Both of them closed their eyes and sat cross-legged to practice, as if the embarrassment did not exist.


Three days later, outside Hanlan Island, on a deserted island composed of reefs.

From time to time, there is a light landing.

Every Wu Xiu who appeared, his consciousness swept across the island, and his face was slightly surprised.

There were two to three hundred people gathered on the island, and the lowest cultivation base also had the sky.

With such a powerful force, let alone exploring any waters, it would be enough to destroy a medium race.

Everyone who took the task was a pleasant surprise.

There are so many people happy, powerful, and so many people surprised, how dangerous is the water?

Yang Qingxuan and Ziye also flew down on the reef island.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes swept the two of them, and then stopped paying attention.

At the beginning of the transformation, the cultivation level on this island was only medium.

After a while, there was a roaring sound from the sky, and a little purple light appeared on the horizon, gradually magnifying, dyeing half of the sky into a purple jade-like color.

The light pierced the sky like the taillight of a shooting star, and came in an instant.


The light fell to the ground and shattered at once, after a cloud of smoke, a dozen figures suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

These more than a dozen people are all wearing gold and silver masks, and their aura is completely hidden under that mask, exuding an unparalleled aura.

It's just that the appearance is not completely hidden, all with silver hair and silver eyes, first-born horns, revealing the characteristics of the Amo.

"High-ranking Amo?"

"Could it be that this task was issued by the top of the Amo tribe?"

More than two hundred people on the island were all shocked, and their thoughts changed for a while, thinking about something.

After all, Hanlan Island is under the rule of the Amo. If the Amo wants to do anything, it has absolute power and does not need to recruit mercenaries.

The stream of light on Logan's mask revealed a faint smile, and said: "I know you have all kinds of doubts in your heart. But this mission involves many secrets, forgive me for not being able to show it in my true colors. In fact, this is for you all. It’s not important. What’s important is that everyone works together happily, right?"

An elder who has seen the true cultivation base said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency is right, the important thing is to make money. But the premise is that we must be safe. If you hide too many things, how to ensure this safety?"

Logan's eyes were cold, he swept across the old man, and sneered: "Guarantee safety? How did your Excellency cultivate to the real world, and say such naive words. Which task in the exchange is not full of risks. The spirit stone in the hands of someone is not a life-strike. May I ask if there is any good thing in this world that is safe and profitable, and please introduce a few to me."

The old man was startled, his face flushed, and his mouth mumbled: "At least let us know more about it."

Logan said: "Information is unknown waters. Since it is unknown, there is no information."

Everyone had a black line on their faces.

But Logan was right. Although there was some dissatisfaction, he calmed down quickly.

Logan said: "This mission, everything is unknown. And because of this, I will spend a great price to attract you to come. Maybe there is nothing in the unknown waters, we just go around, too. It's possible. Do you have any questions? If you don't have any questions, just set off. If anyone regrets going there now, I will not be embarrassed or detained, please go straight away. But as long as you get on the boat, you will not get off the boat. It’s possible. Think about it yourself."

Everyone on the island looked at each other and whispered.

Midnight lightly transmitted the voice: "This Amo man is very young, and his cultivation base has a glimpse of the peak of the late stage. He may break through to Dzogchen at any time. Biadale is slightly worse. But the people on the left and right of the man are Realm King."

Yang Qingxuan asked in shock: "The realm king? Can two realm kings follow at the same time, is this man the prince of the Amo clan?"

Midnight said: "It's very possible. One of the two realm kings is a beginner realm king, and the other is very likely to be the same as me. He is already a four-star intermediate. I am afraid they will find out, so I dare not explore too. Excessively radical. As for the other dozen people, all of them exist in Dao realm, and one of them is Arnold."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Arnold, I also found out. Like you, I don't dare to explore too aggressively. Let's be as low-key as possible and don't be too arrogant."

Midnight nodded gently.

But at this moment, the gazes of Logan and the two realm kings beside him silently turned around and looked at them.

Both Yang Qingxuan and Midnight turned around as if they hadn't seen them.

Logan's silver pupil shrank slightly, and glanced at the two realm kings beside him, both of them were flashing, not knowing what he was thinking.

These two realm kings are the great elder Jib and the second elder Lay of the Amo family.

Jiber said softly: "The man is a bull with blue horns. His **** has become perfect, and he is close to the peak. The woman can't see through cultivation, and her race is uncertain. It seems that she has a strong concealment technique.

Logan said: "I also found out. The woman seems to have an extremely powerful mask on her face, which completely isolates my silver eyes."

Gilber was surprised: "The prince's silver pupil is not weaker than Adair, it is almost perfect. It is the silver master of the Amo clan. You can't even see that mask?"

Logan said: "The stronger these two people are, the better it will be for us. Don't worry about them. I just want to know how they got the map and whether they have the full map in their hands."

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