Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1550: Sincere communication, ancient treasure

Yang Qingxuan looked at his words and found that an anxious look appeared on Logan's face. Although it disappeared in a flash, it escaped his eyes.

Yang Qingxuan secretly wondered, how could he not know the situation as a high-level member of the Amo tribe with such a huge event in the eighth channel?

What's more, the Amo tribe is the second main force for besieging the Boundless Island.

Yang Qingxuan pondered, and thought to himself, I was involved in this matter all the time, how much do you say I know? But the surface was still contemplative, saying: "I have only heard about this, and I don't know much about it."

Logan said with a sullen face, "How much is it? Your Excellency is always hesitating and vague, which is unpleasant!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled coldly, stood up, and said: "I have not said a few words since I entered the house. You just said that I am vague. If that's the case, let's not talk about it."

Logan was furious, but when he thought of the news of the eighth channel, the identity of this person, and the situation on the map, he still endured it.

It's just that there was a slight tooth rubbing sound in his mouth, which was obviously extremely angry.

Logan took a few deep breaths, motioned to Yang Qingxuan to sit down, and then said, "Brother Yang Qing, Miss Ye Wei, I hope our conversations can be sincere to each other. After all, we are on a warship, and we have a very good cooperative relationship."

Yang Qingxuan sat on the chair of the meeting and said, "Well, in that case, it's better to adopt a question and answer approach. Everyone asks a question and answers each other sincerely. This is fair."

Logan thought for a moment. This is inside his own warship, and there are two elders sitting in town. The other side can't fly out of his palm, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then I will ask first. The situation of Infinity Island, in the end What happened?"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes moved slightly, and said: "Wuyin Island fell, and the Shura army used the technique of blood sacrifice. But all the four clans of high-level officials escaped."

Logan was shocked, even Gilber's eyes were shocked.

The news was too shocking.

They spent countless prices, but they couldn't inquire about this. How did Yang Qing know?

Moreover, with Adair's conspiracy and the strength of the Shura army, it is impossible for the four clans to escape. Escape one or two in the past, how can all the high-level escape?

But both Logan and Gilber could see that Yang Qing absolutely did not lie.

Logan asked urgently: "How did the four races escape, and how about Adair?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, "This is the second and third question. It should be my turn to ask now, right?"

Logan was stunned, let out a long breath, lay back on the chair, and said, "Excuse me."

Yang Qingxuan asked: "You can't be ignorant of the waters you are going to explore. My question is, what is the specific situation of this unknown waters?"

Logan stared at him and said coldly: "This question is too big."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Questioning requires skill."

Logan snorted coldly, sat on the recliner, pondered, and said, "This piece of water suddenly appeared at the boundary of the waters of Hanlan Island a few months ago, and it is almost close to the sixth waters. A few months ago, there were several The mercenaries issued a rescue mission in the trading center. They were originally one of the largest mercenary groups on Hanlan Island. When performing their missions, they encountered the appearance of inexplicable waters. As a result, most of the mercenaries were trapped in it and could not come out. Many people took on the task of saving people, but they never returned. This incident quickly caught my attention, so I sent someone to investigate, but the result was never returned."

The expression in Logan's eyes flickered. After a while, Yang Qingxuan seemed to be dissatisfied, so he continued: "So I mobilized the elite of the clan to investigate, and finally got some clues. It turned out that the waters were several months ago. There has been a phantom light pulse. So I’m sure that this water area was brought by the phantom light pulse. Later, I got some information one after another. This water area is most likely a treasure in ancient times, and there are A large number of natural treasures and unknown good things. It's just restricted everywhere and dangerous everywhere."

Logan glanced at Yang Qingxuan and said, "Is this answer satisfactory?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "Almost, although it is still a little bit worse."

Logan snorted, but he was secretly surprised. He hid the most important part of the water, which is most likely the Tomb of the Immortal Kun, and the other party seemed to have heard that he was hiding the core. Who is this Yang Qing? ? The talent is so scary.

Logan calmed down a bit, and after careful consideration, he asked: "What is the status quo of the two sides of the Infinity Island dispute?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled in surprise and said: "Your level of asking questions is also very high."

Logan snorted: "You weren't forced by you."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a moment, and said: "The four clans are safe and sound, they should have left Tianhe. The Shura clan is said to have killed two realm kings and Adair was seriously injured, but in the end they won and occupied the entire Infinite Island."


Both Logan and Gilber were shocked, an uncontrollable shock in their hearts.

Logan murmured to himself: "No wonder...no wonder why I didn't get the least bit of information. It turned out to be such a huge setback. It's just...how did the four clans do it..."

Logan stared at Yang Qingxuan abruptly, his eyes flickering, and he secretly asked, "How did he learn about these news?" After another thought, he couldn't help but become irritated. Adair was so frustrated that he really helped himself.

Yang Qingxuan asked: "Do you recognize the depiction on that map?"

Logan regained his senses immediately, his face changed slightly, sitting on the recliner, meditating, but inwardly he was thinking quickly whether or not to say it.

Logan thought about whether he would be disadvantaged if he revealed a lot of information, but when he thought of the two world kings by his side, he immediately dispelled his worries and built up his confidence little by little. He stared at Yang Qingxuan and nodded: "I recognize. If I read it correctly, the place depicted on the map is most likely the Tomb of Immortal Kun in the ancient times."

Yang Qingxuan's heart jumped, and secretly said: "Sure enough."

He immediately asked: "Then your excellency knows where the tomb of Immortal Kun is?"

Logan laughed suddenly, and said: "Young Master Yang Qing is anxious, hehe."

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and he snorted. He was anxious, and the other party immediately caught his thoughts and concerns.

Both of them are geniuses in the world, and they are extremely intelligent. With a word or even a glance, they may reveal a lot of information and be caught by the other party.

Such a conversation is no less than a duel.

Did Logan find some initiative and feel good, and said with a smile: "It's time for me to ask. Where did Yang Qing's map come from?"

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