Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1595: Hunted for thousands of miles, huge ice cave

As soon as Qing Luan Dunguang got up, he heard a terrifying roar, "Junior! Dare to kill my people, die!"

An aurora appeared in the distance, and it shuttled in an instant, a golden arrow, with countless exploded barbs on the arrow, and the huge energy distorted the entire sky.

Joey's face changed drastically, and he said, "Oh! Why is it so fast?"

As soon as the figure flashed, it turned into a white light and fled away.


The golden arrow exploded with a powerful brilliance from high altitude, and then shot straight down the ground.


The huge energy destroys and decays, destroying the nearby space and everything.

In an instant, a shirtless red-haired man appeared in the center of the explosion, looking around with ferocious cold eyes.

As soon as he caught it in the air, Chamberlain's bow appeared in his hand.

The man's pupils shrank and he shouted angrily: "Zhuzi! Damn it!"

The figure flashed, like a sharp arrow pierced through the air, chasing in the direction where Yang Qingxuan was walking.


Yang Qingxuan turned into a Qingluan and flew for a while, as if he felt the danger behind him, his eyes shot out with a sharp color, a golden light scorched, and he searched for a place to escape.

Chamberlain chased for a while, then stopped suddenly, took off the longbow quickly, and shot the arrow.


A golden light shot out like a meteor, locking Qingluan completely.

Yang Qingxuan immediately sensed the danger and cursed inwardly. As soon as Qing Luan's body turned in the air, it turned into a time-space giant, turning the whole world around.


The golden long arrow flew past the body of the time-space giant.

Chamberlain's pupils shrank, showing horror, and said in surprise: "This is...!"

After dodging an arrow, the time-space giant was slightly delayed, but with a roar, he broke the rules of space directly, and leaped forward shrinking to an inch.

The speed is so fast that it is not under Qingluan at all.

Chamberlain felt anxious and rushed to catch up again.

The two of them moved forward desperately, tens of miles apart.

Chamberlain shot an arrow out from time to time, pulling in a little distance.

But archery requires a lot of physical energy.

Coupled with the desperate chase, even if it is really perfect, it is somewhat overwhelming.

Yang Qingxuan also consumes a lot of physical energy. He just beheaded Hebrew, and wanted to run away, but also to dodge arrows. After running for more than half an hour, his speed began to drop significantly.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes flashed, staring at an ancient mountain range ahead.

I saw the mountains were towering and rugged, the tops of the mountains were covered with deep snow, and seven or eight mountains were connected together, seemingly arranged in a certain formation.

And under the glaring gaze, there were continuous bursts of light flashing from the mountains and swinging across the sky.

"It really is a big formation. I don't know what formation it is and who arranged it."

Yang Qingxuan's thoughts turned, his huge body jumped a few times in the air, and then fled down. After a few flashes, he disappeared into the mountains.

Chamberlain was overjoyed, shooting a bow and arrow, aiming at the mountain range.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, as if he had seen some vision, he thought to himself that the heavens are incomparably mysterious, and there is light looming out, is it possible that there is a strange treasure in it?

Chamberlain was overjoyed, gathered his bows and arrows, shook his body, and shot out into the mountains.


When Yang Qingxuan flew down the mountain, his first reaction was surprisingly cold.

From a distance, you can see the white snow on the top of the mountain, and it is even more icy and snowy when you enter. A large number of architectural remains are in the mountain col. They are old, but because of the extremely low temperature, they are all well preserved.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes fell in the center of the ruins. It was a pyramid-like altar with many fresh footprints scattered on it.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the footprints and groaned, and suddenly his face changed slightly. He raised his head and glanced at Chamberlain who was shooting down sharply. Without hesitation, his figure shook and fell on the altar.

Suddenly a burst of light surged, enveloping it, and disappeared under the flicker.

The next moment, Chamberlain appeared outside the altar, looking at the altar with cold eyes and gloomy eyes.


"It's cold!"

This was Yang Qingxuan's first feeling, only feeling frozen to his bones, and then an ice cave appeared in front of him.

This kind of cold is not the ordinary extremely low temperature, but contains extremely strong rules. It freezes directly into the body and soul, and even the thinking of the brain slows down.


Yang Qingxuan sighed, and a cloud of ice was frozen in the air.

And that freezing power constantly penetrated into his body, freezing his whole person.

At this moment, the fire bones in the body made a "rumbling" sound, like a volcano surging.

Yang Qingxuan turned into a bone elephant of fire at once, and the five fires gathered in the palm of the elephant, and he shot forward.

The bone elephant and the fire were all incorporated into Yang Qingxuan's body, and then the surrounding cold air "crashed" and the ice layer within a radius of ten meters dissolved part of it.

Yang Qingxuan's expression was astonished, his own fire bone elephant controlled the power of the five fires' fusion, and the fire and temperature emitted could almost melt everything, but only part of the ice layer.

What is this place?

Yang Qingxuan walked along the ice cave, it was a huge passage, and the cold inside was still terrifying.

But fortunately, he has a fire-bone body guard. Although he consumes some physical energy, his basic body temperature can still be guaranteed.

Yang Qingxuan entered the passage and was taken aback without taking a few steps.

An alien was frozen in front, with a tragic and desperate look on his face, holding his hands in front of him, wanting to get warm. The expression was extremely sad, and the whole person was frozen in this moment forever.

Yang Qingxuan carefully observed this alien race. He was very unfamiliar. It seemed that he didn't come in this time, so it was Wu Xiu who came in when it was opened the day before.

It seems that the strength is not weak, but he would freeze to death here.

Yang Qingxuan continued to move forward, and from time to time there would be frozen bodies in the passage, all of them lost their breath, maintaining the tragic state before death.

And it seems that the time is different, it seems that the days have been opened in recent years, and the Wu Xiu who has been entering here constantly does not know whether any of them have gone out alive.

Walked in the ice road for about half an hour.

The front became wider and wider, and more corpses were frozen. Not only were alien races, but there were also a large number of monsters, all frozen in the ice tunnel.

Yang Qingxuan raised his head, and a layer of dark stuff was on the top floor. When he looked carefully, he couldn't help but feel terrified. Hundreds of giant bat monsters are frozen inside, layered on top of each other.

Yang Qingxuan swallowed hard, cold sweat dripped from her temples. Fortunately, there is a firebone body, otherwise there will be no sweat.

Yang Qingxuan touched the sweat, his figure shook, and he quickly passed through this terrifying ice road.

Soon after, he came to a huge ice cave.

Thirty or forty people were frozen here, many of them staggered, holding weapons in their hands, apparently after a violent fight.

There are also six or seven people sitting cross-legged on the ground, pinching their hands with their hands, and white smoke is constantly rising above their heads.

"Huh, living person?"

Yang Qingxuan was surprised, after walking for so long, he finally saw a living person.

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