Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1611: Purifying the Holy Light

Wenren trembled, and said in horror: "Are you waiting for... practicing the Wujing? No, it's impossible! The Wujing is mine!"

Wenren roared, slashed madly with a knife, his face was full of hatred, and a feeling of despair and anger was generated in his heart.

I couldn't remember the Wujing text anyway, but the other party was already practicing directly.

Qinglong inheritance has chosen Yang Qingxuan.

This is the reality that Wenren is unwilling to accept anyway.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two long soldiers continued to collide in the air, and the large areas of luster shattered in all directions. Wenren hits faster and faster, and the violent emotions in his heart are constantly released with the demon sword. Suddenly, he entered the state of "killing" of selflessness, and only wanted to kill Yang Qingxuan.


With a knife passing through the halberd's defense, the blade's light fell in a daze, splitting a dozen of forces, and marking a blood mark on Yang Qingxuan's shoulder.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and instantly recovered from the state of absorbing the scriptures, the halberd suddenly picked and swept out.


The vast void exploded under the halberd blade, bursting out numerous thunderous cracks.

After Wenren's jealousy exploded, his whole person went crazy into a state of "no-self" and "only killing", and his martial arts cultivation reached the pinnacle of truth.

Yang Qingxuan's palms were in cold sweat, and he was forced into desperation by the news.

That Wujing text, still in disillusionment, flashed into his mind.

He himself didn't know what was going on, just when he was fighting just now, his mind was startled, and he inexplicably separated a divine consciousness, constantly absorbed the words that flashed on the scriptures, and printed it into the sea of ​​knowledge.

As if his body is a huge fold, bearing the inheritance from the ancient times, those scriptures are constantly being imprinted on his body.

From the beginning of the battle to before hearing people go crazy, Yang Qingxuan was in a state of ignorance and dealt with it ignorantly, but the main mind was bearing the strength of the martial arts.

At this moment, when he was interrupted by the hearer, Yang Qingxuan was shocked in a cold sweat, and hurriedly dealt with it with all his heart, and the seven forms of Tianzhan were followed.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two of them fought another thousand moves, and the ten unique formations in Yang Qingxuan's body continued to evolve, killing intently like a sea, violently attacking. Accompanied by the Jiguang and the Four Fires, he was always suppressed by Wenren's peak aura, completely unable to play out.

Yang Qingxuan fought for a while, his face turned pale, and suddenly he moved in his heart, thinking to himself that this kind of crazy situation would not last long, why should he compete with him at this time, as long as he remains undefeated, he can finally win.

After deciding, he calmly changed his attack to defense, and swallowed a Dao Wen Pill, and held it there.

After the Daowen Pill was put down, the shriveled meridians immediately recovered a little strength, and the physical energy was greatly supplemented.

Yang Qingxuan figured it out, and he still had five Daowen Pills on his body, enough to last another five days, or even longer.

After calming down, Yang Qingxuan glanced at the huge fold next to him. Numerous golden texts continued to flash out. His mind was startled, and he began to enter a state of absorbing texts, with golden characters continuously showing up on his body and submerged.

The stars over there are fighting each other, and they have also entered a white-hot state.

They are all fighting life and death, and the murderous aura spread throughout the space.

Suddenly, the scriptures exudes boundless brilliance, all the text on it becomes golden, and the whole martial arts scriptures are fully displayed, and everyone who is photographed can't open their eyes.

Wenren's crazy state suddenly stagnated, turning around and looking at Jingzhe.


Standing on the void, the huge bright warp that illuminates the entire space collapses at once, turns into countless dots of fluorescence, and disappears.

The countless words disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan opened his mouth wide in shock, and the entire Wushu was completely engraved on his body.

"Ah, **** it, Wujing is mine, my Wujing!"

Wenren roared wildly, with a little bit of crying in his voice.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan turned around abruptly, looked at the man in the cyan domain, and found that the Jue Seal in his hand had changed again.

It used to be cyan, but now it gradually turns into brilliant gold.

"this is……"

Everyone was shocked. The power that ruined the world came out of the man and was suppressed in everyone's heart.

Suddenly the man opened his eyes violently and shot out two green lights, as if penetrating the void, transmitting from the distant past, and slowly said: "The younger generation who has accepted my inheritance, in addition to the whole martial arts scripture, There is the blood of the true dragon, the tactics of transforming the dragon, and a trace of my power, all for you now.

Countless scriptures rose from the handprints and turned into a blue dragon wandering, as if condensing the sun's divine glory in the hand, creating the image of the blue dragon holding the sun, and the majestic momentum circled out.

"True Dragon Blood!"

"Hualong Jue!"

"The power of the Holy Spirit!"

More than a dozen people were shocked.

Wenren opened his eyes violently, rushed over, and shouted, "Give it to me! I am the Qinglong Holy Spirit of this generation!"

The man sat cross-legged in the cyan field, flipped his right hand forward, a touch of green light in his palm expanded infinitely, extending out in all directions.

The solemn and mighty voice came out, "Within the inheritance, Xiao Xiao retreats."

"Om!" Void trembled, Wenren rushing in front was instantly covered by the blue light, with a frightened expression on his face, and roared: "I am Qinglong Holy Spirit, I am not Xiaoxiao, I am not Xiaoxiao!"

But the desperate voice didn't respond. Under the blue light, Wenren's body, which was fused with the blood of the Four Holy Sages, burst open continuously, exploding a cloud of sewage, which was purified in the light.

Wenren looked horrified, and found that his life was passing away a little bit. In despair, he shouted: "Damn inheritance! Damn Qinglong Holy Spirit. Liar, everything is a scam! I'm going to kill you!"

Holding the demon sword fiercely in both hands, he cut off at the man in that domain.

But when the body moved, the large meridians and acupuncture points exploded, and under the screams, they directly exploded into a pool of mud, and countless flesh and blood melted under the blue light, as if they were purified.

The seven constellations of Wenren explained that they were shaking all over, and each made a panic and desperate voice, "No! Don't!—"

The stars and the Holy Lord share a common destiny.

The Lord died, the stars died.

The light of the cyan domain spread out, covering everyone in.

Even if the person is not dead, the purifying power of this blue dragon will completely purify the seven pseudo-stars.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, turning into a time-space giant, with a roar, he teleported to the side of Hua Jieyu, and roared: "Can't die!"

Reached out abruptly.

Numerous time gears emerged, and the "Gurulu" revolved back, rewinding the entire time for a few seconds, and the shattered Huajieyu body instantly returned to its original shape.

Under the dual suppression of the power of the contract and the Azure Dragon's Holy Light, Hua Jieyu still ran away to death.

"Don't die!"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were about to split, and he roared again. When he grabbed the yellow flag with his right hand, he placed it on the side of Huajieyu's body. Numerous golden lotuses rippled to resist the purifying power of the blue dragon's holy light.

//Do you think Hua Jieyu should hang up? Taiyi is so entangled. Now I have made a poll on the WeChat public account (taiyiss), let's vote for your own opinions. The plot of the next chapter, just wait for the voting result:)

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