Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1624: Encircle and suppress, Di Yan Jue

A bright moon descended, falling behind Wu Qiyue, and strange frequencies were transformed into everything, which was the force of the tide.

The tears in Wu Qiyue's eyes quickly dried up. Crying was a manifestation of the weak. The weak could not face the predicament directly, but moved forward bravely and could only be slaughtered.

Shi Yuyan held the halberd with one hand, the soul light on his body continued to overflow, and a golden figure appeared in the sky, also holding the halberd.

It was after the origin of the gold element was devoured and merged into the martial soul, the condensed martial soul transformed into a god, with brilliant golden light, and somehow familiar with the appearance of Shi Yuyan.

An Qiluo and other Milong clan members roared and violently screamed, the power of the real world was released, and the storm was rolled up.

Logan gritted his teeth and roared: "Let's shoot together! There is no retreat!"

Within the silver eyes, countless brilliance flows, like a cosmic nebula.

The rest of the various powerhouses were all touched by Yang Qingxuan's Dao Heart, and one by one showed a decisive look, swearing to the death.

Adair snarled his spear and said with a sneer: "No matter how many ants there are, it is impossible to kill the elephant. Very good, very good. Only with such a high fighting spirit can there be a noble soul. The **** monkey will like it. .Hahahaha."

Adair laughed wildly, his eyes flashed red and disappeared in place.

Wu Qiyue exclaimed: "There!"

With the palms together, the force of the tide suddenly descended, pressing on the void.

A piece of moonlight fell, and a transparent figure moved inside it.

"Huh? The blue eyes of the Wu family?"

Adair suddenly appeared, revealing a different color. He has a certain understanding of the top ten and twenty-four of the human race, and naturally knows the blue eyes.

At the moment Adair appeared, countless attacks came from all directions, covering it completely.

"Ants, manly arms block the car!"

Adair's battle spear swept away, and countless red lights shot out from the evil of Tianhong, shooting all directions.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The blockbuster Wu Xiu was hit directly and screamed again and again.

Only a glimpse of the real world can resist one or two. Under the glimpse of the real world, apart from Yang Qingxuan, Wu Qiyue and Shi Yuyan, who have heavy treasures, they can't hold a single move.

Logan's two-handed swords were only half-sacred.

Joey held the lute in his hand and kept shooting out sound waves.

But even if it was the attack of Dzogchen, it was still difficult to get close to Adair, and there were more than thirty strong Shura clan.

Every moment, people died tragically, blood and screams, one after another, without stopping.

Yang Qingxuan and others regarded death as home, and attacked desperately.

Yang Qingxuan swallowed the Daowen Pill and completely suppressed the injuries on his body. As for the poisonous blood, under the ablation of his blood, it was nothing at all.

"Is the Realm King so tyrannical?!"

Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled slightly, and along the way, he met countless realm kings. But every time, it either turns into auspicious, or there is the Elf King, Midnight, Xuantian Ji, or other opportunities appear to be resolved.

Therefore, I have never really fought with the king of the world face to face.

At this moment, a hundred powerful people besieged Adair, and only then did they really feel the tyranny of the realm king.

Just the pinnacle of the One Star Realm King suppressed all hundreds of people.

Adair's Devil of Heaven constantly reaped his life, and his power and soul were sucked by the jade monkey.

Yang Qingxuan was anxious. The jade monkey had only manifested the meridians and blood before. At this moment, looking at the body with fiery eyes, he began to manifest the internal organs and bones, and he was about to come alive completely.

Soon, the Wu Xiu within the barrier died more than half.

There are more than 30 people from the Asura clan, and only three or four people are left.

Adair was expressionless, only the endless murderous aura in his eyes, blood was already on his face and body, and he did not have any grief or pity for the destruction of the Shura clan.

That day, the evil spirit of Hong was like a poisonous snake, constantly harvesting the lives of the strong.

Moreover, Adair is dedicated to killing Yang Qingxuan and Logan, and the two have extremely strong resistance capabilities, especially Yang Qingxuan. After each attack, they can counterattack almost instantly, giving other warriors a great opportunity to breathe and survive. .

"No! The Realm King is too tyrannical, and his defenses can't be broken at all!"

Joey jumped anxiously. Although Adair's attack began to weaken and showed signs of being suppressed, his defense was extremely strong, and so many people died without causing serious injury to him.

If you continue to fight, I am afraid that you will really be killed.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly received his halberd, and his whole body rose into the air, constantly pinching his hands.

A series of fire dragons whizzed out from the body and revolved around the body.

People are not used to seeing flames of different colors, but Logan and the others are suddenly moved, because the fire dragon on Yang Qingxuan suddenly has one more, like a transparent five-color fire dragon.

The five fires continuously spread out fire patterns under a large number of tactics, and merged with each other.

Zi Yuan's voice came and said in surprise: "Brother Qingxuan, you are..."

Yang Qingxuan swallowed a Dao Wen Dan and a large number of nourishing pills into his stomach, and said: "Emperor Flame Art, the five-fire fusion seal method recorded in Taichu Fire Art. The wizard king once said that only me It can only be used when it reaches the late stage of Zhenzhen. Once this trick is used, even the realm king can be injured. But now I can’t take care of this much, but there is no future at this level, so what about the latter stage. Zi Yuan , Lend me your power."

The five stars all have feelings in their hearts.

On Yang Qingxuan's star ring, a ray of brilliance lit up, and the phantom of the blue dragon was curled up behind him.

The knot printing of both hands is quickened and complex and changeable.

And Yang Qingxuan's body, also in the process of fusing the five fires, became obscure and uncertain, and it turned into fire.

Adair's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted: "What are you doing?!"

The Sha of Tianhong launched a few attacks, and when his figure shook, he killed Yang Qingxuan.

Although I can't believe it intellectually, I don't know why, but there is a bad feeling in my heart, as if that trick of printing can hurt myself.

Wound King of the World in the late immortal period?

Such a ridiculous thing, I am afraid it has never happened in the past.

Logan and others also had the same idea in their minds.

But Logan knew that Yang Qingxuan must have a back hand, and suddenly shouted: "Stop him! Buy time for Yang Qingxuan!"

When the two swords swirled in the air, a large amount of sword energy radiated and pressed over.

Joey, Dylan and others all gritted their teeth and dragged Adair.

Yang Qingxuan's face was constantly pale, and although there was a steady stream of replenishing power from the medicinal pill, and the Dao pattern flashing in the fire pattern, which accelerated the fusion of the five fires, Yang Qingxuan still felt a terrible draw-off force, which was generated under the tactical seal.

I felt like I was about to be sucked dry, and my meridians quickly dried up and shrank.

Not only himself, but even the five stars, also felt that a lot of power was drawn away by Jue Yin.

Although it was extremely terrifying, but it was a great burden for Yang Qingxuan.

Soon, those trembling hands, and the uncertain Emperor Flame Jue, slowly formed in the palm of his hand.

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