Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1683: Time and Space Giant Spirit, Xingyu Disk

After waiting for a while, the voice behind Crystal Wall gradually disappeared.

Eleven people stood quietly in front of the crystal wall, with a dignified atmosphere lingering in their hearts.

Apart from Yang Qingxuan, the most nervous is the Spirit King.

"Hua Jieyu, break it."

Yang Qingxuan stepped back and pointed at the crystal wall in front.


Hua Jieyu responded, and the Broken King turned into a human form behind him, pinching his hands to turn his palms, and patted the crystal wall together.

The "substance" and "rules" on the entire crystal wall quickly decomposed, and the scene behind the crystal wall appeared in front of everyone.

"this is……"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and behind the crystal wall, there was a dark space.

"How could this be? Where is Ling Liao Stone? Where is Yuhun? What about the ancestors of my Spirit Race?!"

The Spirit King suddenly yelled out of state, as if he had been stimulated, unable to believe that there was nothing in the void in front of him.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly shook his whole body, and the eyes turned into horror in his pupils. He looked into the void and screamed in horror: "No! Impossible! This is...!"

"Qingxuan, what's wrong with you?!"

Midnight was shocked. Ever since I met Yang Qingxuan until now, whether in the Black Sea, the Star Palace, or Tianhe, even in the face of the most powerful enemy, I have never had such a gaffe.

The Spirit King was also stunned, and then he calmed down and looked carefully at the void. It seemed that there was a faint starlight in it, not that the void was nothing.

Yang Qingxuan's face was pale and his shoulders trembling, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

Dou Da's cold sweat rolled from her temples.

The clothes were all wet in an instant, and the palms of both hands were full of sweat.

Wu Yun and others are also curious.

Wu Yunshi exhibited his blue eyes, looked into the void, and looked at the foreground of his eyes. He was surprised: "This is... an underground palace?"

With a sudden movement of Yang Qingxuan's figure, it turned into a escape light and flew up.

A chill came from the void, welled out from the bottom of his heart, and spread throughout his body.

Yang Qingxuan fell down and stepped on a hard object.

It is a huge ancient bronze pillar, standing in the endless void.

Yang Qingxuan raised his head with the fiery eyes and golden eyes, and a crack in the sky was faintly visible, and a little bit of starlight vented down.

And my whole body...

"Seventy-nine, eighty, eighty-one, it really is eighty-one."

Yang Qingxuan stood silently carrying the stars.

Beginning with one, ending with ten, the cycle is endless, there is no border forever, and the order is not chaotic.

Eighty-one copper pillars are staggered around each other.

On each pillar, there is a black chain like a python, like a snake, spread out like a spider web, and all converge in the middle, straight into a misty void.

"What place is this? It's weird."

"So many bronze pillars are painted with rivers, mountains and cosmic stars."

"Ling King, is this left by your ancestors?"

Ten people each stepped on an ancient bronze pillar, talking curiously.

Yang Qingxuan turned a deaf ear to these comments, but suddenly raised his head and looked into the middle of the mist.

Around that misty void, there are eight directions of Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li, and Dui.

Yang Qingxuan took a sharp breath, stepped on his foot, and swept towards the center.

And deliberately stepped on the iron rope, making a "clang" sound, feeling the chill on the iron rope.

The situation is the same as it was then.


Midnight hurried to keep up, for fear of something wrong with Yang Qingxuan.

Wu Yun and others also flew up from the copper pillar, and followed Yang Qingxuan.

The eleven people quickly passed through the misty void, suddenly all gasped, and their pupils widened in horror, staring at the amazing scene in front of them.

In the void, like an endless plain, tens of thousands of huge monsters were pierced through a hundred holes by iron cables, locked in the center of the inner formation, crawling to the ground.

"Time and Space Giant Spirit!"

Wu Yun's expression changed drastically, and he said in horror: "These strange beasts are all time-space giants!"

Fu Haifeng said in surprise: "The time-space giant spirit family has disappeared millions of years ago, and all of them died here."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said suspiciously: "A million years?"

Fu Haifeng nodded and said: "Yes, I have checked the relevant information. In the past three million years, there have been almost no traces of the time and space giants. You must know this family, but there are powerful and scary existences. Although they rarely appear in the world, But among the hundreds of races, no one dared to provoke them, how could they all fall here?"

"Three million years?"

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and countless clues popped up in his mind.

Three million years ago, it was the time when King Yin Wu fought against Gu Yao, and the guardian beast in front of Yin Wu Hall was the giant spirit of time and space.

Could it be that these time-space giants were all beheaded here during the Yin Wu Wang period?


Yang Qingxuan looked at the kneeling time-space giants, with traces of time flowing on his body, which had been weathered for countless years.

It is exactly the same as seen in the Lower Underground Palace of Kunlun Mountain.

Yang Qingxuan raised his eyes and stared at the center of the plain, the huge space-time giant with a body of hundreds of feet, holding his hands in front of him, looking up at the sky.

The eyes were weathered and looked hollow, but there was a deep sorrow.

Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath and stared at the giant beast's hands. With a flash of his figure, he flew over and landed on the palm.

Sure enough, there is a heavy compass, but it is covered with heavy dust, revealing the simplicity of the years.

Yang Qingxuan slowly stretched out his hand, turning many inexplicable and complicated emotions in his heart, brushing away the thick layer of dust, revealing the original appearance of the compass.

The above is lustrous and transparent, with complicated formations and patterns of the sea of ​​clouds depicted on the inside and out. The silver is dotted in it, and it is unparalleled, like a billion galaxies zoomed into the disk, looking ethereal and remote, beautiful and deep.

Yang Qingxuan took Xingyu's plate in his hand and lost consciousness.

On that day, under the Kunlun Underground Palace, he came to the firmament star field through the star disk and returned to his own body. But Xingyu Disk was missing.

What is going on in front of all this?

Yang Qingxuan stood there blankly as if losing his soul.

Suddenly, above the dome, the shining starlight became brighter.

Everyone looked up, and saw a huge star emerging in the night sky, its light was extremely bright, exuding fiery temperature, as if it contained another universe.

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, and said in surprise: "Human Huangxing?"

It is the first time Yang Qingxuan has seen the stars that contain the fate of the emperors of the past dynasties.

The star of Human Emperor Star penetrated the cracks in the Taiyin Mountains and shone in.

The lingering mist around the plain disappeared at this moment, revealing the eighty-one huge ancient bronze pillars on the periphery.

The body of the Ten Thousand-Headed Time and Space Giant Spirit was bathed in this brilliant light.

Wu Yun suddenly exclaimed, "That kid is not dead!"

Yang Qingxuan and the others looked at that on the crystal wall path where he came, Wen Weicai, who should have been pierced, actually stood up slowly.

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