Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1688: The identity of a man, the fetters of a lander

"I want to withdraw the sun, moon and star wheel from your body. You'd better not move it, otherwise you may be killed if you are not careful."

The man's voice has no emotion.

A pair of cold eyes stared directly at Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows, his pupils flickered.

Yang Qingxuan was frightened and said, "You smoke if you want? Get out!"

With a wave of the halberd with both hands, he cut it down at the man.

This action seemed extremely naive in the eyes of the man, and a sneer was raised at the corner of his mouth.

But, sneered for an instant and disappeared.

"Boom!" Yang Qingxuan slashed with all his strength, hitting the man's fingertips, bursting out a large stream of light, and exploding in all directions.

The man's fingers were not hurt at all, but one finger remained in the air, and the expression on his face became solemn.

Only then did Yang Qingxuan discover that not far away, the Elf King had already turned out, standing on top of the black giant flower, wearing a gold and silver robe, with profound features.

The long pale hair moved out of thin air after shading his shoulders at random.

Beside him, countless purple-black rays of light emerged, condensing into huge eyes.

There was a fierce light flashing in it, with a bloodthirsty killing intent, and the breath of the Elf King became turbid and clear, but they became one with each other.

Not only that, in the sky above the sun, moon and star wheel, a figure also appeared, the black robe was embroidered with golden silk moire, and the word "地" was embroidered on one corner of the robe.

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly, how small and ridiculous, even sad, his power in front of these old monsters.

Dong really screamed, "Lord!"

As for the Elf King, he didn't know him, but he also felt the mighty power.

The cave is really similar to Yang Qingxuan, with mixed feelings.

He practiced hard to reach the pinnacle of the middle-level realm king, but he was still as small as an ant.

The breath of the three peerless powers frightened each other, forming a delicate balance.

The black-clothed man glanced at the Elf King and snorted coldly: "It's you again. How long can you maintain your current state?"

The Elf King said slowly: "As long as you can maintain it, I can maintain it for as long as possible."

The black-clothed man sneered and said: "The Elf King, you overestimate yourself. At this moment, I am completely different from you."

The man retracted his finger and pinched in front of him.

The ancient tree's brightness rose sharply in an instant, and the whole branch became crystal-like transparent, and under the shaking of the leaves, thousands of brilliance gathered into the body.

The whole person's temperament changed, his body exuded a faint light, and a high-ranking aura suddenly released, awe-inspiring but domineering, as if a strong man over the world.

The face of the elf king slightly changed, and the eyes flashed with shock.

When discussing martial arts in the sky before, the two fought once.

But at that time, they were both restricted, and their strength was among the same.

And at this moment, this man seemed to have completely transcended the restrictions and displayed here with full strength. But the Elf King is still a weak body, and his tyrannical state at this moment can maintain at most three moves.

Even under the coercion of this peerless man, I am afraid that it will be reduced to two or even one.

The black-clothed man sneered at the corner of his mouth and walked to the Elf King.

Suddenly, the stride that was taken stopped in the air again, and the body stopped again.

The black-clothed man showed an impetuous color on his face, raised his head coldly, staring at the ground man above, and said coldly: "You want to join in the fun too?"

The landlord said coldly: "It's you who are joining in the fun. You suddenly emerged from there for no reason."

The black-clothed man sneered: "Since Yin Wu Wang established Dao Ying, how many generations have the earth-bearers replaced? You have become an ignorant, boring and incompetent person. It seems that the current Dao Ying has completely collapsed."

The native said: "Whether you are ignorant, boring and incompetent, you can come and try, Cang Lingwu."

The black-clothed man's face changed drastically, his eyes burst out with a look of anger, and he said coldly: "Do you recognize me?!"

Dongzhen's heart jumped, Cang Lingwu's name seemed very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

Suddenly, Dong Zhen's face changed drastically, and he cried out in horror: "Human Emperor...Second Generation Human Emperor...Cang Lingwu!"

The landlord lowered his eyebrows and looked at the black-clothed man, and said: "Back then, Cang Lingwu was seriously injured and hid, and passed on the position of the emperor to the next. Everyone said that Cang Lingwu is dead. Unexpectedly, he is hiding in the saint he refined. The spirit and the heart are bright and bright. In this way, the discussion of martial arts in the sky seems to be a game set by the adults."

Cang Lingwu said indifferently: "What kind of game, it's so ugly. Isn't the setting of Cangqiang's martial arts wrong?"

The local said: "Yes. The theory of martial arts in the sky is of great significance to the human race. But if I am not wrong, the adults are also using the theory of martial arts in the sky to absorb the power of geniuses of the past and restore themselves."

Cang Lingwu coldly snorted, "Is there any problem with this? In the competition, the wasted power was recycled by me."

The local said: "No problem. Your lord is indeed a genius of wisdom and courage for eternity."

Cang Lingwu said coldly: "Since you recognize this seat, do you still stand in front of me?"

As soon as the lander's figure shook, he flew down and stood in front of Yang Qingxuan, and said calmly, "Yang Qingxuan, you can't move."

Cang Lingwu looked down coldly and said, "I won't move him, but I want to take away the sun, moon and star wheel."

The landlord shook his head slightly and said, "You can't move the sun, moon, star wheel."

Cang Lingwu furrowed his eyebrows, his face was angry, and said, "What do you mean by these two sentences, do you want to die?"

The lander snorted coldly: "It's up to you to understand."

Cang Ling's eyes burst with cold light, exuding a deep coldness, and said in a cold voice: "Okay, I will look at the talents and qualifications of this generation of earth sages, standing in this position."

The light in the earth's eyes sinks slightly, and the fingers of both hands are opened once, and there is a faint golden light flowing at the fingertips.

The golden silk moire robe hunted in the wind.

Cang Lingwu pushed with both hands, and countless tree shadows burst out of his body, wrapped around his palms, twisted into a huge spear of light, and pierced the void.

Yang Qingxuan only felt a shock all over his body. At the moment Cang Lingwu took the shot, the domain transformed by the sun, moon and star wheels collapsed and shattered instantly.

An extremely strong pressure came in the air, and an enemy in the world was backlashed. Yang Qingxuan actually snorted and was directly injured.

The inner panic is hard to add.

He knew that Cang Lingwu was not targeting him, just that between the shots, the spread of the ruining aura directly shook him.

The landlord's hands trembled slightly, turned his head, and said, "This is not a place for you to stay, leave quickly."

As he said, he greeted the light spear alone.

The whole figure looked a little bleak under the huge brilliance.

Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled inexplicably, as if there was an invisible fetter on the earth-bearer, it was implicated in each other and could not be parted.

"What are you still waiting for? Go!"

As soon as the elf king caught Yang Qingxuan, he fleeed away.

There was also a real figure in the hole, and he hurried away.

The battle between the two is not something he can participate in and watch.

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