Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1694: Ziyan Void, time varies


The Purple Flame Giant roared, and rushed up.

Countless purple flames turned into pillars of fire, wrapped around the monster, twisted into a rope, and fell into the air like a whip.


Yang Qingxuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the Halberd Tianxu Ruins fell in his hand, slammed into the sky with a shock.


Void light smashed the huge flame pillar to pieces.

But the Purple Flame Giant Beast had already rushed over, pressing directly on him, and violently crashing.


Yang Qingxuan's body burst into pieces and turned into a large flame.

The hand that grabbed Tianxu was also directly broken into flames.

Tianxu spun in the air a few times, drew out a circle of golden light, and fell straight down.

"Your sister-of!"

On the void, Yang Qingxuan cursed, and at a distance of a hundred meters away, a flame condensed out of his body. After reaching out and grabbing, Tianxu returned to his hands again.

Being shattered by the Purple Flame Giant Beast, he didn't feel hurt.

It's just that the strength of the whole body is shattered to pieces.

The Purple Flame Giant Beast turned around, stared at Yang Qingxuan, roared, and rushed over again.

"This thing has the power of the Realm King!"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, feeling the strength of the giant beast, and what made him speechless was that the energy fluctuations on the purple flame beast were exactly the same as the entire purple flame void.

In other words, even if you can suppress the opponent, you can't kill it.

As long as Ziyan is there, this behemoth can live forever.


Yang Qingxuan's body was rushed and shattered again.

But what made Yang Qingxuan gratified was that his energy fluctuations were also consistent with Ziyan Void. In other words, no matter how the Purple Flame Giant Beast culled him, it could not kill him.

He was exhausted who could only kill.



Condensed again and again.

Was washed up again and again.

"Don't fight, we are reasonable!"

The Purple Flame Giant Beast simply ignored Yang Qingxuan's voice and only had endless attacks.



After Yang Qingxuan was crushed hundreds of times.

No temper at all.

It turned into a brand of fire and sank deep into the void, ignoring the lunatic.


Ziyan Void roared several times at the mark, as if venting his power and majesty.

Then he fell silent, dormant to the depths of the flame, and no longer appeared.

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while, thinking about how to get out.

You can't entangle here endlessly.

The mark of the fire cloud trembled slightly, like the pulse of the entire void.

Yang Qingxuan felt a little bit of strength picking up in his body, and soon reached the bottleneck in the early stage of Yuzhen.

But that energy is still flowing in.

The breath of the whole person expanded rapidly.


In the purple flames in the distance, the giant beast seemed to feel something, rushing from the fire wave, its body grew a hundred times bigger, directly covering the entire void of the sky.


The mark of the fire cloud beat violently, as if the heart was instantly filled with blood.

"Come on! See who is afraid of who this time!"

Yang Qingxuan's violent roar exploded in the purple flames, and the endless fighting intent suppressed the sea of ​​flames, rushing to the surrounding circles.

At the center of that fighting spirit, a little purple flame instantly transformed into Yang Qingxuan's body, the fighting spirit in his golden eyes was overwhelming, and his hands quickly pinched the tactics.

One after another purple cremation formed a dragon shape, circling around Yang Qingxuan.

A large number of fire patterns overflowed from the fingertips and poured into the Yin Jue.

The entire void trembled, and there was a bit of unsteady shaking, and there were several fire dragons all over his body.

And at this moment, the bottleneck in the early stage of Guzhen was disintegrated and washed away.

A new power fills the whole body.

"Emperor Flame Art!"

Yang Qingxuan's complexion turned purple, he spit out three characters in his mouth, and patted it with a palm.


The Di Yan Jue penetrated the void, and hit the chest of the Purple Flame Giant like a burning pillar of flame.


The chest of the Purple Flame Giant Beast was burst, and the whole body became trance.


The behemoth roared in anger.

This harm is nothing to it at all.

What makes it angry is that his dignity has been provoked, even insulted.

After Yang Qingxuan's blow, the power in his body was instantly evacuated by the Di Yan Jue and turned into a state of de-energization.

But with a sneer on his face, he looked at the angry behemoth, reuniting his body in the sky.

Under the surrounding flames, the purple flame giant beast turned into a human form, with a height of hundreds of feet.

The hideous facial features twisted together, and with a roar, his eyes violently opened, and he punched it down.

The violent force pressed down the boundless void, the fist wind was like a sea, and the fire wave was wrapped in it, and the entire void was trembling violently.

Yang Qingxuan stood there quietly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as a winner.


With a loud noise, Yang Qingxuan's body was completely shattered.

The Purple Flame Giant Beast still couldn't get rid of its hatred, and it shot countless fire fists, if the meteor shower shot down.

"Boom boom!"

In the sea of ​​void and fire, there was a violent and turbulent energy.

That piece of eternal silence was instantly shattered, bursting out huge energy, turning into a storm of fire, rushing away, turning the entire sea of ​​fire into a huge battlefield.

After beating for a while, the Purple Flame Giant Beast stopped, and with a roar up to the sky, it returned to the four-legged beast form, its eyes were dark, and it sank into the sea of ​​fire.


The sea of ​​fire stretched out, and Yang Qingxuan's sneer came.

The mark of the fire cloud slowly emerged.

It returned to its previous state, beating slightly, absorbing the fire energy.

One person, one beast, just like this in the Ziyan Void, playing and making trouble, I don't know how many years have passed.

Yang Qingxuan even gave the other party a nickname: Ergouzi.

The angry purple flame giant went mad for a long time.

But Yang Qingxuan was helpless.

Later, slowly stopped attacking Yang Qingxuan.

Because every time Yang Qingxuan calls its nickname Ergouzi, it loses face.

Later, it became Yang Qingxuan who took the initiative to provoke it.

If you have cultivated a certain kind of magical power in Ziyan, or have comprehended some Taoism, or have a new understanding of what martial arts, you have to come out to find it to practice.

Day after day, year after year.

Not only was Yang Qingxuan's strength soaring, but the five stars within the star ring had absorbed the power of the Holy Lord and benefited a lot. In a few years, they made breakthroughs one after another.

On this day, Yang Qingxuan was meditating.

Suddenly opened his eyes violently, shooting out a burning radiance, and letting the Buddha go through the entire void.

"The time rules in the Purple Flame Void are different from those in the firmament star field. They are about five times slower."

"We have been in this void for almost three years, right?"

"The outside world has also passed for half a year. I don't know if anything has changed."

Yang Qingxuan narrowed his eyes and said with some emotion.

The five constellations in the star ring are all stunned.

Zi Yuan seemed to understand better, and said in surprise, "Brother Qingxuan, are you going to break through?"

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