Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1696: Three years, the world has changed

Yang Qingxuan was about to leave, but a familiar voice came calling his name.


Yang Qingxuan turned around and looked at him, and couldn't help being surprised. At the end of the road, the person standing was none other than Jiefei.

"Why are you here?"

Yang Qingxuan asked.

"Not just to wait for you."

Lie Jifei laughed.

The two walked together in the direction of the teleportation formation.

"wait for me?"

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Could it be that what happened?"

Lie Jifei said: "Dong Zhen was killed, ten realm kings fell in the star palace, the fairy jade had an accident, and the Taiyin Mountains were acquired by the Zhengxing Alliance. Isn't this all a major event?"

Lie Jifei glanced at Yang Qingxuan again, with a smile in his eyes, and said, "Your martial soul and the light of magical powers are much stronger than before."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "By chance, I fought all the way. No longer stronger than before, I won't live now."

Lie Jifei retracted his gaze and said, "It has been six months since the first battle in the Taiyin Mountains. How many years have you been in the Purple Flame Void?"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and said: "Three years. Liezi also knows the time characteristics of Ziyan Void?"

Lie Jifei said: "Three years? It's already very good. Ziyan Void originally has no time characteristics. After being integrated into the Sun, Moon and Star Wheels, the two combine to have time characteristics. And the speed of time passing. , It has something to do with the martial artist's cultivation and the degree of control over time. As the saying goes, seven days in the cave, the world has been thousands of years."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Meaning, as long as I strengthen the power of time and space, can I still increase the gap in the flow of time?"

Lie Jifei nodded.

Yang Qingxuan was surprised and excited in his heart. When the time came, he would cultivate inside for ten or a hundred years, but only a year outside.

Then let alone the assault on the Realm King, even as the assault on the Lord of the Thousand Realms is not impossible!

Lie Jifei seemed to see his thoughts, and smiled: "The further the realm is, the shallower the concept of time. But Mortal Kings can control certain time rules, but the strength is different. Although Ziyan Void It can assist in cultivation, but it is not as good as you think."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Thank you Liezi for your advice, I have been taught."

Lie Jifei smiled and said, "Even if I don't tell you, you will know sooner or later. I am waiting for you here to tell you something."

Lie Jifei's expression became solemn, and he said, "Two and a half years, your time is only two and a half years left. During this time period, you have to solve the star palace affairs, otherwise the situation will be out of control."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Two and a half years? Why, time seems to be too short."

Lie Jifei said: "It's a bit cramped. I can't tell you the reason for the time being. The only thing that can be revealed is that Dao Ying will hold a meeting in two and a half years."

"Daoying Conference?"

Yang Qingxuan asked in shock: "How does this have anything to do with the Star Palace?" Then his face became dark and angrily said, "I'm afraid Liezi knew my mother's identity early, right?"

Lie Jieifei smiled bitterly: "I know the identity of the person who opposes the earth later than you. In Daoying, apart from the few people I already know, I don't know their identity now. Two and a half years later. The Dao Ying Conference will once again affect the situation of the entire world. At that time, it will not only be the human race, but the entire sky star field will be affected."

Yang Qingxuan said solemnly: "So serious?"

Lie Jifei sighed, looking helpless.

Yang Qingxuan said, "I still have three questions. I want Liezi to help me solve my doubts. First, my mother was caught in a space-time storm, but there is a way to get her back. Second, is my father alive and where is it now? 3. What is the true identity of Fa-killing? I heard Xuantianji call him'ruthless'. Who is Ruthless?"

None of them showed thoughts. They walked to the teleportation area of ​​Fengshen City, and then slowly said: "The space-time storm is one of the most terrifying celestial phenomena in the universe. The strength of the earth-bearer and Cang Lingwu can only Bao, I’m afraid it’s hard to come back. I don’t have a good idea. But if you have Xingyu in hand, you may be able to find a breakthrough from above.

Yang Qingxuan clenched his fists secretly, his heart was turbulent, and his face was very ugly.

Lie Jifei said again: "Yang Yunjing's life and death, I don't know. But the landlord should know. If you can solve the first problem, the second problem will be solved."

"As for the third question, I can tell you. The true identity of extinguishing the law is called ruthless, heaven ruthless."

"Heaven is merciless?"

Yang Qingxuan stunned: "The sky is merciless, the sky can't, can it..."

Lie Jifei said: "Heaven is ruthless is the younger brother of Tian can't. At the beginning of the creation of modern times, he was already a top powerhouse. Later, he was suppressed by Heaven and entered the abyss of stars, and somehow escaped."

Yang Qingxuan stunned: "Then the name Mie Fa...is to kill his brother, it's impossible?"

Lie Jifei nodded and said, "It should be."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Heaven can't... still alive?"

Lie Jifei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shook his head and said: "I don't know, these secret things, I'm afraid that only the Heavenly Sovereign and Xuantianji have known about it."

Yang Qingxuan felt pressure inexplicably, and smiled bitterly: "This world is far more complicated than I thought."

Lie Jifei looked at him and said, "That's wrong, it's more complicated and more complicated than you think at the moment."

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while and drew in, "Liezi, if you are alright, then follow me back to the Star Alliance. Two and a half years is too short, and I need your help."

Lie Jifei smiled and said: "In fact, if you don't call me, I will go too, because the Zhengxing League has what I want."

Yang Qingxuan stunned: "What is it?"

No column is Tao: "The Five Aggregate Trees."

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Haha, what are you waiting for, let's talk while walking!"

The two immediately joined hands and entered the teleportation area.


Seven days later, the northwest of Central World.

Suddenly a huge teleportation formation appeared in the sky over Xuanxiao Jiangque, and a large number of warriors were involved and teleported away.

The surrounding Lingshan treasures, cities, and sects all sensed huge spatial fluctuations and a tense atmosphere.

For a time everyone was in danger, and all kinds of news spread like wildfire.

"The Star Alliance has transferred so many powerful players out in this way. Is it going to attack the Star Palace and start a full-scale war?"

"You're afraid that you are not a fool. Right now, the strength of the Star Alliance is not enough to fully contend with the Star Palace. Have you all passed away to death?"

"You said, is it possible that the Star Palace is preparing to fully attack the Star Alliance? The Star Alliance received the wind, so it moved away early."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the surrounding martial artists changed drastically. If the Zhengxing League and Xinggong really choose to fight here, they will inevitably be affected.

"This world is going to change drastically."

Someone sighed.

//The state is not good today, no change, everyone rest early, good night. quq

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