Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1699: Shocked the whole world and wooed the forces

Wu Shan said: "I agree with Qing Xuan's view. Although our purpose is hidden on such a large scale, we must not be able to hide the ears and eyes of Xing Gong. It is very likely that Xing Gong has already sent a master into the range of Xuanxiao Canggu."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "This is why Wu Xian and Shiyan-sama can't leave the headquarters. We will go back now."


Half a day later, the news that the Mao family was uprooted quickly spread throughout the world.

Shocked the world.

And as expected, shortly after Yang Qingxuan and the others left Xuanxiao Jiangque, Xinggong detected the intelligence, and let Dongxu and Dongxuan lead the team, and took more than 20 realm kings to Xuanxiao Jiangque. , I want to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot and remove the old nest of the Star Alliance.

A big battle between the two sides started within the domain of Xuanxiaojiangque.

Yang Qingxuan and the others returned in time, caught the people in the Star Palace by surprise, and finally completely controlled the battle.

Five murderers died in the Star Palace, and the rest were defeated and fled.

Although the Zhengxing League won the final victory, it also suffered heavy casualties, and killed two powerful realm kings, and the martial arts under the realm kings were countless.

The worst among them was the Wu Family, which almost lost a quarter of its strength.

This was the second large-scale head-on confrontation between the two sides after the confrontation in the Taiyin Mountains, and both times ended with a feathered return from the Star Palace. Suddenly, the forces of the Star Palace group panicked and shaken their belief in the Star Palace.


On Hanyu Mountain, the sky is clear and bright, but below it is a misty rain. In the drizzle, there seems to be some mysterious rules.

Sitting in the misty clouds, Xi Dapan slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the sky.

The eyebrows are twisted into a knot, which will not open for a long time.

Ni Ba sat behind Xi Da and couldn't help but ask: "My lord, you have been watching the sky like this for half a year. If it weren't for your breath, I thought you were dead."

Xi Da still looked up to the sky and said nothing.

Ni Ba was speechless for a while, sighed, and simply closed his five senses and six consciousnesses and continued to practice.


Somewhere there are high mountains and green bamboos like the sea, and the quiet sound of the guqin is heard among the secluded bamboos.

Suddenly the sound of the piano stopped, and there was a lingering air in Qin Sheng's eyes, turning into a faint light of water, staring into the void, and said: "Since the Qingxuan leader is here, come out."

The void "haha" smiled.

Yang Qingxuan appeared, flew down, clasped his fist and said, "It's presumptuous, abrupt."

You Qin Sheng said, "The Qingxuan leader deliberately wants me to discover this shallow hiding technique. Even if it is presumptuous, it is deliberate."

There Qin Sheng whirled slightly, and there was no expression on his face, but he was shocked inside.

In just half a year, Yang Qingxuan had reached the Great Perfection of Guzhen, and his cultivation was still steadily improving.

In addition to the various rumors in the past six months, I couldn't help but feel awe of the young man in front of him.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Haha, everything can't escape the attention of Master Qin. I came here this time to ask the adults about the last time we talked, do you have any thoughts?"

There Qin Sheng stood up and walked in the forest holding the Qin.

Yang Qingxuan followed behind calmly.

The forest is full of the fragrance of green plants, and the grand sunlight is diluted by the fog, making the entire mountain forest very quiet and pleasant.

The two walked for a while, and Qin Sheng suddenly stopped, turned around and stared at Yang Qingxuan, and said, "For that question, it is the leader, not the mere fact, that we have to consider."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Oh? What do you think I have to consider?"

You Qin Sheng looked at him and said, "Is it possible that your lord wants to have a family of Qin and join him without any benefit?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled lightly and said, "If you want any benefits, please mention Master Qin."

You Qin Sheng said: "It's very simple. Once the Zhengxing League wins, the Qin family will become one of the top ten and get the corresponding resource division."

Yang Qingxuan was stunned and started to think.

Although the top ten and twenty-four companies are all top powers, the twenty-four companies are still far from the top ten.

The key reason is also the lack of resources.

This resource includes territories, spiritual stones, exercises, pill, elementary equipment, etc., and so on.

The purpose of having Qinsheng is very clear, but this condition is very vague.

If you just give a name, there is no problem at all. The key is to match the corresponding resources, and the problem is big.

Yang Qingxuan groaned for a while, his eyes flashed, and said: "Okay! I promise you."

Yu Qin Sheng's eyes lit up, and the hands holding the Qin trembled, and he was surprised: "Really?!"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Naturally take it seriously."

He thought of the two-and-a-half-year deadline mentioned by Liezi.

As long as the Star Palace is disintegrated, the resources in the world will not be allocated by itself.

It will not be difficult for you to make the Yuqin family one of the top ten by that time.

Moreover, in this huge battle, those who help and stand on their side will naturally distribute the fruits of victory in the future.

As for the opponents, even the neutral party, I'm sorry.

It took a long time for Qin Sheng to calm down, and then bowed deeply to Yang Qingxuan, and respectfully said: "There is a family of Qin, swear to follow the leader, Lord Ren!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "You are polite. From then on, we will share honor and disgrace."

You Qin Sheng nodded lightly, nodded and said: "If there is a family of Qin who has taken refuge in the leader, it can be kept secret for the time being. This will make the star palace even more unpredictable. When it is critical, it will become a strange army.

Yang Qingxuan said, "There is what Master Qin thinks, and it is consistent with me."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Right now, Yang Qingxuan discussed with You Qinsheng for a while.

Then he left in secret.


"Finally, I'm going to that place."

Above Xuanxiao's crimson, Yang Qingxuan looked at the sky full of clouds, gathering and dispersing impermanence, and couldn't help but say with emotion.

Wu Xian and Shi Yan stood behind them, and they both glanced at each other and both smiled slightly.

Shi Yan said: "Let me guess, if the place that the leader said is not Xing Luoning's house?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Master Shiyan knows everything like a god."

Shi Yan laughed and said, "It's not me who expected things like gods, but things that are easy to guess. Now in the top ten and twenty-four houses, the leader has won the Yuqin and the public losers. The rest are not so easy to persuade. . And the Ning family, after all, is the mother's family of the leader. Compared with the remaining superpowers, it is relatively easier."

Yang Qingxuan sighed, "I hope it will be easier."

He remembered the meeting with Ning Hongru that day.

Although this grandfather treated him kindly and lovingly, that was not necessarily the case with other Ning family members.

Wu Xian said: "Since you are going, go early and return early. In order to avoid accidents, I will let Wushan go with you."

Yang Qingxuan refused: "No. Half of my body is the blood of the Ning family, at best I will return without success, nothing will happen. Now the situation is changeable, and huge conflicts may occur at any time. Wushan still stays in Xuanxiaojiang. "

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