Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1709: Horrible talent, the tower is broken?

"This this……"

Ning Changli's mouth was even more open and his face was dull.

But fortunately, the number ran wild for a while, and stopped at thirty-five, without any movement.

Most people were relieved.

Ning Changli sighed, his face relaxed, and smiled contemptuously: "Thirty-five, it's a good number, hahahaha."

Ning Hongru and others looked dim.

Thirty-five is indeed a good number, but it seems a little lower than expected when placed on Yang Qingxuan.

Ning Qingyu sighed: "After all, no one is perfect. Qingxuan is already very good at what he is now. We shouldn't put any pressure on him."

Ning Zhiting let out a "ahh", still unable to conceal her inner disappointment.

There were all kinds of noisy discussions around, and the ecstatic sound of "Haha, thirty-five, I won" was heard in the distance.

Ning Hongru encouraged: "Don't be discouraged, there are still two hundred points behind. Maybe this kid can score one hundred and seven."

Ning Qingyu and the others all smiled bitterly, knowing that these were just words of comfort.

The first test has only 35 points, and it is almost impossible for the total score to exceed 200.

Ning Changli laughed sarcastically, "Haha, yes, come on."

Some factions around all followed the ridicule of "hehe".

Suddenly, the number of thirty-five shook and became thirty-six, and then thirty-seven... thirty-eight... thirty-nine...


In the square, there was a moment of silence, all of them stared blankly.

That string of numbers quickly climbed to forty-five, and finally stopped again.

Ning Zhiting laughed excitedly and said, "Forty-five! Cousin has hope!"

Ning Hongru and the others were still stunned. There had never been such a rapid increase in the value. They all rose steadily, and then became slower and slower, and finally no progress.

This is normal.

Ning Changli's face was a little gloomy, and he hummed, "What the **** is this kid doing in there!"

The value of forty-five is already very strong, but it is still extremely difficult to pass two hundred in three tests.

Qian Qian suddenly said, "You said, will this value go up again?"

Ning Zhiting stunned: "It shouldn't. Forty-five points, it's already very high, but...maybe..."

As if confirming her words, the stagnant number trembled again.

The people below caught it sharply and shouted: "It has risen again!"

The number changed instantly, but between the breaths, it broke the limit of fifty and stopped at sixty.


At this time, thousands of people in the entire square were shocked.

Ning Changli squeezed cold sweat with both hands, and shouted: "There is a problem! There is a problem. Throughout the ages, every test is a number one number jumps up, which means that we are understanding and analyzing a little bit. How can there be such a piece There must be a problem!"

Ning Hongru was also puzzled in his heart, but he said coldly on his face: "Elder, don't talk nonsense about things you don't understand. Going up a little bit is a little bit of comprehension. Going up quickly is of course comprehending quickly. ."

Ning Hongru himself didn't believe this, but when he said it, Ning Changli didn't know how to refute it.

Ning Changli's complexion darkened for an instant, he brushed his sleeves, and said, "Even if there are sixty, three items are more than two hundred, it is still a foolish dream!"

Qianliu smiled and said, "What if it is more than sixty, can you go up?"

Ning Qingyu shook his head and said: "You don't understand. This score represents the degree of analysis of the structure of all things. It is unimaginable to be able to analyze the structure of all things by 60%. My sister was extremely talented back then and analyzed it. The high score of sixty-five can be called the past and present..."

Before he finished speaking, it was as if someone had pinched his throat, Ning Qingyu's pupils opened wide, his eyes full of shock and amazement.

"Ah! No, it's impossible!"

This time it was Ning Qingyu who called out with a look of horror. The value rose rapidly again, rushing directly to seventy-five, before stopping.

At this time, not only Ning Changli and others were completely petrified, but even Ning Hongru and others were sluggish in place, as if they had lost their ability to think.

"Ha, haha!"

Qian Liuxi laughed and said, "I actually got what I said."

Although he had not experienced the difficulty of analyzing the structure of all things, he understood in his mind what it was that the analysis of the structure of all things reached 75%.

This almost penetrates most of the matter, rules and Taoism.

The talent is so high that it has reached a terrifying level.

The entire Ningjia Square immediately exploded after deathly silence.

"My God, seventy-five minutes?!"

"This... how is this possible!"

"Even ten points higher than Ning Qingyao."

"Quickly, pinch me, am I dreaming."

And just in the noise, Qian Qian suddenly covered his mouth and screamed, and his pupils stared straight ahead, the value of seventy-five became seventy-six!


The whole audience immediately noticed the situation, they all gasped, and each one looked terrified.

"Maye is still rising, is this a human?"

"Don't forget this is Ning Qingyao's son!"

"Shut up, don't be noisy."

"Eighty! Eighty!"

"Damn! Crazy crazy."

The rising numbers are like stimulating the hearts of everyone. Some people even burst out swear words directly. They feel extremely excited. At this moment, I don't know whether they want him to stop there or want to see where his upper limit is.

Ning Changli felt a pain in his face, and the number rose suddenly, as if someone slapped him in the face in full view.

Crisp and loud.

He flushed immediately, his entire expression distorted, and the feeling of jealousy in his heart almost burned him.

The three of Ning Ruosong and his son in the distance, their faces are as gray as death, and they are all bloodless.

Ning Qingyu was in a daze, feeling a sense of unreality, secretly pinched herself, and felt a sharp pain. Only then did she recover and understand that everything in front of her was true.

After the number crossed eighty, there was still no sign of stopping.

It's just that the rise has become extremely slow.

Ning Changli seemed to feel his teeth trembling up and down, staring at the eighty-seven number, and trembling: "The tower is broken, it must be broken..."

People from the Ning family around him also feel this way.

Ning Hongru himself felt that the tower was broken, but still coldly snorted, "You don't need to judge whether the tower is broken."

As he said, he looked at the front of the Tower of All Things, the two elders who pinched the tactics.

The two elders had already turned pale, and they were shocked by the value close to ninety. When they saw the Patriarch's consultation, they all shook their heads, indicating that the tower was not broken.

Ning Hongru only breathed a sigh of relief, but the horror on his face was even worse, because the value showed no signs of stopping. Under the eyes of everyone, it quickly reached ninety!

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