Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1715: Lifting weights lightly, killing intent

Ning Hongru looked at Yang Qingxuan and said with a smile: "Come on. Although you know that you will definitely be able to make it, don't take it lightly."

Yang Qingxuan nodded.

The third level is the most direct. An elder assesses the strength of the test disciple. The main content of the assessment is not the level of cultivation, but the understanding of combat and Taoism.

So this level is the easiest to score in the three-level test.

Although more subjective, it is not as perverted as the first two levels.

"Cousin, come on!"

Qian Qian, who was standing in the crowd, had bright lights in her eyes, staring at Yang Qingxuan unblinkingly, her whole being very dazzling.

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and nodded: "I will."

At the same time, looking at Qian Liuxi, Ning Zhiting and others turned and walked towards the Star Wars platform.

The trio of Ning Changli's ancestors and grandsons all seemed a little nervous and squeezed cold sweats.

Yang Qingxuan leaped onto the ring, clasped his fists to Ning Zi and said, "Fifth elders, please enlighten me."

Ning Ziqian nodded, with his hands behind him, like a senior, and said, "Go ahead."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Offended!"

Immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed into the void, the Battle Halberd Sky Ruins emerged, and the whole person shook again and disappeared in place.

"So fast!"

Exclaims came from all around the ring.

Only the golden light flickered, Yang Qingxuan was not seen at all.

Afterwards, Ning Ziqiang's face changed drastically, his eyes were shocked, and he took a step back in shock, clasping his ten fingers with both hands and leaning into the void.


A golden light burst.

The space is directly torn apart.

Yang Qingxuan's figure appeared in the golden light, holding the halberd in his hand, stabbing down desperately.

Ning Zikeng's right hand was buckled on Ji's body, blocking it.

The two seem to be evenly matched.

Ning Zi snorted, loosened his five fingers, and patted the halberd with his palm.

A huge force shook out.

Yang Qingxuan held the halberd in both hands, but unexpectedly was not shaken away. Instead, he took advantage of his strength to spin his body in the air, smashing it straight down with a fierce and domineering halberd.

"Shocked to the sky!"

Ning Ziqiang's face was shocked. This battle experience was so tyrannical that he would take advantage of his strength as soon as he took a shot. If it was really a judgment, this one would be enough to get 80 points.

Ning Ziqiang's mood was a little disturbed, but when the halberd was cut off, he was still calm and calm. He gave a soft drink, and his hands were sealed in front of him, forming a circular magic shield to protect him.


The virtual light slashed on the shield, and the powerful aura was reflected in all directions.

Ning Ziqian retracted the magic shield, his hands swam around like a snake, shuttled on the halberd, stepped on his feet, and approached Yang Qingxuan at once, slammed his left hand, if the long whip was pulled out, it hit Yang Qingxuan's chest.

If the weight is lifted lightly, a palm that looks light and fluttering, in fact contains the power of mountains.

And because the two were so close, Yang Qingxuan's halberd didn't work, and he immediately understood that Ning Ziqian had extremely high knowledge in the battle.


Ning Ziqian hit Yang Qingxuan's chest with a palm, and instantly penetrated it.

Blow out large patches of dust.


Ning Zhiting and others, as well as the large Ning Family Wu Xiu, all screamed and stared in horror.

But Ning Ziqian's face changed drastically, and he suddenly retracted his palm.

Yang Qingxuan grinned, his body changed again, from the guardian of the sand to the red scorpion, the thunder pattern spreading around the eyebrows.

The extremely powerful force condensed into a point at the center of the eyebrows.

It turned into a symbol of thunder and hit it out suddenly!


A scarlet lightning flashed across the sky, as if shooting out from the void.

Ning Ziqian's complexion changed drastically, and the magic shield was formed with both hands again, protecting him.


Under the red thunder of breaking the law, the magic shield kept rupturing, and finally banged and shattered.

Ning Ziqiang's eyelids twitched in amazement and saw another halberd light sweeping across.

Yang Qingxuan changed back to his true body in an instant, and a "depraved" smashed across.

Under this halberd, a large area of ​​space was first fragmented, and then "rumblingly" collapsed. The huge space field was distorted to a point, and it was split on the halberd blade.


At the critical moment, Ning Ziqiang's hands and feet were in a mess, and a powerful cultivation base broke out, and his double fists were stacked to completely block the power of the halberd.

The two shocked at the same time, and each flew back to resolve the aftermath.

"Just... the five elders showed the realm king cultivation!"

"Oh my god, is Yang Qingxuan still above the fifth elders in actual combat and supernatural powers?"

"This, isn't this another full score?"

The people around were talking in shock.

Ning Ziqiang was even more shocked.

He can already be sure at this moment that Yang Qingxuan's understanding of martial arts supernatural power is completely above him.

According to the usual rules, it should indeed be full marks.

And what shocked him even more was that Yang Qingxuan's power seemed to have broken through the barrier of the Realm King!

The so-called barrier of the realm king is a dividing line between the realm king and his lower ants.

The further the realm is, the more difficult it is to challenge the higher level, and the possibility of fighting across the larger realm has always been almost zero.

The fact that Guzhen Dzogchen defeated the Realm King basically only exists in the annals of history, and no one has seen it in reality.

Ning Ziqiang's forehead oozes a little bit of sweat, and he feels a little bit strange in his heart.

Yang Qingxuan stood with a halberd and smiled calmly: "Five elders, can you be judged? I only need four points. Give me four points, no need to fight."

Ning Ziqiang's face was gloomy, and he snorted, "I want to score four points, it's too early!"

With both hands squeezed fiercely, the mighty power of the realm king vibrated under both fists, and it seemed to spread, forming two nebula vortexes.

Ning Ziqiang's arms turned into gold directly, and when he moved his figure, he slashed away.


The entire space shuddered, and it cracked directly, and a dark gully appeared, and everything fell into it.

With a wave of Yang Qingxuan's halberd, his whole body rose into the air, shouting: "Sure!"

The countless spatial axes in front of him were transformed into countless pieces under a halberd, and the space of about ten feet instantly stabilized.

Let everything fall, and where Yang Qingxuan stood, there was nothing wrong with it.

Ning Ziqian's complexion sank, and he suddenly became murderous, and disappeared in a flash.

Anyone who encounters a talented enemy like Yang Qingxuan will feel tremors and fear in his heart, and he must get rid of it quickly.

The thought of the deal with Ning Changli made him even more determined to kill.

Outside the ring, Ning Hongru suddenly frowned slightly, his eyes sharpened.

Ning Qingyu said: "The fifth elders seem to be upset?"

Qian Liuxi expressionlessly said, "Yang Qingxuan's combat power may have broken through the barrier of the realm king, and Ning Ziqian is just the one-star realm king. Whoever encounters such an opponent will inevitably be upset. ."

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