Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1720: True or false news at any cost

The people in the hall were shocked when they heard the words, and then were overjoyed and looked out of the hall together.

A white light flashed, and a figure fell in the hall, smiling and saying: "I'm back."

Wu Xian was overjoyed and hurriedly stepped off the throne and asked, "What happened?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Fortunately, we will not humiliate our mission."

In the hall, all were overjoyed.

The strength of the Ning family has long been heard by everyone, and it is not under the top ten and twenty-four.

"Good, good!"

Wu Xian and Shi Yan looked at each other, and they were full of joy.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "By the way, my father-in-law, what is the matter that you just said just now makes everyone so worried. And it seems to be related to the Heavenly God Art? And the sun and the moon on the cliff that pass through the sky? what happened?"

The joy on Wu Xian's face dissipated and turned into a deep sorrow, and sighed: "This is a long story. On the second day you went to the Ning's house, Qiyue had an accident."


Yang Qingxuan was shocked and said anxiously: "What's wrong with Qiyue?"

Wu Xian made a calm gesture to calm Yang Qingxuan, and then continued: "The Book of Wind and Moon finally has a problem."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly said in shock: "The sun and the moon on the Tongtian cliffs appear together, that is..."

Wu Xian nodded and sighed: "Qiyue's situation at the moment is exactly the same as the Wuque ancestor back then."

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically and asked, "What happened to the Witch Sparrow back then?"

He only heard Wu Qiyue talk about it, but he didn't know the specific situation.

Wu Xian looked into the distance and sighed: "The ancestor of the Witch bird was the genius of the Witch family who learned through the past and the present, and was the only legendary figure who cultivated into the Book of Wind and Cloud. But later, he still failed to suppress the power of Feng Yue. All crazy."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "What the **** is the power of Fengyue? I have practiced other Celestial Art, and there are no similar problems."

Wu Xian said: "Because the Book of Wind and Moon, engraved under the cliff of the God of Liao, is not complete."

Yang Qingxuan said anxiously: "Then what should I do now?"

"Tian Shen Jue" is by no means comparable to ordinary cultivation techniques and supernatural powers. Yang Qingxuan knows this point better than anyone. Therefore, something happened to Wu Qiyue's practice of Fengyue Book, and he instantly understood that it must be a major event, and he couldn't help but be very anxious.

Wu Xian sighed and fell silent.

Shi Yan said: "Not long ago, we inquired about a piece of news that we don't know whether it is true or false, and a complete book of Fengyue was born in Wangchuan."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Then what are you waiting for, why don't you go directly to Wangchuan?"

As soon as the words came out, it instantly became clear.

The news is a coincidence.

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood the thoughts and concerns of Wu Xian and others.

He thought for a while, and said: "Whether the news is true or false, you must go to Forget River." He paused, and then said: "I'll take this matter myself."

Shi Yan said in surprise: "You just came back from the Ning family, you are indispensable to settle down the Ning family. And the trip to forget the river is as dangerous as Tianhe. Your identity at this moment should not be risky. We have discussed this matter. , It's up to our people from Juntian Purple Mansion to go."

Yang Qingxuan shook his head and said: "It's about Qiyue, I must go there in person. As for other candidates, let's decide."

Wu Xian and the others looked at his firm gaze, there was a kind of unquestionable majesty, they were all slightly startled in their hearts, and then they fell silent.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Where is Qiyue, I'm going to see her."

Wu Xian sighed: "She is currently swarmed by the force of Fengyue, so she can't get close at all."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, clasped his fists together, said goodbye to everyone, and turned away.

Both Wu Xian and Shi Yan looked at each other and laughed bitterly.


Before Tongtian cliffs.

Yang Qingxuan displayed fiery eyes and looked at the violent wind and moon energy between the sky and the earth.

The scene inside became clear under the fiery eyes...

Wu Qiyue sat in the void, her whole body wrapped in white jade-like silkworm cocoons, her eyes closed and her eyebrows frowned, she looked extremely painful, her skin pale as paper, as if she was about to disappear.

Yang Qingxuan felt anguish in his heart. From the beginning of Tian Cong's acquaintance, the two of them hit it off.

Later, after experiencing separation and chasing, silently persevering, and walked countless roads together, it was recognized by the world today.

But her beloved woman is now sealed in the power of Fengyue, but she can do nothing.

Yang Qingxuan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes turned red, and he secretly swore: "Qiyue, you will be fine. At any price, I will definitely save you!"

"Don't worry, sister Qiyue will be fine. As long as we go to Wangchuan, we will be able to retrieve the complete Fengyue Book."

Zi Yuan stood on one side, comforting.

Shi Yuyan and Ziye also nodded.

In front of the cliff, besides Yang Qingxuan and the three daughters, there was a figure in a black robe. Under the wind, the robe was hunting and hunting, but there was no real face inside.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the black robe and asked, "Master Elf King, what do you think?"

The phantom swayed in the black robe, and soon condensed a real body, with silver hair like a waterfall, and his old face full of solemnity and dignity. Looking at the power of the wind and the moon that ravaged the world, he slowly said: His Heavenly God Technique can actually not die, tusk, it's already very powerful."

Yang Qingxuan's face sank, a little unhappy, and said, "My lord, this is really bad."

The elf king said hey: "Boy, do you know the origin of the Celestial Art?"

Yang Qingxuan asked in surprise: "Do you know your lord?"

The Elf King laughed again, but did not answer. Instead, he said to himself: "Xiao Nizi is in trouble now. Even if you find the complete Book of Wind and Moon, you may not be able to save her. Even if you haven't, Recovering the complete Fengyue Book may not be able to save her."

This was a bit convoluted, but Yang Qingxuan understood it instantly, and said in ecstasy, "Is there a way to save her?!"

The Elf King nodded and said, "The only way is to break her dantian and completely destroy her martial arts. Then use the Heaven-defying God Pill to save her. You can get the Bi Shen Pill in Heaven."

"Destroy the foundation of martial arts!"

Yang Qingxuan and the other four were all pale.

In this way, Wu Qiyue was completely abolished, or a mortal.

Yang Qingxuan's face became gloomy and severe, but after a while, it was slowly resolved. Instead, he smiled and exhaled heavily, saying: "No matter what, there is a bottom line, at least Qiyue's life is safe. No matter what she is in the future. Whatever it becomes, I will be by my side and will never leave it."

Ziyuan and the others all changed slightly, not because of jealousy, but because of sorrow for Wu Qiyue. At the same time, there was warmth in their hearts. Yang Qingxuan was not wrong.

"Hey, what's the use of saying so many, or hurry up and retrieve the complete Book of Wind and Moon. Then this little Nizi still has a 30% chance of being rescued."

The Elf King waved his hand and said calmly.

"Thirty percent?!"

Yang Qingxuan's heart sank, the odds are so low!

But even if there is only a half chance, he will go through fire and water, and he will not hesitate!

//Taiyi kicked her, too much? You go to judge. At 22:30 tonight, Weibo (taiyiss) and WeChat public account (taiyiss) will be pushed simultaneously. Go ahead.

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