Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1734: Mrs. Bones, spatial coordinates

Nian Wen picked up the jade box with his fingertips and opened the jade box. Inside, there was a section of fiery red coral, which contained the powerful Taoist power and the vast water elemental energy.

Nian Wen was shocked and said, "Blood Coral!"

Yun Yang smiled and said: "It is the blood coral. I heard that adults practice the evil spirits of jade serum, and the evil qi is difficult to discharge. This blood coral happens to have the function of clear body inside and outside of the body. This time I got this thing by accident, and I immediately gave it to the adult. ."

Nianwen reduced her excitement, closed the jade box, tapped her finger on the lid a few times, and said, if pointedly: "Master Yunyang has bothered, I don't know what I can help. "

Yun Yang hurriedly said: "It's just a little bit of heart, your lord has thought a lot."

After speaking, with a wink, a maid took out a storage bag from her arms and placed it in the center of the three jade boxes.

Yun Yang said: "There are still a billion top-grade spirit stones here for adults to spend on daily practice."

Nianwen smiled softly, retracted his finger, and said: "If this is the case, then I can't take this thing."

Yun Yang said: "My lord Mingjian, I do have a small favor. I hope that I can help you. I have a friend who is very keen in mind and vision. He is not only talented in appraising treasures, but also able to deduct the latitude and longitude of the world. , There are three thousand ways to know the formation. Let's not hide it from your lord, this time the Yin Zizhu was seen through by this person. He hopes to find a little errand next to Mrs. Bone and work for Mrs.

Nianwen frowned, then looked at Yang Qingxuan and said, "Is that him?"

Yang Qingxuan stood up and said respectfully: "It's under."

Nianwen frowned deeper, and hummed disdainfully: "A Pippi shrimp? Master Yunyang, are you sure you are joking with me?"

Yunyang smiled bitterly: "My lord is joking. Yunyang has the courage to make a joke with him?"

Nianwen groaned, and hummed: "Forgive you for not having the courage, dare to make jokes about Madam."

He looked at Yang Qingxuan a few more times and said: "Wait here, I'll go and tell my wife. Anyone who wants to enter the Senluo Palace needs his wife to agree."

After speaking, he stood up and put the three jade boxes and storage bags into the bag.

At the same time, he dragged the jade plate with Yin Zizhu and walked outside the hall.

Yun Yang then whispered to Yang Qingxuan: "This person is the head of the Senluo Palace. You will work in front of Mrs. Bone in the future. Remember that you must not offend this person."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, indicating that he had remembered.

Soon after, Nian Wen returned with nothing in his hands, but his face was very happy.

As soon as he entered the hall, he smiled and said, "Master Yunyang asked me to do it."

Yun Yang hurriedly thanked him again and again.

Nian Wen waved his hand and looked at Yang Qingxuan with a weird look, and said: "It's your kid who is lucky. Madam just came out of retreat. He heard that you have spiritual vision and supernatural powers. Somehow she rose up and said that she wanted to call you to an audience. Kid remember, Don't raise your head to look at Madam, just kneel there peacefully."

Yang Qingxuan nodded her head, but said in her heart: "Kneel your sister, I'm not like you as a slave."

Nian Wen asked about some matters again, and after this time he waved back Yun Yang, let them leave by themselves, and then took Yang Qingxuan to visit Mrs. Bones.


A side hall.

When Yang Qingxuan stepped into it, he felt the cold air coming from all directions, uncomfortable.

Every step I took, it seemed that Yin Qi poured into my body.

Yang Qingxuan pondered, and stood still shivering, showing an expression of fear.

In the dim place in front of the main hall, a screen can be seen.

The barrier above was illusory, reflecting a graceful and slender figure.

Yang Qingxuan guessed that Mrs. Bones should be behind the screen.

If you walk straight to the screen, you may be suspicious.

So he pretended to be unable to resist the cold air and stood shivering in place.

A sweet laugh sounded, Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed, and a gilt golden throne appeared in front of him, slowly rotating in the void, and then landed.

At the same time, all the cold air in the hall was swept away.

A beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of Yang Qingxuan.

The woman on the throne has picturesque facial features, jade-like skin, arrogant laziness between her eyebrows, and coldness hidden in her eyes. She is noble and powerful in her blue royal clothes.

Yang Qingxuan stared at him for a while, and soon came to his senses, hurriedly clasped his fists, and said respectfully and humblely: "I've seen my wife in Xia Xuanqing."

Mrs. White Bone looked at him coldly, and said lightly: "Are you the one who has spiritual eyes and supernatural powers and has seen through the ninth-level Taoist beads?"

Under Mrs. Bone's gaze, Yang Qingxuan felt tremendous pressure, and his palms were full of cold sweat.

In Jiyuan's memory, he only knew that Mrs. Bone was a high-level realm king, but Jiyuan didn't know how powerful it was.

In fact, although Jiyuan sat down to protect the law for Mrs. Bone, there were not many opportunities to meet Mrs. Bone.

At this moment, Yang Qingxuan speculated in his heart that this Madame Bones might have reached the eight-star state.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel worried.

"Yes. The younger one is the one who knows the treasures, and hopes to be able to work under the Madam's seat."

Yang Qingxuan calmed his mind and said neither humble nor overbearing.

Mrs. Bone smiled softly and said: "It is natural to work under my seat. However, I have to consider your ability, otherwise how do I know if what you said is true or false?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Please consider it freely, Madam."

As soon as Mrs. Bone waved her hand, a golden cube appeared on her palm, emitting a faint glow.

There are countless runes inscribed on it. As it slowly turns, those runes fly out of the cube and turn into numbers, which are automatically deduced and continuously disillusioned.

Mrs. Bone said: "Look at this thing with your divine eyes, what can you see?"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, staring at the golden cube, trembling in his heart, this thing is exactly the time and space coordinates found by the Jin Xun family.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Bone took it out so generously, revealing the extremely strong confidence in Mrs. Bone's heart.

Instead, it gave Yang Qingxuan more pressure.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the golden cube, fighting fate, turning his eyes to gold, analyzing the rules of time and space on it.

"Twenty-five, sixty, three hundred and ninety four, seven hundred, eight, one hundred twenty-six, forty three..."

"No, it's too messy and messy."

"This coordinate is still evolving, it seems that the chance has not arrived?"

Yang Qingxuan's head was covered in cold sweat, and his face suddenly turned pale, and he made a muffled sound, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and he was directly injured.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Then he opened his eyes slowly, helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "This thing should record time and space coordinates, but the magical powers are so low that I can't see the final result."

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