Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1737: Fate, Xuan Yin Zhu

Yang Qingxuan absorbed Qiongqi's essence and blood, and immediately sat cross-legged in the secret room, digesting the power and ferocity in it.

After a while, he breathed out slowly.

Continually, with an old and wild aura, it was the hostility and resentment in the blood of Qiongqi that all vomited out.

After doing all this, Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes again.

At this moment, the power in the cage seemed to become disordered with the loss of that drop of essence and blood, the bones on the wall dimmed, and most of the energy in the room was evacuated in an instant, and then slowly returned.

Yang Qingxuan secretly said: "Oh, this cage has lost its spirit and spirit. Only the bones are left. Madame Bone will find out. You won't kill me in anger, right?"

After thinking about it again, Mrs. Bone knew her identity, and she still needed her own source of fire cultivation, at least for the time being, she would not do it.

After the strong of the Star Alliance arrives, naturally there is no need to be afraid of Mrs. Bone.

After Yang Qingxuan was determined, he continued to practice.

From the breakthrough to the Great Consummation, the Ning Family's tower of all things structure and the road of eternal calamity, plus the consumption of a large amount of immortal jade, until the blood of the poor and strange, the realm of cultivation has been steadily increasing.

Especially after entering Wangchuan, I was confused by Yan Mo and touched two pieces of the Four Truth Jade of Cause and Effect. In a trance, he seemed to have peeped into the barrier of the Realm King.

Yang Qingxuan revolved the Qingyang Wujing, and a huge dragon shadow hovered quietly behind him, spitting out with his breath, one person, one dragon, and a community of destiny.

As long as Wujing persists in practicing, he can break all barriers under the Lord of Thousand Realms and reach the other shore.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yang Qingxuan seemed to feel something in his heart, and the two Causal Four Truths jade moved again in his body, exuding Xu Xu Qinghui, forming a strange realm, swirling around each other.

The words on the double jade appeared one by one, and disappeared in a flash, like the sand on the fingertips, which could not be held and left no trace.

"This feeling is very strange, what kind of energy is contained in these two pieces of jade."

"No. 2 on the sacred instrument list, innate Lingbao."

"Does it take the four pieces together to reveal all the truth?"

Yang Qingxuan remained in the state of cultivation, but separated a strand of spiritual consciousness, observed two pieces of jade, and various thoughts lingered in his mind.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the secret room.

With a slight movement of Yang Qingxuan's ears, he returned his divine consciousness, and the original force of the martial arts stopped for an instant. The two karma jade also fell silent, returning to silence.

The door of the secret room was retreated, and a familiar voice came, "Madam wants to see you."

It is Nian Wen.

It's just that Nian Wen didn't know that the human in front of him was the Pippi Shrimp he brought in. He didn't care where the Pippi shrimp he brought in went.

Because it is quite normal for one or more people to disappear in the Sanluo Temple.

Yang Qingxuan glanced at Nianwen, then took the practice, stood up, and went out with him.

"Huh?" Nian Wen's gaze swept across the secret room, revealing a slight doubt. She seemed to perceive the difference, but she was not sure.

So he looked at Yang Qingxuan a few more times, and led the way.

The two of them walked in the Senluo Temple for half an hour, bypassing a large number of buildings, pavilions, and landscapes, before they came to a strange palace.

The shape of the hall was peculiar, like a huge skull of a beast. The hollow eye sockets were ignited with a faint fire, and the gloomy cold air lingered around.

Nian Wen said blankly: "Go in."

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed, and he walked straight in.

Nianwen stared at his background and saw him disappearing in the temple. Only then did he withdraw his gaze, frowning, and muttering to himself: "Strange. Why does this person give me a sense of familiarity? What is going on?"

Perplexed, he flicked his sleeves and left directly.

After Yang Qingxuan entered the hall, it was empty and there was nothing in it, only engraved countless arrays on the surrounding walls and dome.

It was actually a huge practice secret room.

Mrs. White Bone sat in the middle, surrounded by the terrifying mysterious air, like a long river flowing around.

"You're here."

Mrs. Bone did not open her eyes, but just said lightly.

Yang Qingxuan said, "I'm here."

But his complexion was a bit ugly. These profound Yin auras, just drifting around him, quickly eroded their original power and true essence, and must be resisted by their power, otherwise they might be corroded into bones in an instant.

In Jiyuan's memory, this hall could not be found.

It seems that this is a forbidden place for Mrs. Bones.

"You just sit on the periphery, these profound yin auras are indeed not something you can resist. Even a low-level realm king, it is very difficult to resist."

Mrs. White Bone said slowly, and only then opened a trace of her eyes, if the stars between the dim sky and the earth flashed, it was breathtaking.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, did not dare to go any further, hurriedly sat in the void, squeezing the formula with one hand. A burst of heat gushes out of the body, forming a trance-like fire-light barrier, blocking the qi of Xuan Yin.

A smile appeared at the corner of Mrs. Bone's mouth, and said: "Unexpectedly, someone has cultivated five different types of fire and returned to the original source. If I met you early, this seat might be in another situation."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Everything is the best arrangement. Madam meets me at this moment, and this is the fate of the dead."

Mrs. White Bone frowned lightly, pondered for a moment, her eyes were surprised, she couldn't think that Yang Qingxuan had such an understanding of the number of fate.

Now he smiled and said: "Let me see now, what is the number of fate in the dark. I will spit out the Profound Yin Orb later, you can use the five fires to help me temper."

Yang Qingxuan nodded.

Mrs. Bone pinched the tactics with both hands, and countless profound Yin Qi gathered together, forming ice flowers on her palm.

Then the red lips lightly opened, and opened a spat.

A little fluorescein shot out and hovered in the air ten feet away from the body.

As soon as the beads came out, the square space was pale for a moment, as if frozen.

Even Yang Qingxuan, who was several tens of feet away, felt the terrible power, pinching the tactics with both hands, and the ten absolute formations on his skin activated on its own, protecting the limbs, corpses, and internal organs.

Then he looked away.

The beads were white, crystal clear as jade, and densely packed with countless patterns. It is many times more complicated than the Yan Mozhu on his body, and it is not comparable to the simple Dao pattern beads like the 9th-level Yin Zizhu.

Yang Qingxuan stared at him for a while, feeling agitated.

The upper Dao pattern of Xuan Yin Zhu disappeared, and the strong and domineering cold air spread out.

At this moment, the voice of Mrs. Bones came, "Calm."

Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled, and immediately changed the tactics seal in his hand, and circulated the Taichu Fire-Raising tactic, and Wanduo flames flew from his palm.

The frozen space around it returned to flow.

Yang Qingxuan's hand seal changed rapidly, and the flames intertwined in front of him into a vast fire net, wrapped around the beads.

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