Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1739: The voice of Yan Mo is evenly matched

As for Mrs. White Bone, there were also some evil-faced people, even more abominable than the evil ones in Xingyuan.

The people of the two factions just stood there, and the space was distorted a lot and couldn't bear this pressing atmosphere.

"Madam, it's not easy to come here to forget the river here. It's really not easy, but it's convenient. Don't let the brothers go for nothing."

Huang Yin's expression was solemn, and he arched his hands very politely.

There was a smell of ruffian in the tone, and the three immortals and two old men, as well as the people of the star palace, couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Madame Bones crossed her eyes and sneered, "You can't run in vain, what's up with me? Breaking into Wangchuan without permission and wounding my inspector is already a capital crime. Not killing you, that's it. Convenient, you don’t even know what to do?"

"Haha, what a convenience."

Huang Yin sneered: "Since it's convenient, it's convenient to the end." As he said, he stretched out his hand and said, "The Fengyue Book, I hope we can borrow it."

Mrs. White Bone's face was cold, and said: "I said, why the people of the Star Palace are interested in running me here for amusement, it turns out that it is also for the gods of the sky. Sorry, that thing has nothing to do with you. If you are interested, just get out. Otherwise, just stay. Let me contribute to my bone city."

The faces of Huang Yin and others changed suddenly.

The whole Bone City is full of bones. The so-called "adding bricks and tiles" is to put your own bones in.

Dong Xu asked: "The lady said'Yes' for the Celestial God Secret Art. Could anyone still come for the Celestial God Secret Art?"

"Hehe, old ghost Dongxu, you are smart. The Book of Wind and Moon has been booked by my Zhengxing League."

A familiar voice sounded outside the hall.

Dongxu's face changed drastically.

All eyes converged, and the people in Senluodian stepped aside one by one, only to see a clear-looking, heroic man slowly walking away, with a cold smile on his mouth.

"Yang Qingxuan!"

People in the Star Palace are all shocked.

Huang Yin's pupils shrank slightly, staring at Yang Qingxuan, and looking a few times.

During the last Star Palace battle, I didn't have a deep impression of Yang Qingxuan, but recently, Yang Qingxuan has been in such a boom, and he has constantly suffered from Xing Palace, which has attracted the attention of these Xingyuan murderers.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and walked forward, clasping his fists and clasping his hands: "It is really a blessing and pleasant thing for you to live to meet me at this moment."

"what did you say?"

There was a chill in Huang Yin's eyes, and his murderous aura flashed.

At the same time, the divine sense dispersed in all directions. Since Yang Qingxuan was here, there would be a lot of members from the Zhengxing League.

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "This is the site of Mrs. Bones, why, do you want to do it?"

Huang Yin's eyes flowed, and he folded his hands to Mrs. White Bone: "Ma'am, this person is the opponent of my Star Palace, and I hope to use the precious land to kill him. The Star Palace must have a big thank you."

Mrs. White Bone covered her mouth and "chuckled", her waist twisted, her branches trembling tremblingly, "Huang Yin, you are the first generation of Dao Ying, and you were also a famous figure back then, how come your mind becomes so bad? I just Did you leave me alone?"

Huang Yin was furious and said coldly: "Madam, do you really want to make it clear? Opposing my star palace is opposing the entire human race. What will happen to you? Do you have any idea?"

Mrs. Bone said, "Well-winded, they are all killed and thrown into the bone city wall."

The people in the Star Palace are all horrified.

I thought I heard it wrong.

Under the whole world, in the 33-sky star field, there are people who dare to despise the existence of the star palace so much.

In front of more than ten realm kings, dare to be so arrogant.

Even Yang Qingxuan was taken aback.

With joy, I can't help but worry a little.

It seems that the strength of Mrs. Bones is still above his own estimation.

Since she dared to treat the Star Palace like this, she naturally wouldn't put the Right Star Alliance in her eyes.

It seems that his ability to survive until now has nothing to do with the deterrence of the Star Alliance, it is purely because he controls the fire source and can help him in his cultivation.

Suddenly, a long song came.

In this tense and solemn atmosphere, it resounds like resentment like admiration, like weeping like a complaint, and the remaining sound curls like a thread.

Yang Qingxuan's heart shook wildly, Yan Mo!

This singing is actually the voice of Yan Mo!

In Bone City, there is also Yan Mo in Senluo Temple.

Didn’t the patriarch of the Saidin clan say that the Yan Mo clan was beheaded by Mrs. Bones and all of them fled?

Yang Qingxuan looked at the Senluo Temple under the shock of his heart.

I saw a man in a long robe standing in one corner of the hall, with handsome features and a forehead like vertical eyes between his forehead. He sang expressionlessly on the front, exuding a sorrowful air.

The singing is melodious and entangled, as if permeating the rules of heaven and earth.

Hundreds of people in the Star Palace began to appear obsessed with their faces, and fell down one by one.

On the side of Mrs. White Bone, they stood upright one by one, seemingly unaffected, looking at the people in the Star Palace with a joking sneer, just like watching a dead person.

Yang Qingxuan also began to lose his mind. At this moment, the Four Noble Truths of Causality in his body radiated radiance, washed away in the Lingtai, and maintained the clearness of the mind.

But Yang Qingxuan still followed the voice and fell to the ground with a "puff".

"It turned out to be the ancient alien beast Yan Mo!"

"The Voice of Yan Mo!"

Huang Yin yelled and pinched the tactics with both hands. Numerous auras burst on themselves, a little condensed into armour, covering the body, looking a thin layer, but it was full of energy and could not invade.

The hideous and fearful face slowly calmed down, completely resisting the voice.

But Huang Yin's face was extremely ugly.

Because the entire team of the Star Palace, except for him, all fell to the ground.

Mrs. Bone chuckled softly, "Sure enough, Zongying."

"Yes, ma'am."

A vigorous voice sounded.

A black-skinned, robust alien stood by Mrs. Bone's back, with bone spurs on his back, his eyes full of sarcasm and sorrow, and he raised his hand and turned into a sword.

The cold light burst from it, and the power of the endless space was squeezed into the sword stroke, and it slashed towards Huang Yin.

Huang Yin's expression was cold, and she raised her hand to pinch.

A huge barrier appeared in front of him, blocking the move to pierce the space.


The power of the huge space exploded, and a storm swept through and washed over the two of them.

But they are all as stable as mountains, never taking a step back.

As soon as Zongying's body turned, the huge storm was sucked into the sword and assassinated again.

An angry color flashed in Huang Yin's eyes, and a torrent of energy appeared around him.

Involved in that sword light, and was broken open by that sword light.

With a few tricks, the two were evenly matched.

Huang Yin's face was extremely ugly, and this Zongying's cultivation was no different from him, and he was a seven-star high-ranking realm king.

He vaguely beats the opponent a little bit in actual combat.

However, in the environment of Wangchuan, with Madame Bones and others standing by with cold eyes, this gap has been smoothed out.

After a few more moves by the two, Huang Yin was forced back instead, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Mrs. White bone, you just wait to bear the anger of the Star Palace!"

Having said that, he turned and left.

"Can you bear the anger and let it go, since you are here, you still want to leave?"

Mrs. White Bone sneered and said: "If you really let you go, it would be a big joke."

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