Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1743: Liuli statue, let's say goodbye

Sitting cross-legged in front of him, Mrs. Bone, who was feeling the avenue, was actually a transparent glass statue like jade.

This colored glaze statue has no expression on his face, pinching his hands with both hands, and engraved with strange formations all over his body.

Not only that, in each big formation, there are a large number of Dao patterns appearing, and the whole body is covered as if there is life.


Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled wildly. For some reason, the word "Xianyu" appeared in his mind when this colored glaze figure appeared.

But soon, it was discovered that the Dao pattern on the colored glaze statue was countless times stronger than the fairy jade.

All kinds of avenue rules are shown in numbers.

The breath is also extremely pure, as if blending with the avenue.

It's like the most perfect body between heaven and earth.

There was a flash of light in Yang Qingxuan's brain, and he almost blurted out, "Guyhun!"

This colored glaze statue is actually Yuhun.

During the interaction with the Spirit Race, Yang Qingxuan had a certain understanding of Yuhun.

The colored glaze statue in front of him is not only the imperial soul, but also the most perfect existence among the imperial soul.

Even the Spirit King has always suspected the authenticity of this Yuhun, which only exists in the records of the Spirit Race.

Yang Qingxuan's heart jumped wildly, Madame White Bone's true body was actually a perfect statue of Yuhun?

What exactly is going on?

At this moment, his eyelids twitched and his gaze went deeper.

The image of Yuhun and the formation on it were also continuously disintegrating under the eyes of the fiery eyes.

Soon, Yang Qingxuan saw something deeper.

A piece of white jade is inlaid in the body of the complete Yuhun, which is the core of the entire Yuhun. All the formations and patterns connected to the body, and even the breath and breath of Mrs. Bone, are connected to this white jade.

Yang Qingxuan's heart was shocked, the white jade was square in shape, with a unique energy field, covered with various patterns, perfectly combined with the Dao pattern.

Moreover, these patterns and that energy field are no stranger to him!

In shock, Yang Qingxuan suddenly widened his eyes again, pushing the fiery golden eyes to the extreme.

At this time, the glorious rotation on the jade slowly slowly formed the word "Ji".


Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and the Four Truths of Causality in his body seemed to have a reaction.

At this moment, Mrs. Bone's eyebrows seemed to be touched lightly.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly retracted his fiery eyes and closed his eyes tightly.

At the same time, he exerted his strength to suppress the two pieces of causal Four Truth Jade in his body, then pinched the formula with both hands, and spread out the two pieces of jade in the dantian with the Wuji Apricot and Yellow Flag, completely covering the breath of the two pieces of jade.

After all this is done, the Qi of the whole body is converged again, without the slightest amount of true essence being released.

Enter a state of death like a turtle's breath.

Yang Qingxuan set off a storm in his heart.

The true body of Mrs. Bone was actually a combination of Jizhen Jade and perfect Yuhun.

What exactly is going on?

The situation of Madame Bone at the moment is neither human nor demon, nor **** nor demon, what is it?

All kinds of thoughts emerged.

Suddenly a scent hits, and I heard Mrs. Bones say: "Are you just spying on me?"

Yang Qingxuan only felt cold in his limbs, and his whole body was like an ice cave, completely cold.

"No, no."

Yang Qingxuan's face turned pale, cold sweat dripped from her temples, feeling that she was going to die, and her thoughts flew, how to escape.


Madame White Bone laughed suddenly, her eyes fluctuated, she was very charming, and her voice was slightly hoarse: "Have you not seen enough?"

Yang Qingxuan's heart throbbed wildly, thinking of what I saw just now, the white-boned lady of Yisibugua, could not help but feel a little contemplative.

Mrs. Bone's face came up, the originally beautiful facial features were enchanting at this moment, and it was even more impressive. With her red lips slightly opened, a breath of heat was breathed in Yang Qingxuan's neck.

Yang Qingxuan swallowed and hurriedly ran the Taiqing Yu Jue to calm himself down.


Mrs. Bone laughed a few times, and fluttered away with a brush of her sleeves.

Only Yang Qingxuan was sitting on the ruins, sweating in cold sweat.

"Is this escaped?"

Yang Qingxuan put down the tactical seal in his hand and sighed for a long time, his whole body was soaked with sweat.

Mrs. Bone thought he was just peeping, so she chuckled and left.

If you know that your body has been seen through by Yang Qingxuan, or if you know that two pieces of causal jade are in Yang Qingxuan's body, I'm afraid Yang Qingxuan is finished.


Three days later.

Senluodian, inside the living room.

Mrs. Bone was wearing a smoky purple luxurious Luo skirt, her complexion was excellent, her eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes fluctuated, and she said, "Are you really going to leave?"

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said, "Madam’s training has been completed. Congratulations to Madam for stepping into the Nine-Star Realm King. It’s just a step away from the other side. And by coincidence, I finally stepped into the Realm King by taking advantage of Madam’s breakthrough power. Thank you Madam."

Mrs. White Bone said: "Nine Stars will be beyond the other shore, it is really a moat. Even I am not sure. This is not something that can be achieved by cultivation alone. It is hard to say whether it can go further in this life."

In the words, there is an infinite yearning and sigh for the Dao.

Mrs. White Bone said again: "You can break through, it's all your own chance, it has nothing to do with me. It's that I broke through the nine stars this time, and part of it is your credit. You can continue to stay in the Sanluo Palace to practice, and I can provide all kinds of things. The supply needed."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Madam's kindness is accepted by heart."

Mrs. White Bone gave him a grimace and said, "Since your will is settled, I won't force you to stay."

Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately treated Mrs. Bones again and turned away.

The reason why Yang Qingxuan insisted on leaving was the Four Truths of Cause and Effect.

After all, there are two pieces on his body, if Mrs. Bone senses it, he is really dead.

It is better to leave early and be safe.


Bone City, Juchuan Chamber of Commerce.

In front of the huge shop, a burly alien, pushing a Pippi Shrimp, waved impatiently: "Boy, you guys who will grow up, get out of here!"

Pipi Xia said: "I have known the president and have some connections, and I hope my friends can tell me about it. So I told her that a Pipi Xuan named Xuanqing came to her."

The alien guarding the gate glared and shouted: "You are not leaving yet, are you? Be careful I hit you!"

As he said, his five fingers clenched, his fists were raised fiercely.

Pippi Shrimp smiled bitterly, took out a storage bag, stuffed it in, and said: "I also hope that the adults are accommodating, just report it."

The guard rolled his eyes, grabbed the storage bag, and dazzled in his eyes. Then he looked at the prawn again and said, "You don’t look like a bad person. Okay, since we know you , I’ll report it. If it doesn’t work, don’t blame me.”

Pippi shrimp said hurriedly: "Naturally no wonder."

Seeing the guard turned around and left, Pippi smiled bitterly.

Really have money to travel all over the world, and it is difficult to move without money.

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