Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1766: Come back to the world, the devil figure

"The demons are back in the world!"

Yang Qingxuan and others, as well as the Wangchuan Shui Clan, their faces changed drastically, showing shocked expressions.

According to the purple double-horned demon, their sudden appearance here is by no means a separate incident, but to re-enter the world and rule the world.

The demon heads behind Zhong Jie showed hideousness one by one, with different morphological characteristics, but they all had the same demon energy.

Yang Qingxuan stood with a halberd and said, "Huang Yin and Zongying, what do you think? Whether it is to **** the Book of Wind and Moon, or sniper the demons to re-enter the world, this battle is inevitable. Do you want to fight or retreat?"

Yang Qingxuan added: "Either join hands in a battle, or go away. It will never happen if you want to hide from the side to reap the benefits."

Both Huang Yin and Zongying hesitated, staring at the Book of Wind and Moon in the hands of the Taixu Ancient Demon, it was difficult to choose.

Dong Xuan said in a deep voice: "The Forgotten River was broken and the water flooded the world, causing the 33 days to be unbalanced, and the creatures were overwhelmed. If the demons are allowed to step in again, it will be a devastating disaster for our race. This battle is unavoidable. ."

People in the Star Palace nodded gently.

Congying stared at the Fengyue Book and said: "This book is something that the lady must have. We will never let go, fight!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, "If that's the case, then let's fight. All will come together and get what you get!"

Zhong Jie sneered and said: "Don't even think about leaving anyone present. You must die if you fight or not. Is it so difficult to choose? Kill!"

The big demons behind him roared ferociously, turning into black magic lights and rushing down.

Yang Qingxuan's halberd shook, drawn a golden arc, and bounced it out.

With a "pop", he cut a real-world demon directly in half.


The demon screamed and exploded in the air, turning into large swaths of demon energy and rolling.

These devil qi continued to flow, and was suddenly sucked by the demon knife of a big demon beside him, and poured directly into the knife.

Within that blade light, the figure of this great demon could be vaguely seen, a slash was condensed, and it was cut to the people of the star palace.

The body of the Demon Race is very peculiar. After death, the demon energy will not dissipate, turning into the purest energy, which can be used by the companion.

Yang Qingxuan and the others were all affected by the force that destroyed the world after the tragic fight, and it was indeed as costly as Zhong Jie said. At this moment, under the impact of a large number of demons, there were signs of defeat within a few rounds of fighting.

Yang Qingxuan was also a great demon of a three-star world king, so he could not fight back and was exhausted.

The strength of the demons is still above their estimates.

Shi Yan broke the body of a great demon, and immediately came to Yang Qingxuan's side, and said anxiously: "The situation is not good, Yang Qingxuan, you go first, go back and move the soldiers!"

Yang Qingxuan waved his halberd and said with a wry smile: "Is your lord talking and laughing? How can it be time to go back and move the rescuers now."

He naturally knew that Shi Yan was an excuse, and hoped that he would leave first, lest he fall here.

Immediately he said: "Fighting to the end, I have decided, my lord needn't say much."

Shi Yan sighed, and immediately followed Yang Qingxuan's side, refusing to leave too far, protecting him as much as possible.

Someone from the Wangchuan Shui Clan had already started to flee. They neither wanted to prevent the demon from coming, nor did they want to **** the Book of Wind and Moon, so naturally they refused to bury their lives here. After fighting for a while, they hurriedly fled when they had the opportunity.

Including the three clan chiefs, as well as the strong survivors of the big strong clans, who left after a short while, died dead, not one left.

Yang Qingxuan fought for a while, shocked and anxious in his heart. Although these demons would die, the demonic energy would not dissipate after death, instead they were absorbed by their companions, making their companions constantly stronger.

After fighting for more than half an hour, one-fifth of the demons died, but the remaining four-fifths were made stronger.

There are even some big demons standing directly with their chests, looking at everything coldly.

In the eyes of the demons, it is only natural and normal for the weak to degenerate into nutrients and be absorbed by the strong.

However, most of the human race and Senluo Palace were killed in battle and almost collapsed.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan had a picture in his mind. When he was in the temple of Motu, the scene when Motu received the Ten Thousand Demons, he couldn't help but moved in his heart, stopped the halberd, pinched the tactics with one hand, and sacrificed the Heavenly Motu.

This picture has been used once since the Battle of the Star Palace, and Yang Qingxuan has never used it except for the release of Ten Thousand Demons.

After that, I practiced a few times, and I had a little experience, but because the practice was too evil, it was completely wrong with me, so I kept it on hold.

The magic figure swayed in the air, and a large magic light spread, like a light source, shrouding all the broken void within a thousand miles.

Numerous magical energy hovered from the battlefield and was sucked into the picture.

Even some of the magic tricks of the great demon were stagnant, and a large amount of power was lost and was sucked away by the gods.

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed and kept punching the Jue Seal into it to strengthen the power of the magic map.

Huang Yin and the others were furious and shouted, "With this treasure, why didn't you do it early!"

They gritted their teeth one by one, thinking that Yang Qingxuan did it deliberately.

Yang Qingxuan was too lazy to explain, driving the magic map wholeheartedly.

"My clan's treasure, how can you have it!"

Zhong Jie let out a startled cry, then turned into a radiance and swept towards the magic map.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's figure shook, he appeared above the sky demon map, stretched out his hand to grab it, and a large swath of devil energy rolled on the map, condensed into a huge palm, and slapped it down suddenly.

Zhong Jie screamed, the Yu Xing Huang Dao slashed in the air, and an arc passed by, splitting the giant palm in half.

But the broken giant palm was sucked in by the magic figure along with the arc of the wild sword.

The word "Magic" on the picture flashed, becoming more dazzling.

With a wave of Yang Qingxuan's halberd, Zhong Jie who was charged up was cut off.


Tianxu collided with the barren sword, bursting out large patches of gold and black light, blasting in all directions like thunder and lightning.

Zhong Jie only felt his arms numb, and his body was actually pressed from the magic map by the halberd.

"Damn it!"

Zhong Jie roared and rushed up again.

Yang Qingxuan is another move from Heaven Slashing Seven, accompanied by the flames, "Cracking the sky!"

"One sword swept the world!"


The two sacred artifacts collided again, and the aftermath resembled electricity like snakes, flashing in the void, reflecting the two figures clearly.

Yang Qingxuan's face was calm, with a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth, but he sneered.

He was also injured in many places, and his face was pale because of the exhaustion.

Zhong Jie's face was full of anger and roared ferociously, exploding with boundless anger.

This is the wrath of genius, the unyielding wrath, the suppressed unwilling wrath.


The two weapons separated, and Zhong Jie was shaken down again.

Yang Qingxuan stood on the sky demon map, countless demon qi lingered around and rolled around, but the flames flashed all over his body, the golden light circulated on the halberd, and the ten thousand demons did not invade him.

The powerful demons were all horrified and moved, and they stopped fighting and turned to wait and see.

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