Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1773: Heaven and earth are furnaces, good fortune is work

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, his heart loosened, clasped his fist and said: "The green hills will not change, the green water will flow."

He raised his head and looked at Wu Xian's blue eyes, and said, "Father-in-law, let's go back."

The formation in the blue eyes froze for an instant, and then turned back.

The runes and formations in his eyes kept fading.

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand and turned a piece of lightning, covering all the members of the Zhengxing League and Senluodian, and then turned into a huge lightning disc, which disappeared into the sky in a flash.

Zhong Jie stared at the direction Yang Qingxuan was leaving, his face gloomy.

A great demon said: "Although this trip has been unsuccessful, it is not in vain to get the demon map. Moreover, I have experienced this major event and learned a few important things. It is also a great harvest. As for the competition in the world. , Can’t be anxious for a while."

Another great demon said: "Yes. Terran warriors are still powerful and terrifying. Although the aura is declining, it is difficult to be exhausted for a while. The balance of yin and yang in the star field is broken, and the catastrophe is approaching, which is a sign of the changing sky. The future world It’s really hard to see who is up and down, and everything is in a hurry."

Zhong Jie sighed and said, "I am impatient, let's go back. The things Xuan Tianji said just now, as well as the last piece of Yang Qingxuan and the Four Karma Jade, must be closely watched. These two holy artifacts, either Every birth can change the dynasty and suppress an entire era. If it falls into the hands of Yang Qingxuan, I am afraid we will have no hope."

The demons are worried.

A great demon said: "How to deal with the remaining human races?"

People in the Star Palace such as Huang Yin were shocked.

Zhong Jie smiled and said, "Of course it was killed. Is it to save the New Year?"


All the great demons are sneer.

Huang Yin and others sank their hearts to the bottom.


Between the vast galaxies, there are huge nebulae.

In the center of it, Xuantianji sits vacantly, pinching his hands quickly.

Countless golden runes flew up in the center, and the void slowly turned into an ancient street like an aurora.

From the depths of the ancient street, a figure slowly paced out.

The man looked like a young man of twenty-eight or ninety-nine. He was dressed in a white robe with a dragon embroidered with gold thread, with a gentle temperament.

The white-clothed man looked at Xuantianji and said in deep thought, "Xuantianji, you did it."

Xuantian Jidao coldly snorted, and said, "Well-Wang Chuan wasn't cut by me, so why did you pass it?"

The white-clothed man shook his head slightly and said, "Although Wang Chuan was not truncated by you, the double rankings of heaven and earth are in your hands. If you stop them in time, there will be no imbalance between yin and yang and disasters between heaven and earth. Just because of your thoughts, how much will the common people pay ."

Xuan Tianji sneered and said, "What does the common people do to me? Heaven and earth are furnaces, and good fortune is work. Yin and yang are gray, and everything is copper. It is the Lord of Heaven, when did you become so compassionate and compassionate?"

The white-clothed man said calmly: "I am no longer a heavenly one."

After talking briefly, he said: "In order to test whether the Dinghai God Zhentie is still in the star field, you deliberately turned a blind eye to the dry flow of Wangchuan. If the Shen Zhentie does appear, what do you intend? Don't forget? At the end of Tianhe Town, Shenzhen has been integrated with the eternal sky. If the Shenzhen iron does appear, the eternal sky will most likely appear. Then, in the whole world, who can resist? You are playing with fire and burning yourself."

Xuan Tianji smiled and said, "Why block?"

The white-clothed man was taken aback for a moment, and walked away, leaving only one indifferent sentence, "This broken game depends on how you end up."

He stepped on the ancient street and walked away. The surrounding scene immediately became illusory, and then disappeared, returning to an empty star.

Xuan Tianji looked at the remote place, his eyes flashing.


Xuanxiao descends to the que.

Inside the conference hall of the Zhengxing League.

Everyone was shrouded in a gloom, and the atmosphere was particularly tense.

Although the trip to Wangchuan achieved the ultimate goal of winning the Book of Wind and Moon, the cost was greater than anyone expected.

Hundreds of strong people, ten to nine, only a few realm kings survived.

The power of the Star Alliance is undoubtedly a huge blow.

If it weren't for the last Wuxian to break through the gravity of the plane at all costs, and forcefully crack down, I am afraid that Yang Qingxuan, Shi Yan and others would be wiped out.

Wu Xian comforted the people and said: "The dead are dead, the living should be encouraged. Today's situation has become extremely complicated. In addition to dealing with the star palace, we must also find ways to stabilize the balance of yin and yang. At the same time, we must beware of the monsters and demons. Offensive. Natural and man-made disasters have rushed together, is it really God's will to cut my human race?

Yang Qingxuan said: "The God's will is too ridiculous. I am responsible for this trip, and the adults fall, and the responsibility lies with me. How to act in the future, do you have any suggestions?"

Shi Yan said: "When I can come back alive, it will already be the credit of the leader. I don't need to blame too much. Moreover, the various situations at that time were beyond our control. Although we pride ourselves on the orthodox of the human race, the entire Star Territory The imbalance of yin and yang shouldn’t be borne by us unilaterally. First, we can’t afford it. Second, when the sky is falling, the whole world will naturally bear it. If we want to stabilize the potential energy of this star field, we may have to Start from three aspects."

Everyone in the hall talked softly.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Master Shi Yan, please continue."

Shi Yan said: "The first is naturally the double ranking of heaven and earth. The waters of Wangchuan are dry, and Xuantianji felt it for the first time. If my guess is good, with his ability, there should be a remedy. But this person has a weird mind. Unpredictable, God knows what he is thinking. If you can ask him to take action, naturally it is the best."

"The second thing is what Xuantianji said, it should be the **** treasure of Tianhe Town, which is ranked third on the sacred artifact list. Speaking of which, it is not an exaggeration that this is the first sacred artifact of the star field. The birth process was based on Tianhe, and then transformed into Yin and Yang, and then there was Wangchuan, and finally formed the four seas and thirty-three days and the central world. Tianhe is the core of this star field. And I read the notes, Tianhe water level The imbalance is not the first time. Before the Central Great World was born, the entire sky star domain had only two waters and a few weak planes. At that time, there was a powerful man who was in order to manage the constant imbalance of the waters. Created the **** treasure at the bottom of Tianhe Town and sunk it into the abyss of Tianhe, which fundamentally suppressed the water level. Only then did the stable development of the sky star field begin."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and said: "The **** at the bottom of Tianhe Town was artificially created? Isn't this a congenital spiritual treasure, it was born in the Harmony?"

Shi Yan said: "This material is taken from the innate spiritual treasure in the Hongmeng, and it was created by a powerful man who is recorded as'Yu'. At the beginning of creation, it was not used as a weapon, but only as a holy weapon to suppress the waters. For thousands of years, this thing has absorbed the infinite essence of Tianhe Yangshui and turned it into an eternal god. Later, it was acquired by the emperor of the demon clan, and it was beaten by the invincible hand of the world, suppressing a whole medieval era."

//No more today. One is still outside, I can't write anymore. Second, I would like to change the title of all college entrance examination gold list with one chapter less!

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