Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1775: Strange times, cause and effect

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand, all the crystals gathered in one place, and they continued to merge with each other, making a fine sound.

A large number of golden charms and profound Yin energy were squeezed out, forming a cloud of brilliance, covering all the crystals.

Yang Qingxuan made seals on both hands, and constantly printed runes into the brilliance to promote the fusion of these crystals.

Although the structure of Yuhun is extremely magical and complicated, it is still within "everything" and is analyzed, understood, and reintegrated by Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes.

The whole process lasted extremely long.

A few days later, those imperial soul fragments slowly turned into a sphere and appeared in front of Yang Qingxuan.

There are countless slits in the sphere, which cannot be effectively glued together, reflecting countless obscure light.

Yang Qingxuan frowned, he had tried his best, but he still couldn't return these soul shards to the whole.

Yang Qingxuan pondered for a moment, then raised his hand to cast a radiance, and under the flicker in the secret room, he turned into a jade.

As soon as the stream of light flashed on the jade, the primordial spirit of Mrs. White Bone appeared and fell in the secret room, and said politely, "I have seen the leader."

There was a hint of softness and denseness in the voice, swimming into the bone marrow, which was indescribably comfortable.

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "Madam, I suddenly changed my appearance, I'm not used to it."

Mrs. Bone covered her mouth and smiled: "The former Mrs. Bone is dead. Now I am saved by the leader, so I naturally have to be respectful to the leader. Otherwise, the leader will be upset, and raise my hands and feet, and I will be wiped out. Yes. I naturally have to serve the leader carefully."

Yang Qingxuan covered his head with black lines and said, "Although your body is dead, the realm of soul is still there. In this star domain, there are only a handful of people who can raise their hands and feet to destroy you. Madam, what is this Royal Soul and Jidiyu? What's going on? I heard what the Spirit King said, it seems that these are all spiritual things?"

Madam White Bone looked at the ball of soul guarding, her face was complicated.

After staring for a long time, he sighed, "Everything is God's will. If you hadn't come to Wangchuan to help me become a second soul, I would have been wiped out at the moment. I am grateful to the leader, and I dare not hide it. Concubine. The true body of the body is the set of jade wrapped in the imperial soul. Whether it is more imperial soul or more true jade, I am not sure. Since the birth of self-consciousness, it has sunk at the bottom of Wangchuan In one of the strange spaces, I kept absorbing the essence of yin and water, and finally came out. Later, I also conducted various inquiries and understandings on the Yuhun and Diyu, and understood some causes and consequences."

Mrs. Bone pondered for a while, and said: "The Middle Ages is a very strange era."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, unable to understand the meaning of this sentence for a while.

Mrs. Bone continued: "In the Middle Ages, there were many interesting people and many interesting things. The most dazzling of them was the Great Emperor of the Monster Race who suppressed the entire Middle Ages.

Yang Qingxuan asked in shock: "What about you, is it still related to Emperor Kong?"

Mrs. Bone smiled and said: "Leader, don’t worry, the relationship is a little bit, but not much. But if there is no Emperor Kong, I will definitely not have my bones. Back then, Emperor Kong had risen like a comet, and countless times. The strong were suppressed one after another. True dragons, heavenly phoenixes, demon masters, spirit kings, etc., were all suppressed one after another. Among the worldly strong ones that were suppressed, there were three people who have something to do with you."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "It has something to do with me?"

Mrs. White Bone nodded and said: "One is the Great Demon Bull King. When he was fighting for the position of the Demon Emperor in the sky, he was suppressed. The second is the owner of the Liusha River you have been to, Jing. Third , Is also a very important person, that is, the master of the eighty thousand miles of Tianhe, the marshal of the Tianpeng Water Palace."

Yang Qingxuan stunned: "So, these three people do have something to do with me."

Mrs. Bone said: "The matter of the canopy and the eternal sky is very complicated. The details are probably only known to the people of the year. After the eternal sky was born, he went to Tianhe to take away the gods from the bottom of the town and became a peerless weapon. Naturally. They met the Lord of Tianhe, and the two fought in Tianhe, and the Canopy was defeated. As far as I know, the Canopy later summoned countless Tianhe powerhouses to go to the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain to fight the Eternal Sky. Directly smashed the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain, several interfaces were affected, directly affecting the potential energy of the entire star field, resulting in huge plane changes."

Yang Qingxuan thought of the carvings under the Xuanlong Mountain Range in the northern part of Xuanye Continent.

It was left by the Tianhe Water Division who participated in the Battle of Wan Yao Mountain.

That Sui Si and Yaohou Ba fell from the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain plane, and fell into the Xuan Ye plane that had not yet been civilized and was still in the Primordial Chaos, and finally never returned.

This is also the great opportunity for Yang Qingxuan to obtain the blood of Emperor Kong.

Mrs. White Bone continued: "Later, I don’t know what happened, and the eternal sky disappeared in the star field. But the canopy went directly to the Spirit Race, asking for the imperial soul and the jade, and the method of imperial soul. The spirit king knew nothing about it. The enemy canopy seals the Jade Jade in the most powerful piece of imperial soul, and secretly sinks it into Wangchuan. I want to use the power of Wangchuan’s profound Yin to hide from the sky and cross the sea. That imperial soul has the most powerful spirit king of that generation The powerful sealing method, coupled with the long-term practice of the canopy in Tianhe, was extremely uncomfortable with the Yin Shui of Wangchuan. So I did not notice the whereabouts of Jizhen Jade. So in a rage, he uprooted the entire Spirit Race. This is what The fundamental reason that led to the decline of the spirit race. Since then, the spirit race has lost the method of protecting the soul, and it is difficult to rise again."

Yang Qingxuan immediately linked the causes and consequences of the nine heavenly capitals, and said in shock: "Cause and effect gather, gather the heavens, change the way of God, and have eternal life!"

Mrs. White Bone said: "You know this verse, I'm afraid that you have already been to Tiandu and learned something."

Yang Qingxuan said: "My second piece of causal truth jade, the jade of Tao, I got it in Heaven."

At the moment, I briefly recounted some of the things that happened in it, especially the demon Emperor Kong's soul guarding body.

Mrs. Bone sighed: "Although I knew what happened back then, I never expected that there would still be a piece of true jade left in Tiandu. If I knew it early in the morning, I would not end up like this today. ."

In the words, full of sighs and unwillingness.

Yang Qingxuan said in a deep voice: "What is the purpose of the canopy? It has destroyed this sky, drawn the souls of countless people, and condensed the empty monster."

Mrs. White Bone said: "What the purpose is, I don’t know. The only thing he knows is that he failed. So the entire Tiandu was sealed. Perhaps it is precisely because of the absence of this jade that the four causal jade will not converge. If you succeed, you will not be able to change the way of God and gain eternal life."

//The next chapter will be after 12 o'clock.

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