Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1777: Successful cultivation, out of control

"how have you been?"

"There was another conflict between Nanbian and Xinggong, which was suppressed by several adults."

"Is the leader still quiet today?"

"Yeah. The leader has been cultivating the Book of Wind and Moon for six months."

"The leader is a person of true temperament, and because of this, it is worth following."

Under the cliff of Liaoshen, there was a sound of conversation. Yang Qingxuan has been practicing in retreat for six months, and almost everyone in the world is paying attention.

Suddenly the sky and the earth were cold, and someone exclaimed: "Look, heaven!"

"Why... there are two moons in the sky!"

I saw a bright moon slowly rising under the dark sky.

After Wu Qiyue cultivated the Book of Wind and Moon, the entire Xuanxiao Jiangque was in a kind of energy field of heaven and earth tide.

No matter the day and night, the wind is surging, and there is a bright moon hanging high in the sky.

It was still daylight at the moment, and another round of bright moon rose from the cliff of Liaoshen.

These are two different Fengyue powers.

Repel each other and reflect each other, and at the same time illuminate the earth in the day.

The Fengyue Field Energy on Liaoshen Cliff instantly doubled.

The huge lunar brilliance turned into a whirlpool in the sky, straight into the depths of the sky, and at the same time, it separated thousands of miles of sky.

"It's the power of Fengyue!"

"Has the leader succeeded?!"

For a time, countless people murmured in their hearts and looked towards the sky.


There were already people standing on the cliff of Liaoshen.

Countless powerful people gathered, such as Wu Xian, Shi Yan, Ning Hongru, Ning Qingyu, etc. Thousands of people were all around to watch the void.

In that violent Fengyue energy, there was a black figure moving forward.

Every step is extremely slow, but steady.

Soon, ordinary Wu Xiu couldn't see the situation at all.

The people of the witch family, as well as a large number of powerful realm kings, all display their magical powers to see the sights within Fengyue's energy.

Yang Qingxuan came to Wu Qiyue, straightened her, then sat cross-legged in front of her, stretched out her hands, and pressed her hands against Wu Qiyue.

A piece of yellow light overflowed from the four palms and turned into a moonlight, and there were countless golden runes flashing in it, spreading out, forming a simple field.

Wu Qiyue's delicate body trembled slightly, and there was a light sound in her mouth and nose.

After that, the two of them sat there quietly, and the energy around them was confused for a while, then slowly fell silent and restored to clarity.

Everyone on Liaoshen Cliff looked nervously.

Especially Wu Xian, who has always been calm and calm, his breathing is a bit disordered.

Shi Yan said loudly, "All those who have nothing to do with it, leave. Otherwise, there will be troubles due to too many people."

The sound wave is like a faint water ripple, swaying in the sky above Liaoshen Cliff and spreading to everyone's ears. Perfectly avoided that Fengyue energy, so as not to affect Yang Qingxuan.

Most of the people on the void in all directions dispersed immediately.

The remaining Wu Xiu who wanted to see the ultimate spread also spread to the distance and stopped.

Shi Yan said: "Brother Wu Xian, don't worry. I heard Yang Qingxuan say that at the very least, Qiyue's niece can break the body and save her life. But since Yang Qingxuan has entered, it has proved to be very sure. "

Wu Xian smiled bitterly.

Although you can save your life without worry, as Wu Xiu, especially the inheritance sect like Xuan Xiao Jiangque, and Yang Qingxuan’s wife, if there is no cultivation base, just an ordinary mortal, not to mention the extremely short life span, it is the status and status. , Will also plummet, completely not matching the position she should have.

Shi Yan said: "I don't know how Yang Qingxuan's Fengyue Book is in his cultivation? In six months, in just six months, can he successfully practice a deity art?"

Several strong men are looking at each other, their faces are dull, and no one has a bottom.

Because it's about Tianshen Jue, they don't know much.

Ning Hongru said: "Others may not, but Qingxuan certainly can."

Ning Qingyu and others from the Ning family, Qian Qian, Ning Zhiting and others all nodded firmly.

Yang Qingxuan passed three tests in the Ning family and obtained a score of 296 points. All the people of the Ning family were impressed. No matter how abnormal things happened to Yang Qingxuan, the people of the Ning family would unconditionally believe.

Shi Yan smiled and said: "Yes. Every era is always led by unattainable, even unimaginable geniuses. And Yang Qingxuan is the overlord who wants to lead this era."

Everyone was moved, and they all looked at the figure in the Fengyue energy field.

As if affected by it, Ning Hongru, Wushan and others all stood on the cliff of Liaoshen, pinching tactics with one hand and practicing with closed eyes.

"The profound meaning of the Book of Wind and Moon is to borrow the power of the moon to evolve the avenue. Every person, thing, and thing have a traction with each other. The wind is the lock and the moon is the hook to draw the tidal traction among all things."

Yang Qingxuan muttered in his heart, comprehending the profound meaning of the Book of Wind and Moon, and constantly fused his power with Wu Qiyue.

The quiet moonlight all around rotates under the power of the wind.

The two bright moons in the sky swayed slightly and began to merge with each other.

A strong field energy storm erupted from Yang Qingxuan and Wu Qiyue. Everyone on the cliff of God opened their eyes suddenly and looked at each other in amazement.

The onlookers watching Wuxiu within a thousand miles left quickly to avoid being involved in the energy collision.

Wu Xian and the others looked at each other, and all turned into a escape, far away from the cliff of Liaoshen.

They are not afraid of being involved, but they are afraid that after they are involved, it will affect Yang Qingxuan.

The impact of the two fields of energy turned into a moonlight storm, raging in the sky continuously, blowing in all directions, with countless voids.

The moon shadow under the sky, as if in the water, swaying unrealistically.

The two bright moons just bumped into each other and gradually melted together, emitting a cold and powerful moonlight.

Wu Xian's eyes were blue, staring at that Yuehui, his heart trembled inexplicably, and he shouted, "No!"

Sure enough, the newly merged Haoyue trembled violently and began to separate again.

The terrible tidal gravitational force was released from that separation, impacting in all directions, up and down the void.

Wu Xian panicked: "What to do?"

Shi Yan said solemnly: "Don't panic! You and I can't help, Yang Qingxuan has everything on my own. He can definitely overcome it. If we act indiscriminately, I'm afraid we will add to the chaos."

In the center of the entire storm, Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes, his eyes full of horror and anxiety.

How could the bimonthly that had been merged suddenly lose control?

This change has exceeded his understanding.

And Wu Qiyue in front of her, her delicate body was trembling violently, and the turbulent energy turned into a storm.

Wu Qiyue was not only in extremely bad condition, but the chaotic force of Fengyue impacted Yang Qingxuan, causing great trouble to Yang Qingxuan.


Yang Qingxuan finally couldn't calm down, Wu Qiyue's seven holes began to ooze blood, no matter how desperately he suppressed, he would no longer suppress the out-of-control force.

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