Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1780: The will of inheritance, earth-shaking

Everyone was shocked when they heard this secret for the first time.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Human Emperor Star, isn't it the star of destiny that has existed since ancient times?"

Wu Que showed admiration and said: "You can say the'star of destiny', it seems to know a lot of things. Everyone has their own destiny, and some people have very strong destiny, which can be induced or transformed into stars in the sky. , Is for the'star of destiny'. Since the third generation of Emperor Yuanyao, this human emperor star is different from the star of destiny. He is Yuanyao who refines his destiny star into a device and creates The sun, moon and star wheel. Later, with the breaking of the sun, moon and star wheel, the fragments of this star returned to the sky of the universe. And it is from the original line that every generation of the emperor must be recognized by the emperor. Do you know why?"

Yang Qingxuan asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Wu Que's complexion became solemn, showing admiration, and explained: "Because this star contains the power of Yuan Yao's fate. But Yuan Yao is one of the few people who have been able to fight against the strongest sacred artifact in the ages. One. Renhuangxing represents Yuan Yao's will not succumbing to fate. So he will pass this will from generation to generation."

Yang Qingxuan was slightly startled, and said: "But now that the human emperor star has been absorbed by the sun, moon and star wheel, does this will not disappear?"

Wuque looked at him with a smile, and said, "No, it proves that this will has found its own master. Yang Qingxuan, you are the one who inherited the original will. On the previous Liaoshen cliff, once again obtained the'moon' With the power of the'sun', the sun, moon and star wheels can be repaired."

A light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and said, "Where can the power of'Sun' be obtained?"

Wuque smiled lightly: "The simplest and most direct is Gu Yao."

Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly, and said in deep thought, "But that ancient Yao has become immortal, and it's what the Japanese have gained from Moting."

Wu Que said indifferently: "This requires you to communicate with the Japanese, it will be a certain loss of the original intention of immortality. At the beginning, the original Yao went to the Black Sea and extracted a large piece of ancient Yao power to create the sun, moon and star wheel. Also. It is precisely because of this that the power of Gu Yao is so weak that it will eventually be unable to return to the Lord of the Thousand Realms. There are still several places in the world that have the power of the first sun, but the effect is far less than that of directly drawing the power of Gu Yao. If you find it inconvenient, Brother Yuehun and I can do it for you."

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly said: "No! Master Mo Ting is a teacher and friend of mine, never do anything disrespectful. Let me figure out my own way and see how to communicate. The two adults are here just to tell me About the sun, moon, and stars?"

Wu Que nodded and said: "Almost so. I can tell you one more thing. Although Ziyan Void has existed for a long time, it is the first to refine it. You inherited the Sun, Moon, Star Wheel and Ziyan Void is a person who has completely inherited the will of the original line. Therefore, you are the well-deserved twelfth-generation emperor. I am more optimistic about you in the future."

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved and hurriedly said: "Can the two adults stay, otherwise, with the power of the Star Alliance, they want to fight against the star palace, balance the hundreds of clans, and make up for the yin and yang.

Moon Soul said: "We are not interested in staying. At the same time, I want to tell you a bad thing. Tian Ruqing is afraid that he has already advanced to the nine-star peak and is in retreat to attack the lord of the thousand realms. If he surpasses the other side , Then everything may be rewritten, including your destiny. So there is not much time left for you. The Dao Ying Conference in a year’s time will be an important time point, and you’d better move the Star Palace before that The matter is settled. Otherwise, in this chess game, you will leave the field."

Yang Qingxuan and everyone are horrified.

The Nine-Star Peak Realm King, just these few words overwhelmed everyone.

Yuehun and Wuque glanced at each other, then stood up and said, "We came here to tell the story, and we are also entrusted by that person. Now that the matter is complete, we will leave. Take care, everyone."

Regardless of Yang Qingxuan's efforts to stay, the two went hand in hand.

All the people in the main hall were left with dignified faces, and an unprecedented atmosphere of depression shrouded everyone's hearts.

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's man-made. There is no retreat under our feet. No matter what comes out in the future, I will face it with you."

Everyone said in unison: "I will surely assist the leader, go through all fire and water, and will not hesitate."

Everyone retired one after another, and Yang Qingxuan was left alone, sitting alone in the empty hall, looking up at the sky, all sorts of causes, consequences, and destiny gathered together, all of which had mixed feelings for a time.

Then, thinking about Wu Qiyue's matter and the method of cracking that Yuehun Wuque said, she couldn't help but feel hot in her heart, and her heart was unbearable, and she disappeared from the hall in a flash.


It was night, and the moon hung quietly in the sky, emitting a faint brilliance.

Suddenly, the moon shadow swayed slightly, and where the wind was blowing, there was a powerful energy silently dissipating, and it instantly enveloped the entire Xuanxiao Cangque.

It is the calm and grand power of Fengyue.

All the warriors in Xuanxiao Jiangque were shocked. Wu Xian, Shi Yan and others were standing in the attic discussing matters, and everyone was shocked.

Wu Xian looked down at the entire Xuanxiao Crimson Bridge, his eyes fell on one point, and his pupils dilated slightly.

Shi Yan said: "The power of Fengyue has begun to merge."

Everyone looked weird.

Shi Yuyan, Ziyuan and others, their faces are as cold as water, staring at the bright moon, and their hearts are mixed.

Hua Jieyu smiled and said: "Doing this kind of thing, he can do such a earth-shattering, throughout the ages, he has been the only one."

Zi Yuan said angrily: "Rogue!"

Flicking his sleeves, it turned into a escape.

Midnight's face was dark, he snorted, and then disappeared into the attic.

Du Ruo sneered and said, "No wonder he wants us all to come out. It turned out to be unspeakable, unspeakable."

The moonlight is shining, and the sky is high, with an indescribable style.

The heart is swaying, and the cold moon is silent, reading the red medicine by the bridge, and knowing who is born every year.

"this is……"

As time goes by, day and night are approaching, and the moon is falling.

Suddenly, the bright moon shines, gradually growing, and constantly approaching the ground, shining the entire Xuanxiao crimson like daylight.

As if reaching a certain critical value, the moon shadow moved again, and the wind blew out.

There was no cloud in an instant, only Qinghui was infinite.

For a time, the warriors on the entire Xuanxiao Jiangque felt something, and looked at one direction at the same time.

After Wu Xian was taken aback, showing a relieved expression, he murmured: "Good boy, he broke through to the two-star realm king so quickly."

As his voice fell, the vision that had just occurred was like an illusion.

The energy field between heaven and earth returned to calm, and the bright moon also changed back to its original appearance, shining silently on the earth.

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