Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1784: Who will kill the water level suppression?

"Don't plan to leave? That means staying in this water forever!"

The old man burst out with killing intent, and the Shui Clan behind him was also with awe-inspiring killing intent, staring at Yang Qingxuan and his group, with swords drawn.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "My lord has misunderstood. When I said I didn't plan to leave, I meant to come if I wanted to, leave if I wanted to, and do whatever I planned to do."


The old man yelled violently, and two clusters of light appeared in the palm of his palm, which stretched into black double mace, flashing black light in front of him, and under the pinch of the secret seal, the water within a radius of ten thousand meters surged, and countless spiritual energy and the essence of Yang water gathered together. Come, all pour into the mace.

Countless rules emerged around Yang Qingxuan, and under the coercion of that pair of mace, they turned into circles of wind and waves, swept over his body and washed his body.

The double mace has not yet been sacrificed, it has this power.

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly, turned into a light, and disappeared in place.

The old man laughed strangely, "Haha, the entire Quartet world is under the control of my double mace, still want to escape? Give you a lesson you will never forget!"

The double mace shook in front of him, then he slapped it out and hit somewhere in the void.


The void exploded directly, and countless water surges in it, like a sharp blade, cut one into pieces.

Yang Qingxuan's afterimage turned into colorful fragments, and was scattered into nothingness when washed by the water waves.

The old man's face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "Impossible!"

A voice came from behind, "Nothing is impossible. If there is, you are not strong enough."

The old man was horrified, turned around hurriedly, and quickly pinched his hands.

The double mace in the sky suddenly magnified and rolled up the boundless waves of water, like dragons and snakes, hitting behind one after another.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

But all the water waves exploded one by one in the air and evaporated into water vapor.

A huge flame shot into the sky behind the old man.

Yang Qingxuan's true body was transformed into the fire, and his right hand was slapped forward, and the five fingers held a virtual grip. All the flames immediately gathered in it and turned into a huge fireball, like the sun.

Yang Qingxuan shook his right hand again, and the fireball split into three and pushed it out.

"Sanyang chasing the sun!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Three fireballs were shot out one after another, swallowing the black double mace, all the waves were evaporated under the power of the flame.

The water level of the entire Tianhe River sank directly.

"No! Impossible!"

The old man was shocked, was rushed by the fire, spurted blood, and panicked. Large flames burned from all directions, and he grinned in pain, his heart sinking to the bottom.

The large number of aquatic warriors were even more frightened, and one by one turned into a escape and fled away.


The fifth channel of Tianhe, Hanlan Island.

Inside the Amo Palace.

A large number of Ukiyo-e paintings of Amo people are carved on the dome and all sides, and two holy icons stand in two corners, solemn and majestic.

All the major races gathered in the hall, mostly Amos. Logan sat on the top throne, looking at the people below with a gloomy expression, and the atmosphere in the hall continued to froze with the cold vision.

In front of Logan, five jade slips were placed.

Logan's divine consciousness swept through one by one, his expression was extremely solemn, and he said: "It's the seventh time! The seventh time the water level was suppressed. This is no accident, it must be that thing, is it really still in Tianhe?!"

Discussions immediately sounded in the hall, and everyone looked solemn and talked endlessly.

But no one has a conclusion.

After all, that thing is too legendary, as if it is extremely far away from them, far away from them.

The elder of the Amo tribe, Jibo, handed over a booklet and said: "His Royal Highness, there has been news from all major tributaries recently that many foreign races are going to sneak into Tianhe, and they are all intercepted by us. A total of sixteen cases have occurred. The incident of rushing into the Tianhe River. I'm afraid it was all for that treasure."

Logan glanced around, returned the booklet, and said contemptuously: "It's all some ant races, just kill them all. What I am most worried about right now is the Star Palace and the Right Star Alliance in the Human Race. Tianhe Town bottom Shenzhen is born, they can't be unaware, I'm afraid it will be here in a few days. How should we deal with these two forces coming over?"

Gilber said: "According to our inquiries, this water level imbalance was caused by Yang Qingxuan and others in Wangchuan. The plane of Wangchuan was directly smashed, and a large amount of mysterious cold water gushed out, making the yin and yang imbalance in the sky star field. It has affected our Tianhe. It is almost certain to say that Yang Qingxuan will come."

The Amo people all changed their complexions slightly, and the face and heroic appearance of the celebrity man flashed in his mind.

Logan oozes sweat from his hands and sighs gently to relieve the anxiety and pressure in his heart.

When Yang Qingxuan left, Logan deliberately led him to the "Five Aggregate Fruits", and wanted to use the hands of the master of Xia Qi Lian to eradicate them. At least it would cause Yang Qingxuan some trouble and snipe the growth of this peerless genius.

Later, as expected, Qi Lian's interference directly failed, and Yang Qingxuan won the Wuyun Tree Martial Spirit, which strengthened the power of the Righteous Star Alliance.

And with Yang Qingxuan's wisdom, it is impossible to guess the clues.

This section of Liangzi is closed.

Logan's layout on the matter was right or wrong, and whether he regretted it, he was very conflicted.

Gilber seemed to see Logan's emotions and comforted: "His Royal Highness's actions in those years are not problematic. Our ultimate goal is to dominate the world, after all, to be hostile to Yang Qingxuan. Then set some obstacles and traps for his growth. , Maybe we will get rid of him. There is no problem with this idea."

Logan's inner tension eased a little, and said, "In the end, he still has to meet him. This king will not enter for 33 days in fifty years, but he is coming to Tianhe. I don't know how he has grown. Is it still as terrible as it was then!"

Ji Bo smiled slightly and said, "When Yang Qingxuan left Tianhe, but he had just stepped into the Immortal Dzogchen, now he can see the pinnacle of truth at best. The prince is already the pinnacle of the one-star realm king. Although Yang Qingxuan's talent is scary, the realm king is Below, there are two worlds that don't match at all. The realm king gap is not a talent that can be bridged. The prince wants to crush Yang Qingxuan now, but it is easy."

Logan showed a smile on his face and nodded: "This king also thinks so, maybe we can take this opportunity to obliterate him! Otherwise, it will be even more difficult for him to pass through the barrier of the Realm King!"

A murderous look flashed in Logan's eyes.

The strong in the temple are all chills.

Since the end of the Shura and Adair, Logan used the means of thunderbolt to dominate Tianhe, forcibly suppressed the hundreds of clans, and became the well-deserved overlord of Tianhe.

Compared with the Adair of the year, it is almost the same.

Although there is only one star realm king's cultivation base, the aura of that high-ranking person exudes, even the middle-rank realm king in the hall is shocked.

"Brother Logan, it's murderous. I don't know who Brother Logan said he is trying to wipe out? I just came from the Central World and I didn't hear clearly."

A nice voice came in faintly.

Then the void shook violently, and a figure was thrown out, and was thrown on the hall like a chicken, covered in blood, it was the old man guarding the entrance of Tianhe.

//The next chapter will be later. At 22:30 tonight, the WeChat public account (taiyiss) pushed the self-report of the drop of blood from Yang Qingxuan's body.

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