Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1788: Thirteen thousand five hundred worlds, who are you?

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed and said, "You mean the demons and demons?"

Shi Yan said: "There is also the Star Palace! If the Star Palace has no idea, it will not send the Seven Ghosts to fetch the raft of the sky. The heaven is ruthlessly impacting the Lord of the Thousand Realms, and it is definitely not possible to come in person. And the original power of the Star Palace, He almost lost clean in Wangchuan. Now only these murderers from Xingyuan can be dispatched. I don't know how many murderers can be sent away."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Except for the Star Palace, if any party power can use it to do business after obtaining the Tianhe Town Divine Treasure, I have no objection. Let's look at the attitude of the Tianpeng Water Divine Palace. If they refuse to open it. We will find the door by ourselves."

Shi Yan clasped his fist and said: "Then I will retire first and continue to monitor the light and shadow movement around Xingyao Island, and strive to pinpoint the location of the Water Temple."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Your Excellency has worked hard."

Shi Yan retired immediately.


Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, then collected the Wuji apricot and yellow flag, and started practicing in the secret room.

Tianhe's cultivation environment is extremely suitable for his yang martial arts cultivation.

What's more, the secret room arranged by Logan is the most top-level practice secret room. The fire pearls and the sun-attribute heavenly materials on the walls are all treasures of Tianhe.

Yang Qingxuan breathed in and inhaled a lot of spiritual energy, his body turned into flames and spread out, the whole person expanded several times, turned into a fire person, sitting there quietly.

The formation in the secret room frantically extracted power and poured it into Yang Qingxuan's body for him to practice.

Yang Qingxuan's consciousness sank into Liushahe Master Jing's avenue perception and continued to comprehend and digest.

In the sky above the secret room, a red glow slowly emerged, emitting a radiant radiance across the sky like a rainbow.

Countless clouds and spiritual energy all around rushed into this red glow crazily, forming a faint whirlpool, and all poured into the secret room.

This vision immediately alarmed all martial artists on the island.

Especially those dozens of realm kings, everyone has a very high understanding of the great road, and they were instantly touched, all of them came out of the secret room and looked up in amazement.

"Dao Yi evolves?"

"This Taoist meaning is so strong, is it a high-level realm king?"

Everyone looked at the source of the vision and pointed directly at Yang Qingxuan's practice secret room, all of them pale in shock.

Logan's face was even more bloodless, and Gibb looked at him in surprise, and both of them were frightened.

Jiber trembled even more: "I was fortunate to have watched my Lord Wang's breakthrough. The Taoism of the promotion to the rank king is not so profound!"

Logan was lost for a while, "How did Yang Qingxuan cultivate..."

A large number of martial artists, sitting cross-legged around that Taoist mind evolving, practiced.

These insights were all born of Yang Qingxuan's state of mind, and they were completely integrated into the pure Taoism, and they were at ease, unaware of everything outside.

At this moment, Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly, revealing a look of surprise.

His own Taoism evolved, spreading over the entire Xingyao Island, and even straight into the sky. And just above the endless sky, the power of perception seemed to touch something.

Yang Qingxuan closed his eyes tightly, but the power of sentiment was fully opened, instantly converging everything within a thousand miles to his awareness. Flowers bloom, insects and ants scream, rivers are gurgling, fish and shrimps swim happily, all under perception.

And the power in the sky burst into golden light in perception, as if it were an endless world.

Yang Qingxuan carefully touched the power of perception.

The golden light didn't have any resistance, allowing Yang Qingxuan's power to penetrate deep into the endless space.

"This is... the sacred space? No, it seems something is wrong."

In that golden light, there seemed to be a sense of sacred space, but it was much more complicated. Even Yang Qingxuan's perception of the great road and understanding of the rules of everything at this moment were hard to notice.

"Hey! This is..."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and saw a picture in the misty Jinhui. Above it was a vast mountain of spirits and endless clouds. Amidst the hazy spirit, there was a cliff, a huge mountain like a mountain. The ape sits in golden armor with eyes closed, dragging a robe behind him like a cloud of fire.

"Everlasting sky!"

Yang Qingxuan screamed.

The picture flashed in the air, then slowly burned, turning into nothingness, and a few lines of small golden characters flashed and disappeared on it: How many things are always anxious; the world is turning, time is pressing. ten thousand years is too long, fight for now.

The picture scroll finally burned into nothingness and completely disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan wanted to grasp something, but his heart was empty, as if he had a huge loss.


In the golden light, there was a sound of surprise.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and asked, "Who are you?"

The voice was old and ancient, and asked: "It's weird, I should ask you, who are you?"

Yang Qingxuan looked in the direction of that voice, and it was in the middle of a cloud, as if there was a huge shadow, but he couldn't see it.

The voice was silent, and it took a long time to sigh softly, and said, "It turned out to be just a ray of Taoism and sentiment. It's strange, why can you enter this three thousand and five hundred worlds? You leave quickly, I don't care about you."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and said, "Thirteen thousand and five hundred worlds? What do you mean!"

The voice chuckled and did not answer.

The entire golden world flashed, Yang Qingxuan's Taoist comprehension was blasted out of that world, and he could no longer perceive anything.

On the Xingyao Road, all the colorful clouds and clouds flashed and turned into lotus flowers to bloom, then dispersed into the void and disappeared.

In the secret room, Yang Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes, exploded with fiery golden eyes, looked towards the sky, penetrating the layers of void, and wanted to find the golden world just now, but found nothing.

Yang Qingxuan narrowed the golden glow in his eyes, turning into clear eyes like lake water, but his face was full of solemnity.

Recalling the details just now, the golden light gave him a very familiar feeling, and in the golden light world, there was a vague sense of heaviness of sacred objects, most likely it was the **** of Tianhe Town.

Could it be that Shen Zhen at the bottom of Tianhe Town has been acquired?

Or is that person, the supreme emperor of the Monster Race, the eternal sky?

Yang Qingxuan's heart was ups and downs, no matter how hard it was to calm down.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's brows flashed with sword energy, and large tracts of sword tombs were formed, and they fell in the secret room. As soon as the whole person's mind was gathered, he entered the sword tomb world.

If the people in the Golden Light at the bottom of the river town were the eternal sky, then who was the stalwart figure that he had seen in this supreme heaven?

Yang Qingxuan's divine consciousness spread rapidly in the sword tomb.

With the cultivation base of the King of the Two Star Realm at this moment, and his comprehension of the control of the sword tomb, he has reached an unprecedented level. The power of the divine consciousness, swiftly for thousands of miles, radiates to all directions of the Supreme Profound Sky, and all the void radiates.

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