Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1805: Battle for the Pinnacle (7): Pale World

Yang Qingxuan was holding a halberd, pacing in the air, looking around with fiery eyes.

The whole world was vast, unable to see. His fiery eyes took a huge advantage. When he saw the person in the Star Palace, he slashed over and directly harvested the other's life.

A figure broke through the air, appeared beside Yang Qingxuan, and asked, "What happened?" It was Shi Yan.

Yang Qingxuan shook his head, and said: "Bei Bingjian knows his life and death, and Master Gongyi has disappeared."

Shi Yan said: "The blow just now was terrible. Even if the North Bingji is the King of the Eight-Star Realm, he is in the center of that energy, I'm afraid it won't be able to hold it."

Yang Qingxuan asked: "What's the matter with this pale void now? It seems that all the rules can't be sensed."

Shi Yan said: "The entire world rules have been shattered, falling into a state of nothingness. If it is more serious, the plane will be penetrated. Then there will be a huge plane of gravity falling, and a large number of martial arts will be finished."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. He knew how strong the Great Central World was. He couldn't even imagine how strong the Great Central World would be.

Shi Yan suddenly pushed Yang Qingxuan and shouted, "Be careful!"

As soon as he stepped on his feet, he waved his hand and patted it out with a sharp palm.


A piece of golden light exploded in front of the palm of the wind, and in the huge energy storm, the benevolent sneered and said: "Our victory and defeat are not yet divided, Shi Yan, let's take our life!"

Another piece of gold thread, tied to both arms, turned into layers of apertures in a single shot, stimulating the poem.

Shi Yan gave a cold snort and glanced at Yang Qingxuan, as if afraid that the battle would affect Yang Qingxuan, he turned and fleeed.

Shan Jian's figure shook, and he chased after him.

Yang Qingxuan wanted to help Shi Yan, and ran for a while with the halberd, but they completely disappeared.

In the whole blank space, most of the people were either swept away or shattered to pieces by the shock. Yang Qingxuan found several Wu Xiu in the Star Palace and directly killed them on the spot.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, and saw a figure in a black robe standing in front of him, standing in the sky, hurriedly stepping forward and shouting: "The three big men of Zhang!"

The black robe was hunting, and the golden silk moire on it converged into a "Zhang" character.

Waiting to walk in, Yang Qingxuan suddenly turned his halberd and stabbed it quickly.

The black-robed man was shocked and hurriedly dodged, but his arm was directly cut by Tianxu, and the flame burned the wound.

Yang Qingxuan crossed the halberd again and cut straight away.

The man's face was cold, and he snorted, raised his hand and patted it, and shook Yang Qingxuan and Tianxu out with a "bang".

Yang Qingxuan's body turned a few times in the air before he stabilized, staring at the person in front of him, and sneered: "Sundial! Pretending to be the three great men of Zhang, you don't even need your identity, what about your face?"

There was a burst of blue and white on his face, and he lifted his black robe into the air, and said angrily: "Damn it, pretending to be Zhang San, just to avoid unnecessary fighting. It's purely for your own good. Since you don't appreciate it, just go to death. It’s just that I’m curious, how do you see me through?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "I have fiery eyes and golden eyes, I can see all kinds of things, what ghosts and sprites I can't break?"

After hearing him say that he was a ghost, he was furious, and rushed over with a sharp shout. Make a fist with five fingers and directly display the Xuanwu treasure urn, with the shadow of Xuantuo emerging behind it. The entire Baili Void was all suppressed by this punch.

Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to be careless, Zhang Sundial was a six-star peak powerhouse, only one step away from the high-level realm king, so he turned and left.

"Want to go? Leave this azure dragon body! As long as I obtain the true blood and luck of the other holy spirits, I can break through the current realm with the Holy Spirit!"

There was a poisonous glow in Sundial's eyes, and his pupils stood up like a snake.

He has been stuck in the six-star realm for a long time, and has been studying the secret method of the Holy Spirit, hoping to find a way to break through, but Yang Qingxuan is the only Holy Spirit who has stepped into the realm king over the years.

As Yang Qingxuan is the leader of the Zhengxing League, he has never had a mobile phone meeting. This peak duel between the two factions is the best chance, and even the last chance.

If Yang Qingxuan stepped into the four-star Intermediate Realm King, his chances would be slim.

So Sundial secretly joined the Star Palace faction, not only that, the entire Xuanming Wei family also joined the Star Palace faction.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, feeling the intent of the fists coming from all directions, as hard as iron, as if to destroy all things, the whole person roared, and immediately turned into the guardian of the sand, and also made a five-finger fist, turned into a diamond iron fist, and blasted the past!


Large cracks burst out on the huge sand fist, tearing the entire fist and body apart, and the sand exploded one by one.

These grains of sand are all condensed in the Liusha River, and each grain has a clear understanding of the road, as solid as a diamond, but still exploded under the fist of the sundial.

Zhang Sundial said grimly: "Fist is like iron, even if you are an elemental body, you will be crushed!"

But the heart was extremely shocked. He originally thought that Yang Qingxuan's body of sand would be crushed directly into powder and turned into ashes under his basalt fist.

But the facts were completely wrong. Those sand grains were just exploding one by one, and the huge body was only the ones on the upper arm of the fist that had exploded. The sand on the body was completely fine.


Yang Qingxuanruo was a big body, and was directly exploded by the fist, countless yellow sand surging in the air, instantly condensed into a salon, and flew towards the sky with his head high.

Suddenly a large shadow appeared in the white sky, and the spiritual immortal turtle emerged, opened its mouth, and slapped it at the salon.

Suddenly a huge cyan arm came out of nothingness, and the blue veins were like tree roots, coiled on the arm, sharp cold light flashed on the five nails, it grabbed the spiritual immortal tortoise's head and pulled it violently. .


The spiritual tortoise screamed loudly in pain, and that palm was also patted in the air, sending out countless light waves scattered.

The green beast stepped directly out of the void, hugged the spiritual immortal turtle with both hands, threw it into the distance fiercely, and then slammed it past.


A huge fist struck the Lingxiu Immortal Tortoise's body vigorously, blasting the void directly, and the Lingxiu Immortal Tortoise's body collapsed and fell into a black hole and disappeared.

Sharon whirled in the air and immediately changed back to Yang Qingxuan's true body, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned his head suddenly, carried Tianxu and ran towards the sundial.

The appearance of the green beast is enough to contend with the sundial.

not to mention……

Yang Qingxuan's eyes lit up, and sure enough, a pair of cyan eyes appeared above the Sundial, and countless complicated formations spread out from the pupils, looking down.

Fang's face changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "Wu Xian?!"

A trace of contempt flashed in those blue eyes, "The old man is enough to deal with you ants, how can you use the Sect Master to do it?"

//Today's update will be later. In addition, when the war started, Yang Qingxuan faced a difficult life. Do you think, who will appear with Yang Qingxuan to turn the tide, save the Star Alliance and unify the star field? WeChat public account (taiyiss) and deduction official account (taiyiss) will be pushed at 22:30 tonight. Go and see if you are interested~

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