Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1810: The Battle of the Pinnacle (12): Blood Gourmet


Thousands of people inside and outside the array, all gasped.

Especially the people in the formation were frightened one by one, because Yanru looked at Jian Xiao and the others after eating the good views.

"You, what are you going to do?!"

Jian Xiao's face turned pale, with trembling and fear in her voice.


Yanru stretched out her red tongue, licked her lower lip, and enlightened: "Don't be afraid, the skin is just a pool of flesh. Everything in the world has a process of becoming and degenerating. I just accelerated this process."

Yan Ru raised the trident and stabbed Jian Xiao.

Jian Xiao was shocked, struggling desperately, but the cloud pressure virtual column array was the largest array under the starry sky. Even with his power, he struggled out of the necessary space and couldn't avoid it.

"Damn beast! Even if I blew myself up, I won't let you succeed!"

Jian Xiao roared and let out a long and sorrowful howl, extremely stern and breathtaking.

Countless rays of light rushed to the dantian, the breath in the meridians rolled like ocean waves, and the whole person continued to become transparent.

The nearby Qing Shun, Tan Tai Ming and others were all anxious.

At such a close distance, a top ten suzerain blew himself up, and anyone would be wiped out.

But the suppression of the cloud pressure virtual column is too strong, and they can't get out of the restraints at all.

Yan Ruo looked at Jian Xiao sarcastically, sneered, turned a blind eye to the self-destruction, and continued to stab him holding the trident.

Jian Xiao's face suddenly became sluggish, as if something unbelievable had happened. He suddenly lowered his head and saw that his body was covered by a large cloud of air, and all the spontaneous radiance was stuck. The zhenqi movement in the body stopped completely.


Yan Ru's golden trident pierced Jian Xiao's body at once, stirred gently, a large golden light burst out, turned into a whirlpool, and directly shattered Jian Xiao's body.

Then another long slender tongue shot out, curled in the cloud, and swallowed all Jian Xiao's flesh and blood.

In the white cloud, there was only a scarlet blood, without any trace.

Even Jian Xiao's armor, weapons, storage elements, etc. were swallowed clean, as if this person had never existed in the world, and was completely erased.


At this time, even Yang Qingxuan and the others were pale with fright, a shudder from the depths of their souls.

"Waste, too wasteful!"

Gui Zang stared coldly, the green flames in his eyes jumping, as if thinking about something.

Midnight still kept asking: "What waste?"

The ghost said: "This person only ate matter and energy, and although the most important soul was swallowed together, it was not digested. Instead, it was vomited out with one breath."

Midnight horrified: "You can see this too?"

Gui Zang coldly snorted: "Nonsense! The ghost eyes of this seat can detect the world's spiritual things. This demon is such a waste of soul, what a damn!"

Yang Qingxuan and the others were all looking weird, thinking that there was a monster like this on their side, and it seemed to be more terrifying to devour the soul than the other side devoured the flesh. The fear in my heart immediately eased a lot.

After swallowing a large amount of pills, Shi Yan stabilized his injury, and said in amazement, "Is this person really a human?"

Guizang said: "It shouldn't be. I think his habits seem to be a kind of race in the legend. Yang Qingxuan, what about your golden eyes?"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and hurriedly turned his glaring eyes, looking at the Yanu, under the appearance of the human race, there seemed to be a **** light and layers of scales.

But the aura on Yanru's body is too strong, coupled with the pattern of the cloud pressure virtual column, it is still impossible to see his true body.

Suddenly, midnight's eyebrows flashed with black fire, and behind him, he looked like an elf king, staring into the cloud pressure void, and said in a deep voice: "It's a gluttony! This person is a gluttonous family, and a terrible alien, **** gluttony!"

Hearing the name "Blood Gourmet", a large number of Realm King-level martial artists changed their faces.

Seeing Yang Qingxuan and the others looking confused, Lie Feifei explained: "The gluttony is also a very strong clan in ancient times, but the number is small, although it has never dominated the world, but no one dares to mess with it. As for the gluttony, it is only a legend. The gluttonous family all live by swallowing, tangible things can be swallowed, and then converted into their own energy, as long as they continue to swallow it, they can become extremely powerful. But the tiger poison does not eat seeds, although the gluttonous swallows everything, it will not swallow it. People of this clan. But blood gluttony is different. Blood gluttony is a terrifying existence that even gluttony can swallow."

Yang Qingxuan and others heard that the same clan swallowed them, and they couldn't help but develop extreme nausea, disgust and chills.

After Yan Ru ate Jian Xiao, he walked towards Qing Shun, Tan Tai Ming and others in the forefront. The big guys in the top ten and twenty-four houses were all pale with fright and their teeth trembled.

Tantaiming begged for mercy: "My lord is forgiving, just let me go. I am willing to be a cow and a horse for adults, and I am willing to be driven for life.

As the head of the twenty-four families, so humbly.

But no one laughed at him.

Because after seeing the end of Shan Jian and Jian Xiao, they all fell into a huge panic, especially the people in the cloud pressure empty column, all quietly.


Tan Tai Ming's pleading was of no use, as if a trident stabbed it and ate Tan Tai Ming directly.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "No! If we eat like this, our people will suffer too! We must quickly break this cloud pressure virtual barrier!"

Lie Jifei said with an ugly face: "The cloud pressure virtual column is the largest formation under the stars. The only time it was broken in history was the last Star Palace battle."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise, "What should I do? Where are the three big people?"

Zhang San disappeared completely after breaking away from the dust of Liangyi and turning to the gossip array.

Wu Xian said in a deep voice: "There is no unbreakable formation in the world, it depends on your strength. All of us take action together, I don't believe that this formation cannot be broken. The last time I was at the Shifang Star Terrace, it was also the power of everyone. It broke the big formation."

Lie Jifei said: "The origin of fire can burn everything, but Qingxuan, your strength is still too weak."

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved and said: "I have a way, everyone, help me."

At the moment, flying up to the sky, pinching the tactics with both hands, countless flames flew out from the palm of the palm, condensing a huge fire man from a hundred meters away.

The fire man clasped his hands together, and a fire formation spread.

Aura suddenly surged across the sky, frantically rushing towards the burning man from all directions.

Countless runes manifested in the body of the fire man, densely packed into a sea of ​​runes.

Afterwards, the fireman flew away with his hands, and the handprints of the follower Yang Qingxuan continued to change the seal tactics. The huge body shrank violently, and Wanhuo compressed to the extreme in his body, finally turning into a physical body.

It was during the battle with the North Bing that the fire bone elephant that burst apart was once again condensed by Yang Qingxuan.

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