Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1812: The Battle of the Peak (14): Survival

Many people vomited blood on the spot, but all were ecstatic in their hearts, even weeping and crying.

Under the prestige of Yanru's trident Yin, huge despair and fear attacked them like a poisonous snake, as if there was only a dead end in front of them.


Countless people roared loudly, huge sorrows and joys rippling between heaven and earth.

In the incombustible origin fire, the power of the entire Star Alliance powerhouse was condensed. This infinite Emperor Flame Art, which was as deep as a avenue, finally exerted the strongest power and broke the first large formation under the starry sky.

Wu Xian and others, as well as the powerhouses all over the void, were shocked in their hearts, feeling the vast aura, and watched the great wheel of history advancing under their feet.

After a moment of relaxation, everyone's mood became tense, and there was a sense of murder in their eyes again.

The big formation was broken, but it opened the real battlefield.

The next battle is the core of the whole situation.

The fire shadow in the sky slowly burned, the flame was bright but not fierce, and under the impact of the large cloud, it was directly shocked back to its true body, and fell from the sky.

Amid the collapse of the cloud, a huge and fat figure stepped on the cloud and rushed up, holding a trident.

The halberd light flashed in the air, shooting out a fierce and sharp brilliance, and then inserted into Yang Qingxuan, Yanru's eyes burst into scarlet eyes.

Everyone was shocked.

But the power of the entire Star Alliance was sucked away by the Emperor Flame Art, and Wu Xian and others rushed over quickly, still unable to keep up with Yan Ru's speed.


Suddenly, a sharp blade light shuttled down in the air, emitting a bright moon-like brilliance in the air, slashed on the trident, and shook the attack away.

Yan Ru's face sank, glaring forward.

A complete figure flashed out, holding a knife with a pale yellow glow in his hand, with a cold color on his face, it was Dao Haojun.

"Fortunately, Xi Da reminded me, otherwise this seat has already entered the belly of your monster. Jian Xiao's account of those stupid things, for the sake of being stupid with them, let me settle for them. Got it!"

Dao Haojun's face sank, and his sword aura rose up. When he lifted his hand, a slash that split the sky fell instantly.

"Rampant! A mere seven-star realm king dare to say checkout in front of me, hahahaha, then kill you first, then Yang Qingxuan!"

As soon as the trident in Yanru's hand turned, he slapped the blade light, smashing it, and at the same time stab it forward, three golden lights shuttled up.

Dao Haojun's face sank, and he held his knife in front of him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The three powers hit the knife one after another, and the knife intent on Dao Haojun's body collapsed, and a thin layer of golden light covered the whole person, showing pain on his face, and said in surprise: "Eight-star peak!"

Yanru laughed strangely, appeared in front of Dao Haojun, raised the trident again, and stabbed him down.

Dao Haojun slammed the knife sharply.


When the two weapons intersected, Jin Mang swallowed the sword mang instantly.


Dao Haojun roared, his whole body was cut apart by golden light, and blood burst out.

After only two moves, he was so frustrated that he was extremely angry and unwilling in his heart, and an unyielding will emerged spontaneously, gritting his teeth to withstand the attack.

"Qing Minghonghuang!"

The blue eyes opened leisurely in the void, and the cyan energy rushed out from it, like a huge torrent, with a boundless and majestic aura, blasting the heavens and the fields of energy, reshaping the definition of the original.

As if his eyes turned blood red, he glanced back, clenched his fists, and blew past.


The huge majestic power collapsed, and the blue eyes on the sky burst open.


Wu Xian sprayed a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly paled.

A breath of energy passed through his chest, his ribs broke, and his internal organs were also severely injured.

Wu Xian had consumed a huge amount in the previous battle.

Then he poured a large amount of true essence into the Emperor Flame Art. At this moment, he displayed his final power blow, and he was still invincible after all.

Yanru also shook her body, her arms were swollen by the force of the counter shock, blood spilled out, and then she shrank to normal.

"Hahahaha, a group of remnants of defeated generals still want to fight Pharaoh, why? Hahahaha!"

Yan Ru's red eyes lit up, staring at Wu Xian, licking his tongue, and then teleported to him. With a flick of his tongue, he shot away at Wu Xian.

Wu Xian's Eight-Star Realm King's physical body, and his body is blue, if eaten, it would be more tonic than Shan Jian and others.

"Ha, your sister! Take care of yourself."


A green light flashed in the air, sword energy crisscrossed, cutting the void away.

Yan Ru's tongue shook, and then she retracted, a drop of scarlet blood was in the air.

A wound was cut by Hyakki Yexing.

Yanru's face changed slightly, and a strange ghost cry came from his mouth. A large number of evil spirits crawled out of that little wound and pried his mouth open.

"Huh, what the hell!"

She gritted her teeth fiercely, chewed it up, and quickly ate all the ghosts, then snorted her nostrils and turned into green air.

Oni Zang stood with a sword, and said in surprise: "It's really tricky."

Wu Xian stabilized his injury and said gratefully, "Thank you."

The ghost said leisurely: "Don't thank me, think about how to deal with this ghost. Eight-star peak, tsk, I'm afraid we will be annihilated. If it is annihilated, I will be welcome."

Wu Xian's face was pale, and Shi Yan's face was extremely ugly.

The two leaders of the Zhengxing League, the two Eight-Star Realm Kings were both seriously injured, and there was no one to live in this **** glutton.

Could it be that Tian's ruthless appearance has never been seen before, and all of them will fall here?

The foreign races everywhere in the void were sweating and excited.

If the True Star Alliance were to be destroyed, the entire human race's vitality would be almost destroyed. Even if Tian Ruqing was still alive, there would only be one Tian Ruqing left, and the entire human race was gone.


Yanru spit out a mouthful of green and poisonous sputum, and said grimly: "A group of restless ants, I will eat your leader first, and see when you can struggle!"

The figure flickered, and he came to Yang Qingxuan in a thunderous manner, laughed wildly, and suddenly rolled his tongue.

At the same time, the trident shook in his hand and crossed towards Yang Qingxuan's forehead.



Between the whole world, everyone closed their breaths and fell into a state of extreme silence. Midnight and the others trembled in shock, unable to look any longer.

"Eat me? Why don't you die, rubbish!"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were cold, and the halberd slashed forward.

A piece of mysterious yin air suddenly appeared, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and a white figure appeared floating, palms slapped toward the chest.

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