Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1815: Battle of the Pinnacle (17): Hundred Races Change

"this is……!"

Tian Ruqing was taken aback, and Yang Qingxuan's figure under that spirit power flashed across an infinite distance in one step, across the earth and the sky, reaching the end of time, and everything returned to the market without a place.

The powerhouses around the Star Palace looked at them in amazement.

Midnight squeezed the cold sweat with both hands. In the torrent of this time, even the Golden Bridge on the other side could not deliver people to the end, but she did it!

Tian's ruthless face sank suddenly, "Life and death are broken!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Nothing in this world is impossible, it's all a question of probability. But when you believe in yourself, the probability will be infinite."

The two looked at each other again.

From the infinite distance at the beginning, to the present close at hand.

When Yang Qingxuan's figure moved, he could not wait.

The Daowei Li on Tian Wuqing's body is too terrifying, and there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time.

If the breakthrough comes, everything before, all the people who died, will be wasted.

So Yang Qingxuan couldn't wait any longer, shouted angrily, raised his halberd, and slashed in the air.

Although he still has countless questions and confusions in his heart, they are all pressed in the bottom of his heart at this moment, and he must first interrupt Tian's ruthless promotion.

The phantom light flickered in the air, and five fires poured into it, turning into a golden fire dragon, leaping down with its teeth and claws.


The huge war halberd, coupled with the power of the origin of the fire, blasted three feet in front of Tian Wuqing, and was blocked by a barrier, and the golden dragon was directly shattered by the shock.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and saw a cloud floating in front of Tian Wuqing, surrounding Tian Wuqing, forming a barrier.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Plain Cloud World Flag!"

In front of Tian Wuqing, in a circular enchantment, countless glows radiated, and a small white flag was slowly rotating inside.

Although he blocked Yang Qingxuan's blow, Tian's ruthless expression no longer had the calmness he had before. He stared at Yang Qingxuan coldly, then closed his eyes and continued to feel the way.

Yang Qingxuan walked over the torrent of time that was originally thought to be foolproof and impossible to cross.

Tian's heartless heart throbbed inexplicably.

Suddenly realized that it was not good, he hurriedly calmed down, eliminated his emotions, and fell silent into the breakthrough.

Yang Qingxuan was anxious, this plain cloud world flag could almost exert 100% of its power in Tian's merciless hands. He slashed the past one by one, exerting his full force with every stroke, and he still couldn't shake anything. A slight cloud mark was left on the color barrier.

"Crap! I knew I wouldn't enter the body so soon."

At this end of the torrent of time, Mrs. Bones looked worried.

Originally, she and Yang Qingxuan had an agreement to store them in the Jade Jade, and they would help each other at critical times. They were originally Yang Qingxuan's trump card to deal with Tian Ruthless.

Unexpectedly, being preempted by Yannuo, Madam White Bone directly took the shot and merged into the new body, thus did not enter the void of time with Yang Qingxuan.

At this moment, Yang Qingxuan was alone and helpless, while the members of the Zhengxing League had no ability to reach the end of time, and could only stare anxiously.

After Yang Qingxuan cut a few strokes, he lowered his heart, and the halberd plunged into the void, pinching his hands in front of him.

Countless flames flew out, and the flames spread out.

The fire bone elephant instantly formed between the heaven and the earth, constantly pinching the tactics, absorbing the forces of the four directions.

It was the big array that broke the cloud and air pressure before.

Constantly pouring in the forces of the Quartet, blending into the fire array, and turning into the purest flame power.

The fire bone elephant constantly pinches the tactics to perfect the hand-printing technique.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were determined, his body turned into flames, in a daze.

There was no time, and he had to break the plain cloud border flag. Tian Wuqing's perception of the great road made him more uneasy.

At the end of this time, there is not much power to absorb.

Fortunately, Yang Qingxuan himself had a lot of spiritual stones, immortal jade, primordial artifacts, and even heaven and earth treasures, all of which were thrown into the fire.

Except for a few sacred objects, almost all that could be burned were thrown in.

In the end, the entire formation was integrated into the double palms of the bone elephant, and blasted towards the plain cloud border flag.

"Emperor Flame Seal!"


The boundless flame shook the flag light, bursting into a hot and bright radiance, almost swallowing the entire enchantment.

Tian's ruthless face trembled slightly, still sitting cross-legged.

Yang Qingxuan was very anxious, if this technique of printing could not break the barrier, there would be only one way to explode the holy artifact.

The original fire burns all things, and constantly suppresses the white flag barrier.

Even the energy of the torrent of time was swallowed under the burning of this flame.

But the plain-colored Cloud Boundary Flag is still as stable as Mount Tai. Although there are signs of weakening, it is still insignificant compared to the rate of consumption in Yang Qingxuan's body.

Yang Qingxuan's heart sank to the bottom, is it really going to fall short?

Even if Tian's ruthless body can't be touched, it all fails?

In a trance, suddenly a powerful force came across time, swept the waves in the entire time torrent, and hit the plain cloud border flag.


That power was far above Yang Qingxuan's Emperor Flame Art, shook into the flames, and blasted on the plain cloud border flag, shaking the emptiness of time.

This power has not dissipated yet, yet another terrifying brilliance, coming through the air, is also hit.


Yang Qingxuan's flames all collapsed.

The plain-colored Yunjie Flag finally couldn't hold it, and when it flicked in the air, all the aura disappeared and it fell into Tian Wuqing's body.

Yang Qingxuan was horrified, the two attacks just now were extremely tyrannical, directly crossing the torrent of time, even above the ordinary high-level realm king.

Who did it?

His thoughts were undecided, and several attacks came back and forth through time and space, and the goal was directed at Tian Ruqing.

Yang Qingxuan looked at it with golden eyes, and the people who shot were actually the different races standing around in the void, headed by the two races of demons and demons.

Although Yang Qingxuan's flame did not smash the plain cloud border flag, it shook the time sequence into chaos, allowing the two demons and demons, and the other hundred races to find a gap, and directly attacked Tian Ruoqing.

Yang Qingxuan understood in an instant that these alien races didn't want to help themselves.

It was that they sensed the ruthless horror of the sky, and they absolutely could not sit back and watch the human race give birth to a lord of the thousand realms.

Otherwise, the great situation currently occupied will be destroyed.

"Do not!--"

Tian Ruqing suddenly roared, opened his eyes violently, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, blocking a huge monster power in front.

In Tian's ruthless eyes, endless killing intent burst out.

The Dao Comprehension spreading to the layers of the void world, instantly became chaotic, chaotic, like wrinkled spring water, and like drastic changes in emotions.

Each one is deeply sensed.

The Powerful Demon Bull King of the Monster Race even directly lifted the mixed iron rod and blasted from the air.

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