Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1837: True and false are difficult to distinguish, endless battle

Yang Qingxuan was horrified, just being glanced at by those eyes, as if his mind was taken in.

Yingzheng suddenly shouted: "No!"

Everyone was stunned and lost consciousness for a while.

The next moment, the moment the consciousness recovered, I found that the world had changed, and all of them were on a snowy field.


Everyone was surprised.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly cast fiery eyes and looked around.

But found that it was really a piece of white snow, not an illusion.

Or in other words, his fiery eyes cannot see through the illusion.

How can it be?

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. He knows how strong the Fire Eye Golden Eye is. What's more, at the moment, the four-star realm king has such innocent use of Fire Eye Golden Eye. Although he is certainly not better than Emperor Kong, he can be confused now. His illusion is almost non-existent.

Suddenly, the fiery eyes flashed. Although he could not see through the illusion, he keenly caught the space change, and there was a strange wave of power in front of everyone.

It seemed to be born out of thin air, and then fell to the ground like a retreat, transforming into several figures at once.


Everyone was taken aback.

Those figures slowly revealed their true faces in the misty atmosphere, and came to them with a grin. It was Yang Qingxuan, Midnight, Wu Qiyue, Wu Lin, Su Lishang and Ying Zheng.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly turned his eyes with glaring eyes, and Dou Da's cold sweat dripped from his temples. He felt thirsty in his throat and swallowed with difficulty.

The six people who turned out in front of him, including himself, couldn't see the flaws under the fiery eyes.

What kind of ghostly eye? It's so terrible!

The five people on the opposite side suddenly disappeared where they were.

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "No! Qiyue be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, a golden radiance pierced from the void and slashed straight towards Yang Qingxuan, a large area of ​​space was continuously shattered.

It was actually one of the halberd sky ruins and the seven heavenly swordsmanship!

Yang Qingxuan was horrified, and as soon as the halberd came out, the same move greeted him.


The two strokes collided, exploding a large piece of golden light, shooting in all directions.

The other Yang Qingxuan came out with a halberd from the void, full of killing intent and sneer.

Similarly, Midnight, Wu Qiyue, Wu Lin, Su Lishang, and Ying Zheng are all fighting against themselves.

And Yingzheng's opponent, that Yingzheng was also injured.

Explaining that the phantom self is exactly the same self.

Yang Qingxuan's face was ugly, and he looked at the opponent again with fiery eyes. This is obviously illusion, so illusion should be able to crack after all.

There is nothing in this world that can break the illusion better than the golden eyes.

What made Yang Qingxuan desperate was that the "Yang Qingxuan" on the opposite side blinked and looked at him with fiery eyes.

"Look at your sister!"

Yang Qingxuan was furious, and when he picked the halberd, he rushed forward.

The other party also held the halberd in both hands and displayed the magic wand drop method, fighting with the real Yang Qingxuan.

Two handles Tianxu, two identical people.

Hundreds of rounds of battle in the snowy field, halberd shots all around, after all, it was impossible to tell the victory or defeat.

Yang Qingxuan was anxious and raised his hand to pinch the tactics. The brilliance of the day dimmed immediately, and countless sword souls emerged from all directions, turning into a huge world of swords, strangling toward "Yang Qingxuan".

"Yang Qingxuan" also snorted, pinching the tactics with one hand, and the same Taixuan Sword Tomb came out instantly. The two worlds of swords were madly strangling together, and countless sword auras erupted "boomboomboom".

"How can I fight this?"

Yang Qingxuan felt a chill in his heart, looking at Wu Lin, Midnight, and Wu Qiyue who were fighting with him in the distance. He couldn't tell which one was the real one.

Even Su Lishang, a combatant in the distance, summoned countless corpses, and the other party also summoned countless corpses. Large swaths of the same corpses were mixed together to fight.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly moved in his heart and shouted: "Su Lishang, you kill my opponent, I will kill your opponent!"

Immediately, the figure shook, he collected the sword tomb and ran towards Su Lishang.

Su Lishang was in a rage, he immediately understood after hearing the words, and shouted: "Okay! But, which one is you real and which one is fake?"

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's halberd shook, he killed one of them, Su Lishang, and said: "Whatever! Anyway, it's true or false, I will kill it!"

The other Su Lishang laughed wildly: "Haha. That's right. Anyway, both of you are going to die in my hands." With a wave of his sleeves, a large body of corpses rose to the sky and killed him.

But the next moment, the two immediately made them like falling into an ice cave.

Su Lishang in front of Yang Qingxuan suddenly turned into "Yang Qingxuan."

Yang Qingxuan in front of Su Lishang also turned into "Su Lishang."

The expressions of the two changed drastically, and they immediately understood that in this illusion space, they could only fight with themselves forever, and they couldn't fight staggered.

How can I beat myself?

There is no end to the battle.

"Yang Qingxuan" grinned, and quickly pinched the tactics with both hands, bursting out a large amount of flames in his body, condensing into a bone like fire, pinched out the Emperor Yan tactics and patted him.

"Oh shit!"

Yang Qingxuan couldn't help but explode. The Fire Bone Elephant and Emperor Flame Art were almost one of his strongest supernatural powers. Even if he didn't dare to resist, he turned and flew away.

But the flames in the sky instantly condensed into a huge fire dragon, grabbing it with its teeth and claws.

"Oh shit!"

Yang Qingxuan scolded again, patted casually, and shouted, "Er Gouzi, come out!"

There was a flash of flames at the center of the eyebrows, and a loud bang, and the entire snowy field collapsed directly. In an instant, thousands of miles of space turned into a purple flame void.

The purple flame beast roared and slapped the fire dragon.


The two forces mixed together and turned into two distinct flames.

Above the sea of ​​flames, "Yang Qingxuan" all came out, and also called "Er Gouzi". In the Ziyan Void, an identical Ziyan Giant Beast appeared immediately.

Yang Qingxuan was completely dumbfounded.

Seeing him, the Ziyan Giant Beast was even more furious, and rushed over with a sharp roar.

The "Purple Flame Giant Beast" on the opposite side also went crazy.

The two identical beasts fought together, constantly changing their shapes, and within a few seconds, Yang Qingxuan couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

"It deserves to be the terrifying beast that created the blue-eyed witch family."

Yang Qingxuan looked at the sky of fire, and the exact same self on the other side, suddenly became calm, as if talking to the other party, and as if to mutter to himself: "Fight like this, there will never be an end, until I die. You can illusion everything, Even imitate the power of everything. But can you imitate this thing?"

Yang Qingxuan’s pupils became extremely bright at once, and countless golden glows formed in the pupils, turning into golden eyes, and at the same time, raising his hand, a warm light bloomed like a flower, and the four characters of suffering, collection, extinction, and Tao slowly rose. They are arranged in certain rules in the air, forming strange patterns.

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