Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1851: Open up territory, not seen for many years

In the desert, a sea of ​​sand.

Inside the rolling sand dunes, there is a vast and huge city, with boundless yellow sand surging inside, killing the sky.

Around the city, countless giant-like warriors emerged from the sand, all made up of yellow sand, wearing stone armor with deep eyes, constantly breaking through the defenses of the city, turning into the city, and entering into mass killings.

This is the Intermediate Plane. Wushang City, one of the main cities of the Bardo Realm, gathers a large number of strong human races, but at this moment it is raided by foreign races, and the city is at stake.

In the past few days, a large number of cities in the Bardos have been occupied by aliens, and the main city has been lost. The strong human races of the entire plane gathered in the last city to fight to the death.

If Wu Shangcheng were to be lost again, then the territories of the Human Race in the Bardo Territory would be completely lost.

On the city wall, there is a burly man with a handsome appearance, a high nose and deep eyes, and his hands are constantly pinching.

It is precisely under his tactics that those giant sand beasts are constantly born from outside the city, and under their fists, they shook out a mighty force, shattered large areas of space, and smashed into the city.

"A group of ants actually occupy the resources of the entire Star Territory. I really don't know how to do it. It's a shame to a hundred races. Has the world become so absurd since the decline of the barren race in the Middle Ages?"

The man on him smiled contemptuously, his gaze swept across several stronger figures in the city, but it was only a glimpse of the true peak, and he was vulnerable to a blow under his power.

He didn't even bother to do it himself, as the commander, the sand giants, just broke the city.

Following the crushing force of the giant sand giants, the masses of deserted people began to occupy the entire city, and they shouted, "Long live Master Yanxiu! Long live Master Yanxiu!"

The man smiled softly, his eyes flashing hot.

Now that the star field is unstable and the hundreds of races are in turmoil, it is a good time to expand the territory and cut the land through war. With his cultivation base of the Five-Star Realm King, it is very possible in this era of great turmoil.

It can even open up a wider territory than the Xutianyu, not only to restore the prosperity of the desert tribe in the Medieval era, but also to become the greatest deserter in the history of the desert tribe.

The drill was excited, and the hands of the Secret Seal flew up, accelerating the attack of the giant sand.

Countless dust and sand flying, accompanied by the screams of the sky, all of this will become a trivial figure behind his huge ambition.

The darkness and killings on the battlefield continued, and there was an inexplicable anxiety and anxiety spreading in the city.

Yan Xiu suddenly frowned slightly, as if something was wrong.

The screams in the Huangsha were all humans before, but now there are a lot of screams from the deserted people, and they are very sad.

Yanxiu was suddenly shocked, fixed his eyes and looked into the city, only to see the giants of sand, somehow, from attacking the human race, into an indiscriminate attack, and even attacking the desert race directly behind.

The warriors in the Huang Clan also had red eyes, attacking each other, turning a blind eye to the Human Clan.

This change shocked the human races in the city inexplicably, and was also surprised.

"How could this be?!"

Yan Xiu's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "No! It's weird, who is it? Who is it that is secretly shooting, come out!"

Yan Xiu was extremely jealous. Under the perception of his Five-Star Realm King, there was still someone who could secretly make a move. It was obvious that this person was so strong that he was never below himself.

At this moment, in the city full of yellow sand, a large cloud of mist appeared inexplicably, covering the entire city.

Then, in the center of the fog, within a vaguely trance, a huge eye appeared, exuding Xu Xu Qinghui, staring at everything.

For an instant, Yanxiu was stared at by those blue eyes, and he lost his mind and sank into the endless abyss.

"Not good! It's the Eye of Fantasy!"

Performing and repairing the horror, under the even number of quick pinch, countless golden rays of light floated out, like nothing fine sand, covering the whole body, twisting and tearing the surrounding illusions.

In the next moment, he appeared on the head of the city.

After all, the practice is a existence that has survived millions of years, and it is also a deserted royal family, this generation of deserted masters, well-informed.

After falling on the head of the city, he dared not look at the blue eyes anymore, but folded his hands together, and the violent breath poured out from his body.

The whole body rolled up the yellow sand in the sky, forming a huge wind whirl, as if it could smash everything in the world, and slashed towards the center of the mist.


There was a strange voice from the man in the fog, and he was surprised that Yan Xiu could resist the Eye of Fantasy, but there was a loose feeling in the voice, as if he was not interested in this wind attack.

Afterwards, a huge brilliance rose slowly from the mist, like the first sun, the earth was still on the ground.

The performance was full of horror, and a bad premonition emerged spontaneously.

"Six suns open the sky."

The early sun condensed in the air, and directly divided into six. Under the swirling rotation, a huge storm of light swept out, and quickly turned into a flame knife of light, and slashed against the huge sand.


Within the endless brilliance, thousands of flames were born, completely suppressing the violent sand.

The brilliance shattered the space and fell, instantly turning the head of the city into a sea of ​​fire, burning all the yellow sand.


The sea of ​​acting and repairing Qi rolled, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Under the flame knife of light, the meridians all over his body seemed to be chopped up, and the terrifying flame power poured into his body, as if he was about to incinerate himself.

What made him even more shocked was that this power was also the power of the Five Star Realm King.

He is also a five-star, and the other party is also a five-star, why is it crushed?

Can't even take the other party?

Yanxiu looked in horror, all the flames in front of him suddenly converged, and the fog disappeared, and a black figure appeared in the clear world.



The acting was terrified, and when he recognized the man in front of him, he couldn't help being panicked and panic.

He will never forget the face in front of him in his life.

Back then, in the Xutian Realm, it was just a member of the original Martial Realm, and the ants that could be crushed by just flicking their fingers, after experiencing dreamlike growth, have become one of the most powerful men in this world.

Yang Qingxuan's clear face was reflected in Yanxiu's horrified eyes, making Yanxiu a trance.

The immature face at the time of Xu Tianyu, the sharp face at the time of Wushu in the sky, and the face at this moment as calm as a lake, the appearance of the three points in time gradually merged into the peerless heroic appearance in front of him.

Yanxiu recovered himself, stabilized his injuries, gritted his teeth and said, "It's you!"

Yang Qingxuan nodded lightly, showing a slight smile, and said, "Master Acting Xiu, I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here without problems."

An inexplicable panic surged in Yan Xiu's heart, and said, "Do you remember me?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Back then, in the Xutian realm, I was fortunate enough to fight an adult. Thanks to the adult's guidance, I benefited a lot."

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