Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1858: The color is the same as the sky, Wuyue Mountain

The gaze of the Great Demon Bull King looked around, and everything in the palace was exactly the same as before the destruction, without the slightest change. He couldn't help but increase his confidence in Xuan Tianji, and the attitude on his face became more respectful.

The three of them walked into the hall, Xuan Tianji stopped, his handsome face turned upright, and said directly: "Demon Bull King, if you don't speak secretly, I will tell you straightforwardly. Here comes the monster race. , Is to win you over and join me in the Dao Ying Conference. I will use your power to deal with the heaven."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked. Although he had guessed the purpose of Xuan Tianji here, he was still shocked.

The face of the Dali Demon Bull became extremely solemn, walking back and forth in the hall, seeming a little anxious, and asked in a deep voice: "Who is the heaven?"

Yang Qingxuan was startled and hurriedly pricked his ears to listen.

Xuantianji smiled slightly, his eyes were as deep and brilliant as a sea of ​​stars, and slowly said, "No one is the heaven, and anyone can be the heaven."

The Dali Demon King frowned and said, "Speaking of people!"

Xuan Tianji smiled bitterly: "Since the age of the Martial Spirit, this world has become a bit strange. The ten most powerful martial spirits, like kings, suppressed all the martial spirits, and became an unattainable existence. Among them is a martial soul, the world only knows its name but does not know its method."

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and he was surprised: "Look is not different from the sky! Is the sky the owner of the same sky?"

The Great Demon Bull King frowned. One of the ten most powerful martial arts souls is not different. He has also heard of it, but this martial arts soul is the least known in the description. It seems that no one knows this martial arts. The power of the soul, and the owner.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "You should not live in the body to give birth to the mind, you should not live in the fragrance and touch the law to give birth to the mind, you should have no place to live in the mind."

Dali Demon Bull King almost burst into flames in his eyes, and shouted frantically: "Talking!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "This passage is the only description of'the color is not different from the sky' in the materials that have been handed down. I have searched for information on the ten great martial arts in Xuanxiaojiang and Xinggong. Only this martial arts, description Very few, and all kinds of unknown."

Xuan Tianji smiled and said: "No need to guess, you two will see it soon, maybe you will like this Wuhun."

The Great Demon Cow hummed, "I haven't promised you yet."

Xuan Tianji looked at Dali Demon Cow King, smiling silently.

Dali Demon Cow's face twitched, and he hummed, "Well, even if I promise you, what are the benefits besides saving Ali?"

Xuantianji pondered: "Actually, dealing with the heavenly is the greatest benefit. Otherwise, if I and a few other people are eliminated in this Dao Ying Conference, then there will be no one in the entire Dao Ying who can contend with the heavenly one. Dali Demon Bull King, once as the top powerhouse in this star field, you should know something about Tao Ying, right?"

Dali Demon Niu Wang Meifeng frowned, and said: "I have heard that, in order to suppress Gu Yao, King Yin Wu was the leader and gathered together some overweight boys to form an organization. This organization has been in a long time, There will be flashes of deeds from time to time, but it is still extremely mysterious and I don’t know what I’m doing all day.

Xuan Tianji looked at the Great Demon King, his eyes suddenly became as deep as the sea, and slowly said: "If I tell you, the purpose of King Yin Wu's establishment of Dao Ying, although it was to deal with Gu Yao, it was even deeper. After dealing with Gu Yao..."

At this point, he stopped suddenly.

Yang Qingxuan's heart shuddered and hurriedly asked, "What's after Gu Yao?"

The face of the Great Demon Cow changed drastically, and he said in shock: "Could it be..."

Xuantianji nodded.

Dali Demon Bull King stood there blankly, his mouth wide open, with a trace of horror.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

Xuan Tianji smiled mysteriously and said, "You don't need to understand, just follow us and rush forward."

Yang Qingxuan: "..."

Xuantianji's eyes flickered, and he said solemnly: "You go to the Senluo Temple and call out Madame Bone. This meeting is extremely important to you, and it is even directly related to your life and death, and even the life and death of your parents."

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank suddenly and said in surprise, "You have news from my parents?"

Xuantianji nodded slightly and said, "Isn't your mother caught in the space-time storm? As for your father, no one in the world can find any news about him. I think about it, he should be there. That's right. , I also want to have another thing, you have inherited the Holy Spirit technique, you can go to Wuyue Mountain, where was the site of the Sundial."

Yang Qingxuan asked hurriedly, "Where is my father?"

Xuantianji smiled and said, "When the chance is here, your father and son will meet each other naturally." Xuantianji clasped his fists and said, "Two people, let's take a step forward."

After speaking, the figure suddenly became indifferent and slowly disappeared into the hall.

With a solemn look on the face of the Great Demon Bull King, he glanced at Yang Qingxuan and waved: "No."

The huge body shook, and disappeared in place, and the shaking hall shook.

The two great abilities left one after another in an instant.

Yang Qingxuan was full of thoughts, "What the hell... after Gu Yao? Didn’t King Yin Wu leave Liuyun, Hidden Linyu and Xuantianji to suppress Venerable Heaven and Earth? Is there anything hidden in this? Where is my father? ?"

"Mom, two big silly guys, half talking, hesitating!"

Yang Qingxuan was full of anger, paused, and muttered to himself: "Wuyue Mountain? Could there be anything?"

After groaning for a while, he waved his hand and sacrificed a small Wanlei magneto-optical disk, which turned into a thunder light and disappeared.


Extremely cold, Wuyue Mountain.

Three feet of freezing, heavy snow flying, the mountain peaks hidden in the clouds, it is very unreal from a distance, like a secret realm, covering up unknown secrets.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge stone mansion, and the four hundred-foot-high statues in front of the mansion are all covered in ice and snow, making them unrecognizable.

In addition to the statue, there are dozens of figures, active in this extremely harsh environment.

These people were pale, wearing white robes, covering their bodies.

As the wind blew, the skirt fluttered, revealing a thin and terrible posture.

Some people have feathers of various colors, like birds; some people are covered with a hard shell and rickety; some people are covered with scales or fluff, which looks very strange.

They were running infuriating energy, constantly attacking the gates of the Shi Mansion, and the heavy bombardment sounded like a death knell, resounding in the wind and snow.

"Brother Yuchen, how long is Xuan Xuan going to hold on!" A young girl did not participate in the attack, but hugged another young girl tightly.

The girl called Xuan Xuan had no blood on her face, her body was covered with red feathers, her whole body was trembling, her breath was disordered but powerful.

"Aning, hold on for a while! When this door is broken, we will all be saved!"

A young man shouted loudly, his hands covered with cyan scales, desperately bombarding the gate of the stone mansion.

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