Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1879: Battle of Taoist Shadow (18): One Hundred Thousand Sanskrit Music

Within the star dome, the vast and majestic great power, vigorous and not chaotic, flows around the Xuantianji, and merges into its body little by little, making it a thousand-world body.

Zhou Yuan convulsed suddenly, and shouted sharply: "Damn it!"

With a sudden beat with both hands, those eight ancient bells, under the dazzling sound waves, the eight ancient bells are changing rapidly, and powerful golden light constantly emits and shoots out the Sanskrit sound from the bell, and the shape of the bell is also ever changing.

Knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, yue...

The supreme body of destiny is the holy artifact of intangible form, which can be transformed into all forms.

Suddenly, these artifacts disappeared, and countless plane phantoms spread.

The sky couldn't open his eyes violently, "Is this the body of the highest destiny? What's the matter, it is actually the power of the plane?"

Those planes totaled twenty-four galaxies, and after spreading out, they gathered in an instant, turned into a golden longge, and flew into Zhou Yuan's hands.

Ge moved upstream with a blue light, piercing straight ahead, and twenty-four galaxies emerged in the sky, continuously superimposed and merged, and turned into a plane, spreading endlessly, suppressing the entire universe.

Tian couldn't wait for everyone to be shocked by blood and blood. Yang Qingxuan even vomited blood and kept backing away.

The sea of ​​blood above the double rankings of heaven and earth set off magnificent waves, constantly bursting, and the sky couldn't spray blood likewise, and the breath fell sharply.

But still opened his eyes violently, fighting all his true essence and using the heaven and earth double rankings to resist the endless plane.

Dali Demon Bull King, Ghost Zang, Lady Bone, and Moon Soul Couple, under this unmatched mighty force, all tried their best, knowing that they couldn't do anything.

As the King of the Five-Star Realm, Yang Qingxuan was already very difficult to maintain immortality under this terrifying power, let alone resist.

Large swaths of blood burst from the dragon, and Yang Qingxuan was full of bitterness.

No matter how you practice, your cultivation will never be enough.

They were already five-star realm kings, still like ants, unable to control their destiny.

Tian's sentiment on the whole body was destroyed, but it was continuously integrated into the body, silly and realistic, and at the same time moving forward.

"Damn destiny!"

Tian ruthlessly roared, thousands of sword aura burst from his body, and the entire Supreme Profound Sword Tomb continued to descend into the void to confront this face power.

At the same time, Xuan Tianji folded his hands together, lifting his breath to the extreme, and the unparalleled force swept out and swept towards that Zhou Yuan.


Under the agitation of the two forces, all around Zhou Yuan transformed into a figure.

There are monsters, seas, humans, and other strange-looking powerful men.

Each of them was bloodless and had been dead for a long time, but they contained extremely surging power, and they surrounded Zhou Yuan with a certain array rule.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, "Twelve Origins?!"

Ignorance, action, consciousness, name and form, six places, touch, feeling, love, taking, being, birth, old age and death.

The life and death of sentient beings move forward in the birth and death of the twelve dependent origins.

Previously in Xiaohuaguo Mountain, the Xuantian Ji, who was still a taboo at the time, used this trick to deal with Xuanyinzhu.

Zhou Yuan's face was cold, holding a golden battle Ge, like the ruler of this square star sky, coldly hummed: "Twelve Origins?"

Looking at the corpses, they were all powerful men who had appeared in this star field.

There were even a few Dao Ying who died directly in the hands of Zhou Yuan.

But soon, the number directly exceeded twelve.

It continues to increase.

Zhou Yuan's face changed drastically.

Xuantianji suddenly separated his hands, pinched Jue Jue's seal, and a bright light shined through his eyes.

"Four mindfulness, four positive diligence, four wishful feet, five senses, five strengths, seven enlightenment factors, and eightfold path are thirty-seven qualities."

Gui Zang said in surprise: "Thirty-seven Taoism? No wonder, no wonder he has the power of great power!"

According to legend, in the universe, there are thirty-seven kinds of cultivation methods that can be used to comprehend the Great Dao, which are thirty-seven Taoists.

Each of the thirty-seven corpses slowly opened their eyes, raised their hands to pinch the tactics, and turned into a golden light.

The whole body seems to be spiritual, becoming a full golden body, and at the same time the hand prints are photographed and connected in the air to form a vast Sanskrit seal.

Yang Qingxuan looked horrified, only to see that at this moment, countless rays of light fell from the void and turned into golden Sanskrit characters, and a figure of the avenue appeared in it, suppressed on the face phantom.

"Boom! Boom!"

Huge whirlpools continue to burst into the void, like a river of stars, endlessly.

Xuantianji's complexion did not change, and with the cultivation base of each life, he made a seal, a total of nine seal lotus flowers, and dispersed in the air.

"One hundred thousand Sanskrit Sounds!"

Xuantianji snorted softly, and the lotus flower floated, turning into countless golden rain Sanskrit sounds, submerging this universe into a vast ocean.

Thirty-seven Taoists transformed the golden body, photographed a vast number of Sanskrit characters, spreading endlessly, and together with the great figure and 100,000 Sanskrit sounds, they suppressed this world of extinction.


In this sea of ​​100,000 Sanskrit sounds, there is the ruthless Taixuan Sword Tomb, the double ranking of heaven and earth, and the joint efforts of Mr. Xi Da, the Great Demon King and others.

The entire star plane collapsed again, transforming into a twenty-four star field scene.

Zhou Yuan's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Impossible!"

With another wave of Jin Ge, the twenty-four star field turned like an illusion, filling the entire universe.

But in the Sanskrit Sea, the stars are disillusioned, and the common people rise and fall.

The twenty-four star field landscape continued to crumble.

"No! Impossible!"

Zhou Yuan finally panicked. With a wave of Jin Ge in his hand, it turned into an invisible form again, and the twenty-four star fields merged into it, forming an invisible sea, and rushed away.

"Boom! Boom!"

The energy exploded in the void.

Every explosion shook the boundless galaxy, and the plane shrank continuously while disillusioning.

"no, I can not!"

Zhou Yuan was full of amazement, his power had been completely suppressed by such forces as the Sanskrit Sea, the Heaven and Earth Double Rankings and the Supreme Profound Sword Tomb.

The thirty-seven dao fame golden body was urged to the extreme, and finally a statue exploded, turning into countless golden petals, floating in the air.

Xuantianji stepped on the next step, and the whole person turned into a golden giant, walking among the petals.

Heshi's hands suddenly separated, and his right hand grabbed Zhou Yuan and slowly said, "Everything is over."

With the golden palm, under the flip, if the mountain of Xumi has no outside, its small has no inside, suppress it.


"Do not!--"

Zhou Yuan let out a stern roar, and his black robe exploded in an instant.

With a flash of aura, it merged with the twenty-four star regions, and constantly fought under the golden palm of Xuantianji.

"Yang Qingxuan."

Xuantianji suddenly whispered, "The body of this destiny is transformed by the twenty-four star regions, and my strength has reached its limit."

Yang Qingxuan was startled and didn't understand what it meant.

Xuantianji looked at him, suddenly smiled, his five fingers grabbed the fate of the day, and a sea of ​​100,000 Sanskrit sound came from all directions, turning into a Taoist seal, and imprinted on the fate of the day.

All this was done in an instant, and then he patted Yang Qingxuan with a palm.

"You can only use your body to seal him."


Yang Qingxuan was horrified, and only felt that his whole body was hot, and the boundless Jinhui followed Xuantianji's hand and poured into his body.

"Bang! Bang!—"

Yang Qingxuan's meridians and acupuncture points kept bursting, as if he couldn't bear this power.

"Don't worry. You have the Four Noble Truths of Cause and Effect and the brand of Tianhe Zhenzhen, plus this double ranking of heaven and earth, in the world, only you can suppress him, the twelfth generation of Emperor Emperor."

Tian couldn't be covered in blood, and looked over with peaceful eyes.

The vision of the thirty-three days had long since dissipated, and the huge plane of the double rankings of heaven and earth was gathered into a scroll, which was held in the hands of the heaven.

The scroll flew up and headed towards Yang Qingxuan.

Dali Demon Bull King, Guizang, Tian Wuqing and others all watched this scene quietly, each with a solemn expression, but unspeakable sadness.

"The sky can't be adults, Xuantianji, you..."

Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled suddenly, and there were countless cracks on the huge golden body of Xuan Tianji, which began to drift away little by little, turning away into dust.

There was an eternal smile on that clear and handsome face, "Everything that works is like a dreamy bubble, like a fog and electricity, so you should watch it the same way."


After showing the last smile, the huge golden body shattered and turned into a boundless golden rain, like this sky full of stars, scattered into the universe.

//No more today. Because the plot has just ended, I need to sort out my thoughts later, and don't want to rush into writing. After reading the comments, some readers said that the protagonist should show his face too, so he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and was shocked. As for Xuan Tianji, he controls a trace of great power, and his spiritual consciousness is immortal. In the end, he still has a goodbye to Yang Qingxuan.

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