Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1888: Beaten into a pig's head, the chaos is subdued

"Little Lord!"

Jiang Dan watched in horror. When the palm fell, he flew forward to rescue him, but the more dangerous thing was the Emperor Flame Art which was struck down by the law of fire.

Two evils are the lesser of power.

In desperation, he had to deal with the Emperor Flame Jue first, and with a single move, he smashed the Emperor Flame Jue condensed by the origin of fire.

At this moment, the giant palm guarded by the sand had already blasted Ning Xiefeng's face, slamming it into the boundless earth, and continuously "rumbling" sinking.

After Yang Qingxuan's move, he collected the flames and sand, and stood alone in a black robe.

The entire Ning family and the thousands of people I saw were stunned.

Even Ning Xiefeng, who was defeated by Ning Hongru, was beaten in the face with a single move, and was shot into the ground without a trace?


Although everyone had great expectations for Yang Qingxuan, they did not expect to be so perverted.

Jiang Dan glanced at the earth fault, glared at Yang Qingxuan, and shouted, "Death!"

With a wave of his sleeves, a red glow appeared between his five fingers, and under the flicker, he pressed towards Yang Qingxuan.

The countless small blood patterns in the red light flashed and spread, and the entire void was shattered, and the breath of death spread rapidly.

A golden light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes and frowned, "Nine-Star Realm King?"

Ning Xiefeng, who was against the Seven Stars, could be effortless, but Yang Qingxuan had no bottom with the Nine Star Realm King.

With his hands together in front of him, it turned into boundless brilliance in an instant.

Thousands of golden lotus fluttered in the air.

As soon as the tricolor flag appeared, it formed a mirror-like enchantment and protected it in front of Yang Qingxuan.


The red light hit the flag light barrier, bursting out a red light wheel like a star wheel, and the crushed three flags flew around, disillusioned.

Yang Qingxuan furrowed his brows deeper, knotted his hands and punched into the three flags.

The flag light rotates in the air, and it also spreads out a halo of different colors to contend with the red light.

But after all, the flag continued to shrink, and Yang Qingxuan's resistance became increasingly difficult.

As everyone knows, at this moment, Jiang Dan's inner shock has reached the point where it can't be added.

Above the realm king, there is one star every day.

In the animal husbandry realm, one can smash the six-star realm king by raising his hands and feet, not to mention the six-star realm king, even the eight-star realm king may not be able to contend for so long with this move.

Jiang Tan took a breath, and thought to himself that this child must be killed, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Those who can occupy a place in the animal husbandry area are all the world-famous powerhouses who have fought out from the major star areas of the entire Southern Universe, and have an extremely deep understanding of various geniuses.

The man in front of him is really a genius a little weird. If he doesn't get rid of today, he will be a trouble in the future.

Immediately he shouted, condensed his palm again, a red light flickered in the palm of his palm, he bullied his body and patted the tricolor light barrier.

"It's still too reluctant to fight against Jiuxing. Let me kill this stupid-hang."

Inside Yang Qingxuan, there was a cold sneer from the ghost hiding.

The sword light flashed and the boundless ghost aura spread out.

Yang Qingxuan frowned lightly, printed the three flags together, and collected all three banners.

Jiang Dan was surprised, and he felt a power that destroys the world and the earth broke through the emptiness. Various illusions flashed in front of him, and a huge ghost green ghost sword was condensed and cut straight down.


There was a cold drink from the sword.

Jiang Dan was horrified, and said in incredible horror: "Nine-Star Realm King?!"

The power from the sword is not under him at all.

And the other party suddenly appeared, suspected of a sneak attack, and did his best. The sword was cut down like a mountain collapsed, and the rumbling shock rushed towards him. There was no way to escape.

Jiang Dan gritted his teeth fiercely and could only accept it. He also shouted, putting his hands together in front of him, and then separating them again, and he slapped Baigui Yexing abruptly.


The ruby-like light engulfed in Jiang Dan's hands, and took that shot down.

The powerful energy exploded in an instant, and the endless red light and ghost energy agitated at the same time, slashing into the void on all sides.

At the same time, Jiang Dan trembled all over and was injured by Jianguang. He squirted out a lot of blood, and then sucked a large amount of ghost energy into his body, his face paled, and then he turned pale green.


Amidst the devastating energy riot, a sneered sneer came.

Then the ghost shook and turned into a body of a hundred feet tall, solid in the world, with murderous eyes, staring at Jiang Dan, sticking out a long scarlet tongue, and licking his lips.

Jiang Dan's face was white and green, and his heart kept beating, although the injury on his body was not serious, and the ghost energy inhaled in his body would not have much effect on him.

But the appearance of the ghost, the powerful aura that exudes, is not under him at all.

If the two are fighting life and death, the one who is afraid of death is most likely to be himself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dan's face became extremely ugly.

Gui Zang stared at Jiang Dan and kept licking his lips and tongue. He naturally saw that Jiang Dan had extraordinary strength and supernatural powers. He wanted to eat this soul, fearing that he might be hit.


There was a roar in the broken ground veins.

"Damn little beast! I'm going to kill you!"

Ning Xiefeng’s voice came from below, and a powerful brilliance burst forth. As Ning Xiefeng rushed to the ground, there were also 13 nebulae that suddenly converged under the seals of Ning Xiefeng’s hands. Pressed madly in the direction of Yang Qingxuan.

"Die! Damn beast! How dare you hit me, ohh, dare you beat me, damn! Damn!"

Ning Xiefeng's entire face was swollen like a pig's head, swelling more than doubled, and it was all full of congestion, completely deformed, and could not be recognized at all.

If it hadn't been for everyone who had seen this Xingchen Jue just now, then he would have thought that another person would come.

"Huh. Silly-hang!"

Gui Zang glanced down, then raised his hand and took a photo directly.

"Young Master, be careful!"

Jiang Dan was horrified, rushing to the sky, his body was wrapped in a layer of blood, and his tyrannical aura spread. If the ghost hides a killer, he will directly attack the ghost hide, and he will definitely be able to severely inflict the opponent.

But Gui Zang's palm stopped in mid-air, but the ghost energy in his palm turned into a vast array, and the suppression of "Rumble" was on the Star Art.

Then he flipped the palm of his hand and pushed it towards Jiang Dan.


Thirteen nebulae, one after another disillusioned and burst into pieces.

Ning Xiefeng discovered with horror that he did not know when such a terrifying figure appeared, and the power of crushing the Star Jue Formation was quickly transmitted to his body. It was shocking that he spewed blood like a broken kite. Fly out.

The palm of Gui Zang and Jiang Dan is an understatement, just expressing the meaning, telling the other party that they want to attack themselves, it is absolutely impossible.

Jiang Yan looked gloomy, and when he turned in the air, he caught Ning Xiefeng who was shaken off, and landed far on the ground.

At this point, the entire Ningjia realm became silent and there was no sound.

From when Yang Qingxuan appeared to when Ning Xiefeng was beaten into a pig's head, and then he was beaten to vomit blood, it was only an instant effort.

The invincible look of innocence and arrogance turned into a blood-spitting pig's head at this moment. The time is so fast that all the people of the Ning family can't react.

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