Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1898: Unmatched power, abnormal changes in the pool

The entire Lei Chi Void seemed dead for a moment.

Yang Qingxuan also opened his mouth wide, "Ah" stupid, the two methods of thunder, heaven and earth? It feels difficult to contend with one law, heaven and earth, and two appear at this moment. How can they fight?

The horrified voices of Lei's parents from all directions continued to be heard in Yang Qingxuan.

"Impossible! Even if the seven-star high-ranking realm king goes down, unless the talent is terrifying, it is impossible for two dharma heavens and earth to appear."

"Second elder, I remember that when you retreat to the Queen of the Eight-Star Realm, it was the first time you went down to the thunder pond. At that time, it was the two deities of heaven and earth, right?"

"Um, it's a nightmare. The first time the old man Eight Stars descended into the Lei Pond, it touched two Dharma celestial phenomena and ground, and they were directly exploded, ruining the foundation of martial arts. The cultivation level is still eight stars, and he hasn't improved a star. "A stocky old man in a green robe, his eyes are gloomy.

Among all the voices, the harshest is Lei Ping's ridicule, "Hahahaha, I won, I will win, haha."

Lei Qu's face was dull, and Dou Da's cold sweat rolled down from her temples. He was very confident in Yang Qingxuan. At this moment, his confidence collapsed. Is he really going to lose?

At this moment, countless thunder lights gathered in the Taikoo Thunder Pond and condensed into a tall figure. The pupils that shot the thunder looked down and burst into space.

Yang Qingxuan: "..."

Lei Qu: "..."

Even Lei Ping, who was laughing wildly, could squeeze a watermelon with his mouth open. All the disciples of the Lei family, including Shihua, were on the spot, and their brains were a little bit overwhelming.

The law of three thunder heaven and earth? !

This is the vision that the Eight-Star Peak Realm King can only appear when he stepped into the Thunder Pond!



In the blink of an eye, the thunder pool exploded again, and there were actually two thunder and lightning surgings, both of which transformed the fourth and fifth thunder laws into heaven and earth. Under the thunder sea surging, the field can stack and climb.

The five dharma celestial phenomena and the earth, the huge bodies blend with each other to form a huge circle, which completely surrounds Yang Qingxuan and the fire celestial phenomena.

The terrifying thunder waves spread out, forming a huge thunder energy ring, covering the sky above the law of fire.

Just because of the power of the Thunder Energy Ring, Yang Qingxuan felt that the Law of Fire was about to fall apart in half, and shouted in anger, "Master Lei Qu, what is going on? Isn't this going to kill me?! "

Just breath can't hold it, how can you fight?

Lei Qu himself was stupid. The five thunder laws of heaven and earth, only the powerhouse of the nine-star pinnacle, or even the existence of a thousand realms, can all transform the vision. How did it come out in front of Yang Qingxuan?

These five law of thunder, let alone Yang Qingxuan, even if Lei Qu wanted to suppress it, he would have to spend a lot of effort.

When he brought Yang Yunjing to here, he first entered Lei Chi, but he was just five dharma, heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yunjing's son actually enjoyed the same honor as Lao Tzu.


Lei Ping burst into tears and said with ecstasy: "Head, just give in, otherwise this kid will really die."

Lei Qu sighed, his heart was so bitter that such a weird thing had happened, so God wanted to lose by himself.

Just about to save Yang Qingxuan, suddenly, there was an abnormal change in the pool.

The thunder energy ring buzzed, and Wan Lei stirred up, as if calling something.

Thousands of Lei family disciples all had their hearts beating wildly, and all their faces twitched and twisted. The ink cloud-like thunder and lightning tumbling on the pool surface were exactly the same as the previous signs of the formation of the heavens and the earth, could it? impossible!


The thunder pond exploded again, and a figure bathed in thunder light appeared between the sky and the earth, shaking the surrounding area.

Without waiting for everyone to react, there are three more spaces bursting with strong field energy, and the thunder snake rushes up frantically, condensing into three thunder laws, heaven and earth.


Great earthquakes in the world, obscure changes in the thunder sea, and illusions of all things.

In an instant, all the thunder and lightning elemental powers were transformed into fierce beasts, rushing to the nine dharma, assimilated and absorbed.

Above the entire sky, the Primordial Thunder Pond disappeared, leaving only a tossing ink cloud, and all the energy gathered on the nine dharma heavens and earth.

"Nine, nine, nine..."

Lei Qu was horrified, his throat seemed to be stuck by something, and his hands moved up and down, completely speechless.

Lei Ping was also stupid.

Thousands of Lei's children, petrochemicals were on the spot, there was no thinking in their heads, and they couldn't move at all.

The entire thunder pond is completely transformed into the nine dharma celestial phenomena. This kind of vision, let alone someone experienced it, has never been recorded even in the history of all ages.

For a while, everyone became extremely quiet.

There was only a huge thunder and lightning roar, and the nine celestial phenomena stood there and merged into the void. Only the thunder energy ring formed by the superposition of power and power, crushed the celestial phenomena of fire to almost shattered.

Yang Qingxuan's face was extremely pale, and the blood in his body was violent, and the eternal burning body felt unsustainable, and he was about to burst open at any time.

"Master Lei Qu, play with Mao, I won't play anymore!"

Yang Qingxuan yelled desperately, this is still a hairy, the Nine Lightning Laws, the sky is like the earth, if you make a random move, he will be crushed.

This is the ultimate transformation of the Primordial Thunder Pool, and the huge thunder energy ring above is the ultimate thunder energy field.

Under this vision, countless disciples of the Lei family have begun to make breakthroughs in large numbers.

Even the elders were filled with crazy thunder and lightning surges in their bodies, showing signs of breakthrough, one by one was shocked.

Lei Qu shouted: "Save the Emperor!"

As he said, he waved his hand, offering a ten thousand thunder magneto-optical disc, and the whole person turned into a purple thunder again.

If Yang Qingxuan died here, it would really have stabbed the sky.

Not only did the human race collapse, the hundreds of races rebounded, but also a large number of enemies were provoked, and the thing that was sealed in Yang Qingxuan's body did not know what would happen.

All the consequences were beyond the reach of the Lei family.

The other elders also immediately realized the seriousness and hurriedly took action.

Countless Yin Jue sprang up, suppressing in the thunder sea.

But everyone's moves were perfectly shocked back when they touched the huge lightning field energy.

Even the Wanlei magneto-optical disk can't break through the barriers formed by the nine thunder laws of heaven and earth.

Lei Qu was really anxious now, and his heart of death was gone. He watched the nine thunder methods, heaven and earth pinch the tactics in the sky, and thunder star storms formed from his hands, crushing towards the center Yang Qingxuan.

"your sister!"

Yang Qingxuan yelled in horror, "I'm just here to cultivate, why is he going to die here?!"

Without waiting for the nine lightning storms to sweep over, it was just the huge lightning energy ring shrouded in the sky. The lightning energy suppressed it, allowing the law of fire to completely disintegrate, breaking into a little fire element, and disappearing into the void. on.

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