Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1905: Shot again, nine dharma, heaven and earth

"this is……"

Lei Qu's face changed drastically, and under the shining of countless thunder lights, he looked a little pale, and said in an uncontrollable trembled: "Lei Chi...Lei Chi transforms spirits?"

Lei Qu couldn't be more familiar with the breath of the sky and the earth.

If Lei Chi is really transforming spirits, then between Lei Chi and Yang Qingxuan...

Even if he couldn't mobilize Lei Chi to transform the spirit, let Lei Chi help him fight, then the relationship between the two was already obvious.

Lei Qu was shocked and angry. What was shocked was that Yang Qingxuan really refined the Lei Chi. What a terrible thing is this, and this is exactly what is angry. Then Lei Chi is afraid that from now on, Lei Chi will no longer belong to the Lei family. Up.

Wan Zhao screamed, folded his hands together, and countless secrets appeared on itself.

In an instant, the golden seal shined again. He wanted to break through the giant hand of thunder. The weight seemed to increase more than ten times. The "rumbling" sank, crushing the grip of the thunder hand a little bit.

Lei Chi Hualing's pupils shrank, opened his mouth, and spit out a flash of lightning, shattering the void and leaving.

Evening Zhao separated his hands and grabbed forward at the same time. The left and right hands appeared in black and white, and they joined in front of him again, forming a vague, repetitive Tai Chi rotation.


Lightning struck the Tai Chi, and it exploded to pieces immediately, without hurting the evening photos.

In addition to the Shangbao Qinxin Heart Rake and the Backtracking of All Things, the Canopy Water Temple also inherited thirty-six magical abilities, all of which are extremely mysterious.

Lei Chi's spirit-changing pupils burst open, and he roared, the lightning all over his body flowed like a waterfall, and the same avatar was formed between the "crash", and in the blink of an eye, another, third, fourth...

However, in an instant, there were nine thunder laws in the void, flooding the entire universe.

The scene was exactly the same as when Yang Qingxuan entered Lei Chi that day.

The nine thunder methods, the sky and the earth, each pinch the tactics, and take pictures of the night.

The huge golden seal was pushed into the void again by the law of thunder, slowly disappearing.

In the evening photo, a slap with both hands, the Tai Chi pattern instantly turned into a radius of a hundred feet, covering a small half of the void.

"Boom! Boom!"

A series of thunder palm prints hit the endless Tai Chi pattern, and the trembling void shattered, and the sky was full of thunder.

The disciples of the ancient domain stared in horror and horror.

They are not unfamiliar with the power of the Primordial Thunder Pool, and they are very familiar. The thunder and lightning that burst out not only harm them, but also benefits them tremendously.

As long as you don't get hit by lightning that surpasses your own power too much, you basically benefit a lot.

The core high-level members of the Lei family were stunned. For countless years in the Lei family, whether it was seen in person or recorded in ancient books, they never knew that Lei Chi could transform into battle and possess such terrifying power.

Suddenly, Lei's family was pleasantly surprised one after another, and even cheered.

The previously broken confidence, once again condensed, it is still my Lei family who is powerful, and that is, my Lei.

Only Lei Qu continued to sink his heart into the bottom, and his face became more and more ugly.

He became more and more convinced that the Taikoo Lei Pool had been completely refined by Yang Qingxuan. Looking at the clear and unrestrained, yet calm face on the void, there was a mixture of flavors and unspeakable complex moods and tastes in his heart.

In the void, the black and white Tai Chi picture finally couldn't stop Wan Lei's constant bombardment, and began to be clicked through.

Evening Zhao looked anxious and shouted: "Brother, come and help me!"

Qingtian wanted to take back Shangbao Qinxin Rake. As soon as she thought about it, she found that Lei Qu was full of thunder, as if affected by the field energy of the Taikoo Lei Pond, the power on Lei Qu and Wan Lei’s magneto-optical discs suddenly increased and began to have back pressure His posture.

Qingkong shouted: "Sister, come down quickly, we will join hands to deal with these thunderous objects!"

The evening photos also saw the state of the clear sky, and suddenly collected the true essence, abandoned the Tai Chi defense, the figure instantly turned into a hundred in the air, and fleeed one after another.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were full of surprise and admiration, and the thirty-six magical changes of the Canopy Water Palace really deserved its reputation.

But where thunder is, there is no limit.

A large piece of thunder was transformed into the air, and countless dragons and snakes appeared, filled with the anger of the ancient thunder pond, and roared at those clones.

"Boom! Bang!—"

The avatars of Wan Zhao were caught and broken, and the void was full of potholes of energy.

Under the horror of the evening photo, when the last clone was shattered, it finally landed beside the clear sky.

When the two stepped on their steps, they changed their shapes in an instant, each pinched the tactics with their hands, and drew a circle on the void. In an instant, the two figures almost merged into one, and behind them, they transformed into a strange law, heaven and earth. .

Both Yang Qingxuan and Lei Qu's expressions changed drastically, and they said in surprise, "Tian Shen Jue!"

A strange power spread from the hands of the sky and the earth, rushing into the field of all things, and all the thunder lights seemed to stagnate for an instant.

Even the rules of time and space have begun to go back to the truth.

Lei Qu and Taigu Lei Chi were extremely shocked. Under this power, they completely dissolved their power, and all the energy in the entire universe returned to a calm state, turning the shock and conflict into nothingness.

But at this moment, that Fa Tian Xiangdi stretched out his hand again, and Shang Bao Qin's heart became huge, and he hit Yang Qingxuan directly.

In the heart of the clear sky and evening, Yang Qingxuan was far more terrifying and dangerous than Lei Qu.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and under his hands pinched, the two-color brilliance of gold and silver overflowed in his palm, as if everything were growing.

Then two plane-like ripples oscillated around and intertwined, forming a large area of ​​mountains and rivers, flowers, trees, and trees, which was full of vitality.


Qibao Qinxin rake hit the world double list.

The terrible light spread rapidly, and everything annihilated wherever it passed.

Lei Qu was horrified and roared: "Run away!"

The sound was thunderous and blasted in the ears of every disciple of the Lei family.

The senior officials and elders of the Lei family hurriedly took action, forming a barrier of thunder to resist the terrible destructive power born under the collision of these two holy artifacts.


The internal organs of the barrier were agitated, and many of the Lei family disciples vomited blood on the spot and were shocked.

But fortunately, Lei Qu offered ten thousand thunder magneto-optical discs, which, like the last thunder pond riot, formed a large enchantment and guarded the entire ancient realm.

Lei Qu's heart trembled. Wanlei magneto-optical discs are the core sacred artifacts of the Lei family. Under the artifacts of Shangbao Qin Rake and Heaven and Earth Shuangbang, they are constantly trembling, directly spreading out the peculiar Thunder Field energy with visible ripples. .

The entire Lei family disciple felt this fear from Wanlei's magneto-optical disk in horror.

Afterwards, the scene in the enchantment flickered, and the thunder and fire technique behind Yang Qingxuan suddenly collapsed and shattered.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and spouted a mouthful of blood, backing back and forth in the void.

But with every step back, he stepped on the wonderful rules of heaven and earth, and the aura on his body rose instead of diminishing, rising steadily as he retreated.

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