Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1912: Blade of the Moon, Xing Hao Stone

Seeing Yang Qingxuan's incomprehension, Yu'an groaned, then reached out and grabbed it, countless rays of light flashed, condensed into a long silver blade, translucent, flowing blue luster, like a liquid, exuding sharpness Of mans.

"This is the Blade of Shayue."

Yu'an stared at the silver blade with dignified eyes, and slowly said: "It is an improved energy storage artifact, reaching the level of the sacred artifact, but it does not contain the world and can only store energy. It can be used after the energy is full. You can use it once, you can't use it before it's full.

"This Momentum Blade contains 35 percent of the energy."

Yu'an's eyes were full of regret, and then he threw it to Yang Qingxuan and said, "Here you are."

Yang Qingxuan took the Blade of Moment Moon, full of different colors, looking at Yu'an's appearance, he attached great importance to Blade of Moment Moon, and if this was the only way to break the energy barrier, how could he give it to anyone casually?

Yang Qingxuan took the Blade of the Moon in his hand, the seemingly cold and thin blade, but it was very important and could sense the huge energy of its seal.

Yu'an smiled and said: "If you take out this blade of the moon, it is worth at least 1.8 billion stars."

Yang Qingxuan asked, "What is Xinghaoshi?"

Yu An was stunned, looking at Yang Qingxuan with a weird expression, and said in surprise: "You, isn't it the first time you have come out of your own star field, right?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "It's the first time."

Yu'an opened his mouth wide and looked unbelievable, "No wonder. Then you are mostly from a remote star domain. In some powerful star domains, you have extremely frequent connections with the galaxy teleportation array. The teleportation channels intersect and stably, as long as there are boundaries. King strength can cross the star field and travel the universe. And in some relatively remote star fields, because the number of transmissions is small, the channel is unstable, and the strength of a high-level realm king is needed, otherwise it is easy to be dangerous."

After a pause, Yu'an smiled again: "For example, you, although you have the strength of a high-ranking realm king, you still went on a business trip and fell into the land of Nirvana."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "You metaphorically said that I am a hillbilly? You haven't answered my question yet."

Yu'an chuckled and said, "No, no, it's because it is difficult for the strong in the remote star field to cross the universe, so the strong from the remote star field usually have a superb cultivation base and can often crush our big star fields. The same-level existence that came out. Just like you just dealt with that Shi Zuo, it was crushed by one move, it was terrifying."

Yang Qingxuan smiled quietly.

Yu'an also said: "Xinghao Stone is one of the basic currencies in this universe, and it is also a kind of Star Stone. There are many levels of Star Stone. Xinghao Stone is one of the most advanced levels. All traded items are settled by Xing Hao Shi."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Xing Hao stone? Don't you need spirit stone?"

Yu'an said: "Lingshi? By the way, it should be the ore in the ordinary star domain that has absorbed the heaven and earth spiritual stone. In fact, this is also a kind of star stone. You must know that the power in the universe is mostly emitted through stars. . No matter the sun or the moon, it is a kind of stars. And the growth of all things is to evolve and regenerate, all relying on the power of the stars. So the star stone is the most basic currency. You mentioned the spirit stone, show me ."

Yang Qingxuan took out some top-grade, top-grade, and middle-grade spirit stones.

Yu'an glanced at it and pointed to the top-grade spirit stone with a smile: "Sure enough, it is a kind of star stone. From the perspective of its rank, it should have four levels. For Realm King Wuxiu, it is still useful. The rest are just It's too rubbish, it's not worth any money at all. And Xinghao Stone is an eighth grade star stone, one of the most widely circulated high-grade star stone in the universe."

As he said, stretched out his hand, a golden spirit stone appeared in the palm of his hand, turned into a radiant blast and shot away.

Yang Qingxuan stretched out his hand and grasped it, and immediately felt the vast energy in it, which was far more powerful than the best spirit stone, and he couldn't help being surprised.

Yu'an looked at Yang Qingxuan's astonishment, and smiled: "And the moon-shaking blade in your hand is worth 1.8 billion Xinghao Stones."

Yang Qingxuan was even more astonished, saying: "It's so precious, why did you give it to me? Could it be to thank me for saving my life?"

Yu'an frowned, and said, "Acknowledgment for saving my life is not counted. After all, my life is more than just this little money. Because this Moonlight Blade doesn't have much effect in my hands, it's better to give it to you. She fell silent, and said again: "In fact, this Moon-Shaking Blade is not mine. It was found in the land of Nirvana. My Moon-Shaking Blade is here."

Yu'an grabbed it with five fingers, and a very similar weapon appeared in his hand, the same shape, but with some subtle differences in the handle and line, and the blue light flashing on it, which was much more energy than the handle in Yang Qingxuan's hand.

Yu'an looked a little dull, and sighed: "I don't know when I will die here and be picked up by others."

The voice was full of loneliness and even a hint of despair.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "So pessimistic?"

Yu'an said: "If you want to fill up this Momentary Blade, you need hundreds of high-level Shi Yanshi."

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and he took out the spar that he had previously killed Shi Zuo, and said, "This is Shi Mingshi?"

Yu'an looked at the blue spar with a beautiful gaze, and said bitterly, "Exactly. You belong to the sixth-order Shizuo, and belong to the middle-rank Shizhu stone. I want to fill it with a middle-rank Shizuo stone. It’s full of the Blade of the Moon, and I don’t even know how many. Although the Blade of the Moon cannot be used until it is full, once the blade is full, as long as there is a Star Realm King’s cultivation base, you can play the Thousand Realms. A blow from the Lord. Can you imagine the value of the Blade of the Moon? Some high-ranking realm kings from big families come here to fill the blade of the Moon in order to make money. A full and full blade of the Moon is worth 10 billion Xing Hao stone. And the ones that are not full, according to the degree, are only half worth. The handle in your hand, only 35 percent, is worth about 1.7 billion, and the Blade of the Moon is worth about 100 million. There are also disciples from the aristocracy, in order to reduce the difficulty of the trial, they will also purchase these unfinished Blades of the Moon from the world."

Yang Qingxuan looked at the silver blade in his hand and murmured: "A hundred high-level Shi Yanshi, so, I'm still about sixty-five?"

Yu'an said: "Theoretically, but the cultivation level of high-level Shizuo is also different. Some seven-star Shizuo's Shizuo stone is weaker, while eight-star or even nine-star Shizuo is higher. Generally speaking, it is almost the same. This number." After a pause, Yu An said again: "In fact, Shi Yanshi is also very valuable. There are also high-priced purchases on the market, but generally there is no market."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I understand. It is actually possible to obtain the power of the Lord of the Thousand Realms through this method. Tsk tsk, it is really a magical place of experience."

In Yang Qingxuan's eyes, lustre, desire, and excitement flashed.

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