Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1916: The only face I saw in my life


The first golden shield, before being hit by the sword light, could not withstand the pressure of the sword and exploded by itself.

Then the "bang-bang-bang" explosion continued, the second side, the third side...

Song Min kept backing away in panic, the golden shield in front of him condensed and shattered, condensed and shattered again.

Finally, after the sword light shattered hundreds of metal shields, it was finally blocked, shattered into a bronze glow, and scattered into the void.

Song Min's face was extremely pale, shocked and angry.

Gao Yaokun even set off a storm in his heart. He originally thought that Yang Qingxuan could block Song Min for a while, and then he sought an opportunity to sneak attack, kill Song Min, and then kill Yang Qingxuan.

Unexpectedly, Yang Qingxuan was able to split Song Min's metal storm with a single sword, causing Song Min to rush and panic.

Who is this kid?

Can not only kill people across layers, but also fight across stars?

This is rare among the children of the great family who possess various sacred objects and supernatural powers.

Song Min was even more horrified. Looking at the hundreds of swords floating around Yang Qingxuan, the aura that radiated from them was a peerless divine sword, and there were not a few holy artifacts. This is simply not something ordinary families can handle. Even for a family of big lords like their Song family, they are afraid that only the most core heir disciple can get such a supply of resources.

Is this kid's identity...

Song Min trembled. Although the Song clan was a wealthy family and ruled several star regions, there were still giants in the southern universe that the Song clan would not dare to provoke.

"It must be! This kid must be a disciple of those giants! And the most core disciple!"

Cold sweat oozes from Song Min's forehead, he suddenly turned around, and under the shaking, it turned into a golden glow and left.

Yang Qingxuan was stunned. Originally thought Song Min would counterattack more violently, he left without a word?

Gao Yaokun took a breath even more and didn't understand why Song Min wanted to escape. Although he fell short of one move, he was still far from telling the outcome. This was not Song Min's behavior at all. Song Min must have discovered something.

Thinking of this, my heart was even more horrified, turning around suddenly and fleeing.

"Don't let him run!"

Yu An emerged from nowhere and yelled abruptly.

Needless to say, Yang Qingxuan had already noticed Gao Yaokun and his killing of Wei Qin. He sneered, and his body shook like an electric flash, blocking Gao Yaokun's path, looking back with a sword.


Gao Yaokun stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a black helmet appeared, like a bear claw, he fisted and blasted, shattering the sword light.

Without waiting for Yang Qingxuan's second sword, Gao Yaokun hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Friends, you and I have no grievances and no grudges. Just now we were fighting against Song Min together, but we are in the same hatred. Speaking of it, there is the friendship of fighting side by side. anxious."

Yang Qingxuan was speechless and said, "Your Excellency is so thick-skinned that you have only seen it in your life. I will also give you a chance to leave everything behind, or you will die."

Gao Yaokun was frightened, and there was a sense of absurdity in his heart. A junior seven-star calf threatened him in the late Seven-star stage. If it hadn’t been for seeing Yang Qingxuan injure Wei Qin with a sword, and another sword to repel Song Min, he was afraid. Just kill someone directly.

At this moment, I had to endure my temper and continued: "As the saying goes, rely on your parents at home, and rely on friends when you go out. One more friend is one more way. Why bother with friends..."

"Your mother- so long-winded!"

Yang Qingxuan became impatient, and under the wave of his hand, the Ruins of the War Halberd Sky appeared, and the sky was shaken in a flash, before slashing in the air.

Gao Yaokun was furious, and roared: "Don't think you have many sacred artifacts, I am afraid of you! I just killed you, grab some sacred artifacts to play!"

With a shot of the helmet forward, five circular energy **** appeared side by side, merged into a huge light ball instantly, and shook the past.


Under the impact of two forces.

Tianxu directly smashed the light group and hit the helmet, bursting out a large fire.

And Yang Qingxuan's body was also shocked by the collapse of the light ball, and the flesh was constantly torn out.

However, the ten must-see formations engraved on the body were immediately activated to counter the energy storm and minimize the damage.

Gao Yaokun's pupils shrank, staring at the Battle Halberd Sky Ruins, and the formations emerging from Yang Qingxuan's body, endless, endless, offensive and defensive, and his face even more ugly. He gritted his teeth and said: "Boy! Don't think I'm afraid of you, I'm just I don’t want to lose both sides. The old man has been here for more than five hundred years. There are countless Shizuo and warriors who have died in my hands. Even the eight-star and nine-star realm king, the old man has been killed."

Yu'an yelled: "Don't let him go! This person is one of the most cunning old foxes in the land of Poni, and countless people have been killed by him. He must have plenty of resources for us to continue. Live."

Gao Yaokun roared: "Little boy! The old man regretted not being the first to kill you!"

Yu'an made a grimace and stuck out his tongue, "Slightly, come on, come kill me."

Gao Yaokun was furious and found that his true essence had begun to be disordered, and was immediately suppressed by Yang Qingxuan's halberd for a few points. He was shocked and hurriedly calmed down.

Yu'an immediately began various curses, stimulating Gao Yaokun, the angry Gao Yaokun’s face was blue and white, but there was no way, and the true essence was in a state of uncertainty, and was finally penetrated by the phantom light of the halberd. A little bit of pressure on the body, split a large piece of flesh and blood.


Seeing that Yang Qingxuan had the upper hand, his moves changed, and he suppressed it severely.

In fact, the Heavenly Slashing Seven Pose he displayed at this moment has changed greatly from the one handed down by Yin Wu Wang.

The current Heavenly Slashing Seven Pose combines the moves and Taoism of the magic wand-lowering method learned in Wangchuan Liusha River, making the Tianzhan Seven Practical to be displayed, deviating more and more from the framework of the Yin Wu King, but it is not entirely a magic wand. The number of methods is a combination of the two pros and cons, as well as Yang Qingxuan's own comprehension.

As soon as the Depravity came out, the entire void collapsed with a "bang".

Deformation directly compressed by thousands of miles.

Countless time and space rules are turned into curves, winding around the Tianxu, continuously increasing the gravity on the halberd blade.

"Ah! Damn it!"

Gao Yaokun roared endlessly. As soon as this move was taken, he fell into extreme passiveness, and the space curve continued to appear, surrounded by layers, making the gravity multiply, seemingly never forbidden.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes flashed, and he looked into the distance distractedly, and said in surprise: "What is that?"

Yu'an looked back, and the whole person gasped, and saw the clouds rolling in the sky, and a dim scene spreading, wherever he passed, everything decayed and returned to death. Even the rules, elements, and energy in the void are in exhaustion.

//No change today, everyone rest early, good night.

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