Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1918: The possibility of resisting decay, a precious thing

Yang Qingxuan was alert and suddenly turned into flames.


A huge palm fell in the air, directly shattering the flame.

Countless fireflies did not go out, condensed with the air, and once again turned into Yang Qingxuan's true body.

I saw that huge palm, like a thick futon. The owner of the palm slowly manifested his body in the void, his head resembling a falcon and a giant ape, with wings covering the sky behind his back, and his entire body covered with rocky black Scale armor.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and immediately knew that this was Shi Zuo in front of him.

It looks very different from the one he killed earlier, but the breath and feeling are almost exactly the same.

However, Yang Qingxuan frowned not because of the appearance of Shi Zuo, but when he was just transformed into an eternally burning body and burst into flames. In this elemental decay circle, he did not feel the signs of five decay.

Could it be that the body of eternal burning can escape the decay of the elements?

Before thinking about it, Shi Zuo roared wildly before rushing over, lifting the giant palm again and shooting forward.

The force of overwhelming forces formed immediately, raging in the circle of elemental decay, and crushed.

This Shi Zuo was also the cultivation base of the Seven Star Elementary Level.

If it is in a normal area, Yang Qingxuan is naturally not afraid.

But Gao Yaokun had just died in the circle of decay, Yang Qingxuan still had that terrible sight in his mind, no matter where he dared to stay, whether the eternal burning body would be decayed, he did not dare to test, he directly sacrificed three profound banners and turned into defense.


Shi Zuo's palm slammed on the barrier sturdily, shaking out a large area of ​​brilliance, but it was completely blocked.

Shi Zuo's pupils shrank, as if he couldn't believe it.

Yang Qingxuan chuckled and glanced at the Shi Mingshi in his hand. He had already consumed more than half of it. He thought that Shi Mingshi was not enough to spend, so he closed the enchantment with a wave of his hand and turned away.

Yu'an yelled in horror outside the elemental decay circle: "Quick! Quick! Lots, lots of relief!"

Yang Qingxuan turned his head suddenly, and immediately sucked in a cold breath. Behind only Shi Zuo just now, a large piece of Shi Zuo appeared, a total of eighteen.

Yang Qingxuan broke out in a cold sweat, speeded up his escape technique, and finally flew out of the elemental decay circle, raising his hand was a thunder light, wrapping Yu'an, and then offering a small Wanlei magneto-optical disk, which disappeared like an electric flash in the air.

Soon, the circle of element decay completely swallowed the space here.

Everything in this circle exhausted and died, and even air, stones, dust, and all the elements, all entered into the five decays.

Apart from Shizuo's activities, there is no living thing in the world.


Yang Qingxuan took Yu'an and flew for two or three hours in the land of Po Nirvana, and also encountered other element decay circles, as well as a large number of escaped monsters and beasts, even Wu Xiu.

But there was no conflict, because as soon as the elemental decay circle appeared, everyone was weak, and all fled in panic. Unless there is a feud, there will be no conflict at this time.

Finally, the shield flew to a seemingly safe plain, and only then did Xiao Wanlei's magneto-optical disc stop, and the two fell on the plain.

Yang Qingxuan looked in all directions, full of barbarians, no plants, all gravel and potholes.

Yu'an sighed: "The elemental decay circle may appear at any time. Any part of the entire Nirvana is swept away by the elemental decay circle. It is impossible for plants to survive. The entire Nirvana is vast, but it looks like this decay. ."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and took out all the storage bags that Gao Yaokun had obtained.

Sure enough, the things Gao Yaokun handed over were all odds and ends, but the quantity was extremely large, there were thousands of items, and there were many kinds of items. It should have robbed a lot of other people's things.

And in the storage bag found by Yang Qingxuan after his death, there were a lot of good things, in addition to the expensive Xing Hao stone, there were also a few holy artifacts.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed it, and a bronze-colored blade fell in his hand. It was exquisite in shape, with azure blue light flowing inside.

Yu'an said in surprise: "This Moon Blade is at least 50% full!"

Yang Qingxuan found another six blades of the Moon Shaking, one of which looked 35 percent, and the rest was less than 20 percent.

Yu'an said solemnly: "This Gao Yaokun is really vicious. At least six Wu Xiu died in his hands."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "I can't say that, maybe he picked it up? The element decay circle or Shi Zuo killed someone, it might be cheaper if he picked it up."

Yu'an hummed: "Anyway, Gao Yaokun is not a good person anyway."

Yang Qingxuan smiled, then threw the fifty percent of the Moon Blade to Yu'an, and said, "This is for you."

Yu An was taken aback, and said, "Here, give it to me?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Why, isn't this handle more perfect than yours?"

Yu'an hesitated a few times and couldn't believe it, and said: "It is indeed better, but why should you give me such a precious thing?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "First, you are my friend. Second, this thing is important to me, but it is not to that level. I have a certain understanding of Shi Zuo and the elemental decay circle, and I believe that with my own strength, One will be filled soon."

Yu An was stunned, watching Yang Qingxuan concentrating on packing up his belongings, with mixed feelings in his heart, not knowing what to say for a while.

Soon, Yang Qingxuan packed up his belongings and was very satisfied. There were too many things that had never been seen before in the firmament star region, whether it was medicine, treasures or elementary equipment, it opened his eyes.

And Yang Qingxuan picked a few pills out of them, after careful identification, he swallowed it in one mouthful, and then sat vacantly, leaving only one sentence, "I want to practice for a while and recover from my injury. You also practice." Go directly to the state.

Yu An wanted to speak again, suddenly sighed, found a stone in the distance, and after making sure that there was no danger nearby, he also sat down to practice.

The injuries on her body were much heavier than Yang Qingxuan's, but her cultivation level was lower and the effect of the pill was better, so she recovered extremely quickly.

It’s just that Yu An was completely calm, and raised his eyes from time to time, stealing Yang Qingxuan, feeling like a deer, thinking to himself, this person is so young, his cultivation level is not low, and he is super agile and has a high IQ. Fighting, experience is also very sophisticated, and supernatural powers, if that matter is let him go, there may be unexpected results, but, just...

Thinking of the back, for some reason, his cheeks flushed secretly.


I don't know how long it took, Yang Qingxuan was suddenly interrupted by the violent energy fluctuations, and opened his eyes from practicing.

On the empty ground, Yu'an was fighting a monster that looked like a crocodile. The leather of the monster was like a rock, and it was hard to recognize when lying on the ground.

It's just that Yu'an's cultivation base is obviously higher than that of the monster, it's just that he is injured, so he entangled for a while, but it is only a matter of time before winning.

Seeing that she was innocent, Yang Qingxuan was too lazy to step forward and help. Instead, he took out the Shi Yanshi that had consumed most of it, put it in his hand and observed it carefully, feeling the energy fluctuations inside, and thought to himself that the energy of this spar could be Resisting the elemental decay circle, if it can be simulated, can you enter the decay circle at will?

Or, is there a way to transform into a Shazuo?

//No change today, everyone rest early, good night.

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