Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1921: There are no strong or weak moves, and there are high and low levels

Yu'an turned pale, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about! Who is Xiao Nizi!" After speaking, her voice suddenly became extremely soft, and she looked abnormal.

"Haha." Cangli looked up to the sky and laughed, revealing a playful look, "This disguise technique is indeed good. Ordinary people are afraid that you can't see your true face, but in front of me Cangli, it is not worth it. It’s no wonder that being a woman is more dangerous than a man in the land of Po Nirvana. After all, it’s been rare to see a woman in this place for hundreds of years, and sows are all raced."

Cangli's originally contemptuous gaze, after staring at Yu'an, began to flash with different colors, getting brighter and brighter.

Yu An's heart sank sharply and couldn't help but shrink, exclaiming: "What do you want to do?!"

Cang Li grinned and said: "Little Nizi, in this land of Nirvana, being able to follow this son is a blessing for you to cultivate for several lifetimes. This son will definitely be able to complete the experience and pass the customs smoothly. As long as you take care of me. , It makes me comfortable, maybe I will take you out with me then. lest you fall here."

Song Min showed a smirk, clasped his fist and said, "Congratulations, brother Cangli, for being able to find such a high-quality plaything in this land of nirvana. This Nizi is the king of the five-star realm, and she is afraid that she is not cheap from family background, and she looks good. Very beautiful."

Cangli smiled and couldn't help nodding, as if Yu'an was already his forbidden.

Song Min said again: "Brother Cangli, that kid is a hindrance."

Cang Li said: "Don't worry, don't remind me. Isn't the purpose of coming here to kill this kid? This Nizi is an unexpected gain."

Yang Qingxuan has been standing with his chest in his arms, expressionless, watching these two people play treasures, suddenly his heart stunned, and an extremely dangerous aura fell.

"not good!"

I don't know when, Cangli has disappeared in the same place, completely gone.

"So strong! Good city mansion!"

Yang Qingxuan secretly said in his heart, this Cangli looked arrogantly stupid, but the shot was unambiguous, and he shot directly when he was unprepared.

Although it was not a sneak attack, it was indeed a sudden attack, which shows that this person is not stupid at all.

Young people who can cultivate to this level are all world-famous geniuses, and they are rare in the entire universe.


Yang Qingxuan's body was pierced by sharp claws, exploding a big hole.


Yu'an screamed in horror. Before the tears came out, he saw Yang Qingxuan's body continuously dissolving and turning into flames. Only then did he come over in a trance and hurriedly retreated from the circle of war.

The battle between these two people is not something she can get into.

Yu'an retreated thousands of feet away, and immediately felt cold all over, Song Min stared at him with a pair of sharp light, as if he wanted to see it through. In addition to viciousness, there were greed and desire for Chi-luo-luo in his eyes.

But Song Min was restrained very well. He knew that Yu'an was Cangli's imprisonment, and he was absolutely immobile.

So the desire was quickly suppressed.

Yu An's face turned pale, and his heart was full of horror. If Yang Qingxuan loses in this battle, what kind of fate will he face?

"Elemental body?"

Cangli's figure appeared in the fire, showing a shocked face, and coldly snorted: "No wonder Song Min is not your opponent. He really has two sons. But the body of the element is also divided into levels. The body of the common element is in this In front of the son, it was just a joke."

Cang Li raised his hand and pointed both fingers side by side at the sky, a vast and faint green light surging from the body, rushing into the sky, turning into a green nebula, covering the entire battlefield.

Wanhuo continued to crumble under the pressure of the nebula's circulation.

In an instant, countless flames condensed in one place, transforming into Yang Qingxuan's true body, his face was full of shock.

Cangli snorted and shouted: "See how you run away!"

Point **** again and shoot away at Yang Qingxuan.

Suddenly overwhelmed by the mountains, pressure from the nebula, crushing everything into pieces.

Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath, golden light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately saw the opponent's strength in front of him. It turned out to be in the middle of the eight-star stage. It was indeed much more difficult than Song Min, and his supernatural powers were even more powerful.

Yang Qingxuan violently grabbed Zhanji Tianxu, and slashed towards that row of mountains.

"Hell Fight!"

A golden light flashed across the sky, tearing apart all energy.

The terrible green brilliance was split by this halberd, and it revolved around the halberd light.

The power between heaven and earth was extremely chaotic and riot, crushing all living beings, but Yang Qingxuan stood with a halberd, but it was not affected.

"Sure enough! You made me admire again!"

Cang Li's voice came from behind Yang Qingxuan, and then a little golden light pierced directly, shattering layers of void.

Yang Qingxuan degenerated with a backhand, and went to meet the golden light.


The opponent was a dark golden gun, and when it collided with the Tianxu, it emitted a powerful metal tremor, and layers of light waves, and went to all sides.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With the halberd and the gun, the two fought hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye.

Every move of Cangli, the power of the realm is above Yang Qingxuan, pressing Yang Qingxuan to fight, and constantly forcing it back.

However, in the style of the move, they never have the upper hand.

Pushing Yang Qingxuan back tens of thousands of feet away, the two figures are still intertwined, and it is difficult to distinguish the outcome.

Cangli became more and more shocked when he fought. His spear martial arts were inherited from a great family in the Southern Universe. It has been passed down for millions of years. It is so mysterious that it has no advantage at all.

If it weren't for your own realm to be more than one star higher than the opponent, and use realm to suppress it, I'm afraid it would have already been defeated.

Thinking of this, murderous aura burst out in his eyes, and the gun in his hand was even stronger.

In fact, purely based on the theory of marksmanship, the essence of Cang Li's marksmanship is not at all under Yang Qingxuan's Heavenly Swordsmanship, but Yang Qingxuan is the reincarnation of Yin Wu Wang, who has a natural adaptation and comprehension of the Heavenly Swordsmanship, and incorporates quicksand. The thousand realms martial intent of Hanoi Jingzhi's magic wand method, at this moment, the Heavenly Slashing Seven Forms, in terms of martial intent, non-thousand realms cannot beat him.

Song Min was on the side, even more frightened.

The so-called bystander clear, the gap between the two's moves and the understanding of martial arts, Song Min can see clearly, and strengthened the inner guess, Yang Qingxuan must be from those terrible forces, and a cold sweat oozes from his palm.


"Tiansha Lone Spear!"

Cangli roared, a powerful light burst from the golden gun, and countless disordered rules emerged, flashing on the gun, and blasting away.

If there is a shooting star, there are large patches of stars surrounding it.

Yang Qingxuan held the halberd in both hands, splitting it horizontally, "Shook the sky in one breath!"


The two forces collided with each other, and the little stars brilliance, mixed with the halberd phantom light, constantly annihilated each other.

The two sacred artifacts made a hideous sound at the same time, as if they were roaring.

At this moment, Yang Qingxuan's entire body was burning, rushing into the sky, spreading continuously, turning into a huge fire method, heaven and earth, condensing the Emperor Flame Art, and shooting down suddenly.

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