Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1932: The Four Truth Jade's Reaction

Somewhere in the wasteland.

The surroundings are extremely depraved, the earth is split, and the sky is full of chaotic power, but there are some ancient trees that have been petrified, covering the sky and the sun, forming a relatively secret place here.

Yang Qingxuan sits under a fossil of an ancient tree, holding the tactics in one hand, motionless, as if blending with the world. A blue layer of warm radiance on his body circulates in a certain order, flashing between disillusionment.

Thousands of feet away, there is a transparent circular enchantment, floating like a bubble, but hidden into the void, no traces can be seen from the outside world.

Yu'an was sitting cross-legged in this barrier, forming a mysterious seal with both hands.

A blue light like Yang Qingxuan's body circulated, it was the power of Shi that constantly flocked to the dantian to repair the fundamental injuries inside.

More than three months have passed since he killed the disciples of the Song family.

The two entered many historical sites and gained a lot, and they killed more than ten Shi Zuo and some experienced disciples who did not have long eyes. They were also sent to pick up their lunch boxes.

After three months, a total of more than 60 Shi Mingshi were obtained, varying in level.

Yang Qingxuan suggested that Shi Mingshi should be eaten first, to repair internal injuries, and to increase his skills, and then to use the Moon Blade in the future.

Fighting side by side with Yang Qingxuan for three months, Yu'an's understanding of this person continued to increase, and he had a certain degree of understanding of his supernatural powers and xinxing. Besides, there was a mysterious ghost cultivator who immediately agreed. Following Yang Qingxuan's suggestion, the two of them separated the 60 or so Shi Yanshi, took half of each, and found a wasteland with no one to practice.

In Yang Qingxuan's dantian, a huge blue power, like the sky and the sea, continued to spread in all directions.

Wherever he went, there was peace.

With the highest destiny, the four truths of cause and effect, and the double rankings of heaven and earth, all became quiet, silent in this vast and boundless power.

Suddenly Yang Qingxuan thought, that the power of Shi, born in the most chaotic state, seemed to be able to calm all power.

He cautiously pushed Shi Zhili, spinning in his dantian, and flocking to the Four Truth Jade of Cause and Effect.

Siyu just shuddered slightly, there was a little wave of light, and there was no response.

Yang Qingxuan slowly opened his eyes, the sacred mark in his hand changed, and he clicked forward, and four identical radiances shot out, manifested in front of him, and kept swirling around each other.

Afterwards, the power of release came out and wrapped Siyu.

In an instant, the four jade trembled at the same time, without any reaction, and moved closer to each other.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrunk slightly, emitting a light of excitement. The four pieces of jade have been kept at a certain distance since they were obtained, and they seem to be unable to merge. After trying a thousand methods, all failed.

But at this moment, under the influence of the force of release, the distance was actually reduced, and the force of repelling began to move closer, and the force of repulsion was neutralized by the force of release.

But a sudden change occurred, and all the Shi's power wrapped around the four jade was sucked in by the four jade at once, and there was nothing left. The four jade that was already close, separated again, keeping a certain distance.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and hurriedly grabbed Siyu back into his hand, and found a little blue light flashing on it, but soon fell silent and seemed to be completely integrated into it.

"Sucked, absorbed?"

Yang Qingxuan was dumbfounded. Although the power of release just now was not much, it was at least equivalent to a six-star release stone, so it didn't fall out of thin air?

Yang Qingxuan flipped the four jade from side to side and checked carefully, there was nothing unusual.

He has fiddled with these four pieces of jade countless times, and he is very familiar with them, and he has never seen any power absorbed by the four jade pieces.

Suspiciously, Yang Qingxuan split a ray of power from the dantian and pointed it on the "Mie" Diyu.

Shi Zhili twisted around the jade, slowly sinking, covering Mie Di Jade like water.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, and he saw the force of release like thin ice, which continued to become thinner and melted a little bit into the jade, and finally dried up.

Mie Diyu lay completely in his palm, without any change.

"Sure enough, it was absorbed!"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, surprised and delighted. The Four Truths of Karma had been obtained for so long by himself, but after all, he couldn't see the mystery. I just remember Xuantianji said that no one can control the four truths of cause and effect, but I don’t know why?

If no one can control, where did the four jade come from and where will they go?

Perhaps this power of release will be a crossing to get a glimpse of the truth.

Yang Qingxuan's spirit was a little uplifting, but he also became annoyed. He wanted to release the power to cultivate the second soul, and to fill the blade of the moon to release the power. Now prying into the four truths of cause and effect jade also needs to release the power, and he has a hunch In the future, the fate of the day when oneself is unblocked is the highest, and the power of this mysterious interpretation will be used to check and balance the high of fate.

How much Shi Mingshi does it take?

Yang Qingxuan's head became big at once, and I was afraid that he would have to wipe out the entire Sazuo in the land of Po Nirvana, right?

Thinking of this, I was shocked.

It is necessary to find a way to quickly obtain Shi Mingshi.

Yang Qingxuan was pondering, and suddenly the light flashed in the distance, and the air bubble hidden in the air appeared at once, and made a "cracking" sound, and numerous cracks appeared.

"Wow," the bubbles burst at once.

Then the figure flickered, Yu An appeared in front of Yang Qingxuan, the cyan long gown faintly outlined the graceful posture, the distant mountains and brows, the shui pupils, and he blinked.

Since his identity was discovered by Cangli, Yu'an has also been half-concealed, and slowly recovered some of her daughter's posture and looks.

Yang Qingxuan said with joy: "Did you break through?"

Yu'an smiled and said, "It is, the late stage of the five-star stage. This Shi Mingshi is really a good thing. No wonder there is no market, and no one will sell it."

To Shi Mingshi, a look of desire was revealed.

Not only healed the wounds on his body, but also made a breakthrough in the real state of simplicity.

Yang Qingxuan said, "I was just about to talk to you about Shi Mingshi. Is there any way to get Shi Mingshi the fastest and most?"

The smile on Yu'an's face turned into contemplation, and he slowly said, "In fact, we have collected Shi Mingshi fast enough. The key is that you can see where Shi Mingshi is. This news If it were spread out, it would be scary enough. In the Southern Universe Alliance, many famous spiritual eyes and supernatural powers, even if they are displayed by the Lord of Thousand Realms, it is impossible to see the location of Shi Zuo's body.

Yang Qingxuan said: "I do have some experience in killing Shi Zuo. The question now is how to find Shi Zuo faster and more."

Yu'an smiled bitterly: "Only the elemental decay circle can draw Shi Zuo out, which happens to be..."

Speaking of this, it seems a bit embarrassing to talk and stop.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Is there any way, don't hide it. You know the importance of Shi Mingshi, and after I practiced just now, I found Shi Mingshi is extremely important to me, and I must find a way to obtain it in large quantities."

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