Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1934: Ungrateful, evil star

"Haha! Come out!"

More than twenty figures have emerged from the whirlpool one after another, all of them are the ecstasy of the rest of their lives.

Outside the whirlpool, there stood two people, a tall and handsome man in a black robe, and a handsome and handsome man in a green robe.

Chu Xing clasped his fist and said, "Thank you two friends for speaking out at this critical moment."

Many people also clasped their fists and expressed their gratitude, saying, "If it weren't for the two friends to help each other out, I'm afraid it would be dangerous."

But the other half had a look of disdain, and someone nagged: "We can come out, but with our own strength, this person did nothing, just passed a call and threw a fire."

Gao Ming also nodded and said, "Yes, although these two people have merit, don't exaggerate them too much."

The tall and handsome man in black robes was Yang Qingxuan. He just smiled faintly, looked at the black whirlpool, and looked at the totem on the ground in surprise.

In an instant, the vortex continued to condense, and finally turned into the size of a palm, directly tore through the void and disappeared without a trace.

Yu'an screamed suddenly and covered his mouth with his right hand.

The posture of this daughter, as soon as she fell in the eyes of everyone, showed a weird look, and some sneered. All the masters present and Yu'an were half-concealed, so they could almost see through her daughter.

Yang Qingxuan and Yu'an looked at each other and exchanged their eyes, they were all shocked.

Gao Ming saw the expressions of the two in his eyes, and immediately asked: "You seem to know something about this place?"

Yu'an shook his head and said, "I didn't understand, this is the first time."

Gao Ming snorted and sneered in disbelief: "Why did we all get involved in the vision just now, but you two are okay, and you can still pass the voice in. And the expressions of the two people when they see this totem seem to be different. Naturally."

Yu'an said angrily: "We didn't come when the vortex appeared. We saw that you were in danger as soon as we came. This is the kind of word to save you. As for this totem, it is so weird, it would not be too natural for anyone to see it.

Gao Ming laughed and said: "Haha, what an excuse!" He glanced coldly and hummed: "Seeing that we are in danger? The power of the whirlpool almost swallows the sky, all of us can't see the outside scene. How do you see clearly what is going on inside, and how do you know that we are in danger?"

Many people looked gloomy, staring at them.

Some of the remaining people frowned, and a white-robed man said: "These two people saved us, Gao Ming, it's impossible for you to question people like this?"

"Save?" Gao Ming sneered, "Could it be that he and I tore the channel and let you and me come out? Isn't it on our own? The word'save' is too much!"

An old man with a goatee kept nodding his head, and said, "And one yard goes to one yard. These two people do provide some slight help to us out of trouble, but they are nothing but a little, and they are indeed suspicious."

Yu'an was furious and cursed: "A bunch of ungrateful things!"

Gao Ming's face sank, and he shouted: "Dead girl, dare to scold me and look for death!"

One step forward, he reached out and grabbed it.

He had already seen Yu'an's cultivation base, only in the middle of the five-star stage, and the man in the black robe, although somewhat unfathomable, was estimated to be within the seven-star range.

There were more than twenty strong players present, and he was also a six-star peak strong, even the seven-star realm king could not suppress the scene.

So under one move, unscrupulous.

With one claw out, the figure appeared in front of Yu'an at the same time, with a weird grin, and the direction of the five fingers was actually Yu'an's chest.

Yu'an was so embarrassed that she cursed, "Dead hooligan!"

But the one-claw power of the six-star peak, no matter what she struggles, she can't break free.

"It's my own death, no one can save you!"

Yang Qingxuan had been standing next to him. At this moment, his figure moved, grabbed with his right hand, and a golden sword fell into his hand and stabbed straight away.

"So fast!"

Gao Ming screamed. In fact, he had been guarding Yang Qingxuan all the time. When he saw that he made a move, he suddenly retracted his claws, trying to defend.

But just with the thoughts together, I suddenly noticed blood bursting in front of me.

Without any signs, he couldn't see the opponent's movements at all, so he flew out with one arm.


As soon as Gao Ming's mind was dumbfounded, the breath of death spread in his heart, and then he felt icy cold in his throat. This kind of cold was utterly cold, and it flooded all over his body in an instant.

In fact, he couldn't see Yang Qingxuan's movements at all. It was just the instinct of the Six-Star Peak Realm King, and he felt the point of death and danger.

Frightened, he hurriedly exploded the true essence of his body, shouting: "Don't underestimate..."


Many Wu Xiu nearby also sensed it, and immediately yelled at him and rushed up at the same time.


The sword light flashed, and a piece of blood shot into the sky like a fountain.

Gao Ming's head flew out, his face still full of anger, as if he was determined to fight Yang Qingxuan.


Those Wu Xiu who had just rushed out suddenly stopped and yelled out one by one in horror, watching the scene in horror.

Gao Ming's strength is not under them at all, so he can't stop this person from making a move?

Yang Qingxuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it. All the storage devices on Gao Ming's body flew over, and the headless corpse fell straight down. The head that flew away, I didn't know where it was flying.

Then the golden sword raised and pointed at those who rushed out.


All these people took a breath and hurried back into the crowd. Some even fled thousands of feet away.

The corner of Yang Qingxuan's mouth raised slightly, put away the sword, and said, "Don't you think I am suspicious? You can come forward to question. It's just that the way of questioning is not the mouth, but the fist in his hand."

Those Wu Xiu who questioned the two were ashamed and frightened one by one, how dare to step forward.

Chu Xing suddenly brightened his eyes, and said in surprise: "You, you two are the two sha, sha..."


Another Wu Xiu blurted out without even thinking about it, then his face turned pale, and he suddenly turned into a light and walked away. He stopped after a few thousand feet away, for fear of his own misfortune.


The rest of the people all changed their faces, and they were all alert.

Chu Xing also had an ugly expression, and even cold sweat oozes from his forehead. The other party had completely wiped out the Song family disciples. Whether it was strength or courage, they were far beyond their own.

Yang Qingxuan and Yu'an didn't know, they had already become famous in these days, and almost half of the people in the whole land of Nirvana knew about it.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "Fairstar? There is nothing wrong with this name except for some soil. I have no time to make trouble with you, so let me go!"

With a "let", more than twenty people all walked away, how could they dare to stand in front of him.

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