Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1947: Life and death? Subdue

Fortunately, although there are many stone statues and their strength is strong, their speed is indeed fatal.

Moreover, the structure of this hall is extremely peculiar. Not only is it extremely difficult to destroy, but all the damaged places are being repaired at a certain speed, so after playing for so long, although the shock was severe, it still did not collapse.

As Zhuo Fan and the four joined the battlefield, Yang Qingxuan felt that the pressure was greatly reduced, but he was still the main target of the stone statue attack.

Zhuo Fan and the four people quickly discovered this, all showing their surprise, and then they felt the extraordinary flames, they immediately understood a little bit, and their inner shock was even worse.

You must know that the original element, even in the entire universe, is an extraordinary thing.

Soon after, the stone statues in the hall were reduced by more than half, and the situation began to reverse completely.

Suddenly, a piece of gray light appeared in the void, and countless non-phase insects gathered together to form a huge lightsaber and slashed towards Yang Qingxuan.

Those non-phase insects are densely connected together, very tight, and the structure is comparable to metal.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, but did not panic. As long as these insects can't break through the original sea of ​​fire, he will be astonished. With the push of both hands, countless flames gathered in front of him, forming a thick wall of fire, and pointed towards that insect. Push over.


The sword strikes on the sea of ​​fire, smashing the flames in an instant.


Yang Qingxuan was shocked. Under this blow, more than half of the non-phase insects died directly, making the sword body doubled, but its power remained unchanged.

Yang Qingxuan knew that these insects were united as one, fighting desperately, and immediately turned around and retreated, and the right fist came out again, countless flames wrapped around the fist and blasted past.


The huge sun exploded and swallowed the small sword.

However, Yang Qingxuan suffered a pain in his right hand. Under amazement, he found that many insects had been lying on his arm, desperately crawling in, and moving up along the arm.

Yu'an was the closest to Yang Qingxuan and immediately discovered the situation, and said anxiously: "Yang Qingxuan!"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, and the appearance, size, and even the gray power of these insects were far more powerful than ordinary non-phase insects.

It seems that he should be a high-level person among the non-comparable insects, and has a certain amount of wisdom, knowing the tactics of sacrificing oneself for righteousness.

At this moment, the flame on the entire arm was completely suppressed by the gray air and spread rapidly, petrifying half of Yang Qingxuan's body at once.

Under the horrified gazes of Yu'an, Zhuo Fan and others, Yang Qingxuan's whole person directly turned into a stone statue.

The sea of ​​fire in the main hall seemed to have lost its source of strength, a sudden loss of spiritual energy, and under the attack of many stone statues, it weakened little by little.

Gui Zang's complexion changed drastically, he couldn't care about killing the enemy, and he came to Yang Qingxuan's side in a flash, and his face solemnly reached out to wipe the stone statue, his entire arm was wrapped in a pale green light, even he Some are afraid of the innocent insect, and the body is afraid of getting it over.


The ghost fire in the ghost's eyes was released, and he looked at it in disbelief. When he touched it lightly, Yang Qingxuan cracked a hole in his body, completely devoid of life.

Gui Zang stunned: "Dead? How can this happen?"

Based on his observation of Yang Qingxuan, how many lives and deaths have come, how could they die in the hands of this insect?

Yu'an felt even more black and almost fell.

At this moment, the ghost eyes shrank, and the ghost fire in the eye sockets condensed into gems. Staring at the hole in Yang Qingxuan's body, there was the sound of insects "buzzing", and a little bit of quicksand, from that The entrance of the cave dripped slowly, "sandy" like water.


The crack in that place suddenly enlarged, and Yang Qingxuan's investigation exploded with a "bang", turning into dust in the sky.

Countless worms "buzzed" in the dust and rushed to the sky.

The entire dust is like a wisp of blue smoke, constantly circling in the air.

Zhuo Fan has been paying attention to the changes here. If Yang Qingxuan falls, it will be really dangerous. With their magical powers, it is extremely difficult to suppress these non-phase insects. Even if they are not careful, they will also be trapped in this hall. Become a stone statue.

So when Yang Qingxuan's stone statue exploded, the hearts of all the people sank and felt extremely depressed.

At this moment, Zhuo Fan showed a look of surprise "Huh".

Dust and sand spread under the dome, and countless non-phase insects flew around inside. It is not so much the dust and sand brought out by the non-phase insects, it is the dust that traps the non-phase insects and makes them unable to get out.

At this moment, the dust and sand seemed to be condensed by some kind of force, like a piece of sand, hanging high in the air.

But in an instant, with a "bang" burst, returning to a state of chaos.

In the blink of an eye, these chaotic dust and sand solidified again, and constantly changed under the explosion and solidification. The non-phase insects inside seemed to be getting more and more irritable, and the "buzzing" sound was several times louder.

Yu An stood weakly on a stone pillar with tears on his face, and was still immersed in the great grief of Yang Qingxuan's fall. At this moment, watching the changes in the sky, he seemed to sense something. In his big eyes full of tears, there was a trace of surprise.

Finally, after the last burst of dust, the dust gathered again a little bit.

The condensing speed this time is very slow, and has a certain shape, and the non-phase insects become calm for some reason, merge with all the dust and sand, and slowly turn into that slender figure.


Yu'an opened his mouth abruptly and looked at it in disbelief.

The form that was condensed this time turned out to be Yang Qingxuan, and after condensing, the body of Sand was fleshed a little bit and returned to a normal human body.

Zhuo Fan and Zuo Yundao all opened their mouths in amazement, revealing shocked faces.

Oni Zang also asked in surprise: "Have you conquered these bugs?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and nodded: "I originally wanted to burn all of them to death, but later discovered that these insects were very powerful, so I wanted to see if I could conquer them. It was temporarily suppressed."

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked and moved, even showing fear.

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand, a piece of gray light appeared in front of him, turning into countless non-phase insects, and they were extremely ferocious ones, and rushed directly to a stone statue.


The stone statue stopped there for some reason, and the worms condensed into a sword in the air, and they passed through and smashed the stone statue in half.

Then he flew back "buzzing" around Yang Qingxuan, like a gray smoke.

Everyone watching this scene was stunned.

Wuxiangwu seemed to have some control over these stone statues. After Yang Qingxuan took control of them all, the stone statues in the main hall calmed down a little bit and stopped attacking.

Yu'an felt his whole body loose, and she was weakly limp on the stone pillar, and smiled and cursed with tears: "I thought you were dead, which made me happy for nothing."

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