Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1951: Secret space, unparalleled wealth


Yang Qingxuan called out softly.

Yu'an's expression was very wrong, and his face was stunned. He didn't look at the star-like Shi Yanshi, but at the center of the entire sky, a vacuum area of ​​about a hundred meters.

Countless Shi Mingshi are distributed around this circular area, extending in all directions and up and down the void.

In Yu'an's eyes, he turned a blind eye to the tens of thousands of Shi Mingshi, but stared at the central vacuum zone, as if attracted.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden light, staring at the past.

I saw that around the circular area, there seemed to be a faint ring, as if a piece of artifact was placed on the sky, arranging all the Shi Yanshi, making it impossible to enter.

No, it's not right!

Yang Qingxuan was shocked. It was not the ring that arranged all Shi Mingshi, but all Shi Mingshi was attracted by this ring!


Yu'an was awakened by Yang Qingxuan's cry, and when he recovered, he turned around and saw Yang Qingxuan's look of shock and consultation.

Yu'an's eyes were extremely complicated, as if he could see through Yang Qingxuan's mind, he nodded gently.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, using his magical power to transmit sound and secretly, and asked: "What is in the middle?"

Yu'an said solemnly: "Secret space."

Yang Qingxuan remembered that in the Yin Wu Hall, the countless strong men had fallen behind in their bodies, forming a space of their own, storing all the secret treasures during their lifetime, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Incarnate?"

Yu'an frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yang Qingxuan said solemnly, "You must know something about this hidden space, right?"

Yu An was slightly startled, her eyes were a little flustered, but she did not hide it, but nodded and said: "I do know some, and this hidden space has a certain connection with the ancestor."

As expected, Yang Qingxuan secretly said, thinking of the mural, he did not urge, but waited for Yu'an to speak.

Yu'an looked complicated and said, "After the formation of the land of Nirvana, there was no Shazuo. Suddenly one day, a head of Shazuo flew from nowhere. It was the origin of all Shizuo here, and was suppressed by the ancestors. Under the stars."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "In this star dome, the first generation of Shi Zuo was suppressed?"

Yu'an frowned and said in thought: "I don't know the specifics, but some of the notes I read are recorded like this. Including the Yuhai Rock that I told you about, it should also be in this secret space. Inside. If I'm right, this hidden space was incarnate by the first generation of Shi Zuo."

Yu'an looked at the void and muttered to himself: "Have you finally realized it after so many years."

Yang Qingxuan endured the horror in his heart. If this was the secret storage space that the first generation of Shi Zuo manifested, then it would be understandable that so many Shi Mingshi had been inspired from all directions.

This time it really happened, not to mention what kind of treasures there will be in the secret space created by the first generation of Shi Zuoju, these Shi Yan stones alone are enough to shake the world.

Soon, other warriors also discovered this vacuum area one after another, and the ring-shaped element.

Various arguments and speculations spread among the crowd.

And Shi Mingshi continued to gather from all directions, fixed on the sky like stars.

"What exactly is the ring, if it can absorb Shi Mingshi, it would be too incredible."

A red robe martial artist finally couldn't bear it, and asked in a deep voice.

Another old man in a green shirt touched his mustache and analyzed: "It should be something in this secret that attracted a lot of Shi Yanshi, not the circle. The old man has lived for so long and has never heard of it. There are things that can attract Shi Mingshi infinitely. If there is, it may be enough to alarm the top forces in this universe."

Hongpao Wuxiu snorted coldly: "Never talk nonsense. Even if there is something in the space, it is something that attracts Shi Yanshi. Your analysis is too mentally retarded!"

The old man in green shirt was furious and was about to break out, when a cold voice came, "Shut up and be quiet!"

Both of them changed their faces, but after looking around, they found that it was Shizuo hunter Tang Shu, and immediately closed their mouths with interest.

Tang Shu's sullen and excited eyes swept across the audience.

At this moment, more than 500 people had arrived, more than 400 realm kings existed, and more than a hundred others were in the late stage and the pinnacle, and this number was still increasing. Even the Nine Star Realm Kings, besides Tang Shu, Zhuo Fan, and Zuo Yundao, there were three more.

In addition, there are several vague and dark places, and there is a vaguely powerful aura coming out, and I don't know who is hiding.

Tang Shu licked his lower lip and said: "This moment is a rare occasion. It is a great opportunity for everyone present." His feminine eyes swept across the audience, suddenly becoming cold and severe. With an icy breath, he said, "However, if the brain and skills are not enough, chances may turn into death."

The audience fell silent for a while, and everyone felt an inexplicable depression and tension.

Zhuo Fan said: "What do you want to say?"

Tang Shu "hehe" dryly smiled twice, and said, "Master Zhuo Fan, don't worry. These Shi Mingshi are enough for all of us. But then again, no one will dislike Shi Mingshi less, right? I suggest that everyone calm down, don't do anything, and divide these Shi Yanshi peacefully. What about my proposal?"

Everyone was stunned, unexpectedly what Tang Shu was going to say was this.

But everyone nodded lightly and agreed with this proposal. After all, no one is sure to survive if they fight. In the face of such a huge wealth, greed is certain, but no one wants to die.

"I agree."

Someone immediately agreed, and soon there was harmony, all voices of approval.

Zuo Yundao slowly said: "I agree with this proposal, but besides these tens of thousands of Shi Mingshi, there seems to be another huge focus, that is the secret storage space. Hey, Shi Mingshi can be divided into this secret storage. How should the space be divided?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone stopped talking.

Although I don't know what's in it, the mere fact that it can attract Shi Mingshi is enough to shake the world and cause the most powerful forces in the universe to step in.

Tang Shu smiled and said, "Brother Yundao, you are thinking too far. Let's go step by step? First take these tens of thousands of Shi Mingshi, and after the allocation is finished, how about the secret space?"

Zuo Yundao groaned for a while, then stopped speaking.

After all, with the strength of his Nine-Star Realm King, no matter what he is divided into, he must have his share.

Tang Shu said again, "Going back to the previous topic, although there are many Shi Yanshi, enough points, but no one will dislike more, right? I think this land of Nirvana is not under the realm king. Where the dregs should come. I suggest that the allocation of these Shi Yanshi should first get rid of the scum under the realm king. What do you think?"

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