Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1964: I'm not him

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback for a moment, and he thought to himself that the other party had mistakenly identified himself. How could the palace master of the stellar haze realm recognize Xuantian Ji?

Without thinking about it, he gave a cold snort, and it didn't matter if he admitted his mistakes.

Yang Qingxuan's halberd's momentum remained undiminished, and it fell down fiercely.

Han Feiyun stood there, unrelenting, facing the power of the halberd, the sharpness in his eyes was full of resentment, and there was vague water mist.

Yang Qingxuan was inexplicably surprised. The other party really didn't hide in this posture. Could she have anything to do with Xuantianji?

Thinking of this, the murderous aura in his heart became less determined. When he suddenly turned his body, the halberd in his hand deviated from Han Feiyun's side, tearing the void.

Han Feiyun smiled, "chuckling" and said, "Xuan Tianji, you are reluctant to kill me after all."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, took the halberd, and said, "I am not Xuantianji. If you are a friend of Xuantianji, please accept this Xuantianji."

Han Feiyun firmly believes that you are like Xuantianji, with a touch of charm, and hummed softly: "You want to lie to me. You have cultivated nine deaths and nine lives. Do you think I can't see what you are? Huh? Except for you, I don't believe that the ghost star field that has not gone to deviate can be born a second such terrible evil genius."

Yang Qingxuan sighed and did not explain. It seems that this woman really recognizes Xuan Tianji, and judging from her charming demeanor, she probably has some ambiguities, so she is inconvenient to do it, and she will not attack anymore. , But turned and turned into flames, rushing towards the ghost domain.

The rock of Yuhai was vacantly held in his hand, and he slammed down.

The huge elemental decay power suddenly appeared, crazily pressing on the seven nine-star realm kings in the ghost domain.

And time is flying fast.

The seven nine-star realm kings were shocked and desperately replaced Shi Yanshi while fighting against the ghosts hiding in the Eight Swords Sword Formation. Although they would not be defeated, their previous huge advantages began to gradually lose.

Tang Shu exclaimed, "Master Han Feiyun, let's move quickly."

I saw Han Feiyun standing in place, just watching quietly, and his eyes fell on Yang Qingxuan, staring at his every move, turning a deaf ear to the rest.

The wanzhang red silk was in a state of spontaneously out of control, and the double rankings of heaven and earth only appeared symbolically in the void.

The two heavenly artifacts touched slightly, far from the previous confrontation.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes. Although the seven were all nine-star realm kings, the difference in strength was still huge. He directly selected one of the weakest nine-star primary realm kings to attack.

The Nine-Star Realm King didn't look like a human race, he was born with a single horn, his skin was plump and thick, like a rhinoceros.

Suddenly panicked to danger, the figure turned around, avoiding the ghost sword, clenched a fist with one hand, and blasted into the void.

A layer of gold leaf-like helmet shield on his fist, countless runes flashed, breaking into nothingness.


Yang Qingxuan's halberd protruded out of the void, and was hit by a punch with the halberd blade. The shocked whole person's arm numb and flew away.

But it flashed in an instant and disappeared again.

The Nine-Star Realm King's face sank and he didn't dare to be careless. Suddenly his pupils dilated, and there were hundreds of divine swords above his head, all shrouded in golden light.

It looked like an extremely powerful sword formation, and what made the Nine-Star Realm King amazed was that the powers emitted from these divine swords were all surging and extremely powerful.

And the number of these swords is still increasing.

The nine-star realm king said in horror: "What's the matter? Can you control so many divine swords at once?"

Above countless divine swords, Yang Qingxuan's figure flashed down, pinching the tactics with one hand, and moving down a little.


Countless divine swords rolled up the storm and slashed straight down from the void.

And in the void, a sword tomb was transformed into a tomb of swords, and the entire Supreme Profound Sword was torn apart, and even the Eight Swords Whirling Ghost Realm of the ghost hiding was affected, shaking up and down.


The Nine Star Realm King was shocked, and hurried out with his fist, hitting tens of thousands of fist shadows, forming a defensive shield of fists, blocking his body.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A large piece of sword light exploded on the defensive cover of the fist, dazzling and unable to capture.

The nine-star realm king calmed down a bit. Although this move was terrifying, but fortunately, Yang Qingxuan's realm was not high, and every sword was completely sealed by the fist wind.

At this moment, a breath of death suddenly fell.

The heart of the nine-star realm king who had just loosened violently twitched, and said in horror: "No!--"

Seeing the shadow of the ghost hiding out of the fist wind, Hyakki Yexing went straight in, cutting off the arm of the realm king in an instant, and then the sword advanced forward, slashing it vertically, and then The Nine Star Realm King split in half.

As soon as Gui Zang grabbed the soul of the Nine-Star Realm King, he stuffed it directly into his mouth, then raised his head contemptuously, and sneered, "What's the use of this fancy? Are so many swords better than my sword?"

Yang Qingxuan gathered Wan Jian, showing a wry smile, and shook his head gently.

It's just breaking the ten thousand laws with one force.

With the sudden release of the ghosts, the Eight Swords Swirling Ghost Territory could not be taken care of. Several other places were immediately destroyed by other realm kings. The entire Ghost Territory "boomed" to pieces, turned into a trace of ghost energy, and disappeared. On the void.

But the other realm kings were particularly ugly, and under the joint efforts of the eight, they even let Guizang kill one person.

Tang Shu stared at Han Feiyun and said angrily: "My Lord Palace, why did you suddenly stop?"

Only then did Han Feiyun come back to his senses, his face sank, and he hummed, "Do you want to report to you when my palace is acting?"

Tang Shu furiously said: "I said that the eight people are united, and now the palace master suddenly stopped, causing this colleague to die tragically, and it also chilled my heart."

Han Feiyun knew that he was wrong, so he brushed his sleeves and hummed: "The more beautiful women in this world are more likely to deceive. I'm so beautiful, so do you believe me?"

Tang Shu and others almost vomited blood, but at this moment, it was obviously unwise to break with Han Feiyun.

Tang Shu said solemnly: "My Lord Palace, what do you say now?"

Yang Qingxuan and Gui Zang have already received their magical powers, standing in front of Yu'an, just letting the Yuhai Rock surge, projecting a large number of elemental decay domains.

Yang Qingxuan's goal is to delay time as much as possible. If they are the best in fighting, and arguing for a few hours, Yu'an will be almost there.

Han Feiyun did not answer Tang Shu's words, instead staring at Yang Qingxuan, coldly said: "You really are not Xuan Tianji!"

This sentence carries a trace of firm affirmation, but it also contains doubts and verifications that are unwilling to believe.

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "I really am not him."

Han Feiyun's expression became extremely ugly, and he sternly said, "Why did the day and earth double list be in your hands? Where is Xuantianji? Was it killed by you?!"

Han Feiyun would not believe that other people could kill Xuan Tian Ji, but Yang Qingxuan's talents for guarding against the sky were not under Xuan Tian Ji. Thinking of this possibility, Han Feiyun immediately became murderous.

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