Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1971: Come not come, go and never go

Everyone's eyes flashed, and they found a large area of ​​crimson light, soaring to the sky, besieging everyone.

Yang Qingxuan was startled and exclaimed, "Huntian Ling!"

Countless red silks shuttled through the air, exuding a powerful energy, and slapped all the realm kings who besieged Yang Qingxuan.

"No! It's the sacred artifact of the Star Territory!"

"Hey! Haze Realm Palace Master Han Feiyun?"

There were panic sounds, and several people were killed in the panic.

Han Feiyun's icy voice came, resounding in Hun Tian Ling's world, "Now that I know that this palace is here, don't hurry up! Those who are enemies of Yang Qingxuan are enemies of this palace."

A graceful posture, walking on Huntian Aya, every step of the foot, give birth to golden lotus.

An old man was frightened and said, "Master Han Feiyun, shouldn't you ally with us? Why did you collude with this person?"

Han Feiyun stopped, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and said with a sneer: "Is it necessary to report to you, the old man, if my house is acting?"

With a wave of his hand, countless red silks fell from the sky, and the spiritual light on it flowed like a waterfall of blood, instantly hitting the old man's head, blasting it to pieces.


This immediately caused everyone to be completely cold and trembling.

Han Feiyun was not only the Nine-Star Realm King, but also not an ordinary Nine-Star Realm King. Even if he didn't have a peak state, he was probably in the late stage.

Even Tang Shu, Zhuo Fan and others had to be respectful when they saw her.

Where are these middle and low-level realm kings rivals?

In an instant, dozens of world kings died under Hun Tian Ling, and Yang Qingxuan took the opportunity to counterattack and killed several more.

The lineup that besieged Yang Qingxuan was instantly chaotic.

Various screams, anger, and roars were mixed together, accompanied by screams from time to time.

Han Feiyun didn't want to kill everything, but left an escape route in the Huntian Ling space, forcing a large number of realm kings to flee desperately.

As the camp collapsed, the people who besieged Yu'an and Ziyan Giant Beast were equally frightened and started to escape.

Dao Xin collapsed, and his fighting spirit collapsed immediately.

Not long after, the middle and low-level realm kings of the two major battle camps died, fleeing, and instantly became empty.

Han Feiyun took the Hun Tian Ling and stood on the void, staring at Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan was a little hairy when she saw him, turned his gaze, adjusted his breath, and swallowed a lot of medicine pills, and then put away the Tianxu, clasped his fist and said, "Thank you, Lord Palace, for helping me."

Han Feiyun gave a soft drink, turned around slightly, and looked at the direction of the ghost hiding.

Tang Shu and the others had already been frightened and speeded up the siege of the Guizang. As long as they could kill the Guizang, the siege was not in vain. Even if Han Feiyun really mixed up with Yang Qingxuan, the next impact could kill both of them.

But even though Gui Zang was at a disadvantage and was beaten all over his body, he was still the pinnacle of the nine stars after all, and even reached half a step into the thousand realms. The wisdom and experience of countless years remained undefeated there.

The more Tang Shu and others fought, the more anxious they were, they cursed Han Feiyun in their hearts, and had already enjoyed Han Feiyun countless times in their hearts.

Han Feiyun suddenly said, "You ghost repair friend, do you want to save it?"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and then hurriedly overjoyed: "Naturally want to save, but I hope the Lord Palace Lord will not hesitate to help."

Han Feiyun snorted, Huntian Ling hovered around her body and walked forward slowly.

Tang Shu and others immediately sensed the pressure from the powerful aura, and their expressions changed drastically.

Although the ghosts are dangerous, they may not die in a short time.

Tang Shu acted decisively and shouted sharply: "Retreat!"

After a fierce attack, it directly turned into a escape and left without looking back.

In addition, those high-ranking realm kings all changed their complexions, and they disappeared without a trace under the flashing like a low tide.

The anger that Gui Zang had already been beaten up soared to the sky. At this moment, the pressure disappeared, and the endless anger broke out in an instant. With both hands pinching the tactics and swinging the sword, the last Seven Star Realm King was cut off in the sky.



The realm king couldn't avoid it and was directly cut to pieces.

The soul was naturally caught by the ghost and chewed viciously in his mouth to dispel his hatred, and at the same time supplement his physical energy consumption.

Han Feiyun frowned as he watched, obviously also extremely jealous of Guizang.

Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and clasped his fist gratefully again: "Thank you, Lord Palace, if it weren't for your help, the three of me are afraid this time I will be in disaster."

Han Feiyun showed a pensive expression and slowly said, "You don't need to thank me. I am also selfish in saving you. I have something to ask you."

Yang Qingxuan expected that it must be Xuantianji's matter, and hurriedly said: "My lord of the palace, even if you ask, you will know everything you can talk about."

Han Feiyun nodded, and took another look at Gui Zang and Yu'an. The two immediately understood and walked away wisely, leaving Han Feiyun and Yang Qingxuan standing together.

Han Feiyun said, "What is going on with Xuan Tianji? Tell me what you know, what you said."

Yang Qingxuan sighed, grateful for the other party’s life-saving grace, and now all know about Xuantianji, starting from the Five Kingdoms Grand Contest of the Xuanye Continent, Xuantianji appeared as the emperor of the East Lei Kingdom, and then to the seal. After the highest destiny, it turned into a golden Sanskrit note and scattered into the void.

Everything is explained in detail with Han Feiyun.

This said, actually talking about the second daylight scene.

Han Feiyun listened quietly from beginning to end, without interrupting a word, but his expression kept changing. When he heard it, he couldn't help crying.

Yang Qingxuan said: "The deceased is dead, and I hope the Lord of the Palace will mourn."

Han Feiyun gently wiped his tears, and suddenly asked, "Do you think Xuantianji is really dead?"

Yang Qingxuan frowned, and said in surprise: "Could it be...can still...survive in that kind of environment?"

The voice was extremely euphemistic and gentle, for fear that the tone was too affirmative, causing Han Feiyun's discomfort and sadness, but in his heart, Yang Qingxuan was already determined that Xuan Tianji must be dead.

Han Feiyun glanced at him and took out a delicate bag with a few clouds embroidered with gold silk, and the word "xuan" was faintly visible.

This golden silk pattern is exactly the same as Xuantianji's black robe with the word "Xuan".

Han Feiyun said, "When Xuantianji left me, he left this purse with a strange seal on it, saying that if he hears of his death in the future, I will open this purse. I tried many methods, all I couldn’t break the seal. Slowly, my curiosity faded. Sometimes I even thought that I would never have a chance to open this purse. When I took out this purse yesterday, the seal on it was inexplicable It's unlocked."

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, wondering how could it be so strange?

Han Feiyun smiled slightly and opened his purse. There was only a simple and transparent jade slip in it, without any imprint of God's consciousness, except that it was engraved with a line of small golden characters: Come, not come, go and never go, worth This comes and goes, nor does it come and go.

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