Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1978: Shocking the world, Jiuxing Shizuo once again joined forces

Yang Qingxuan was shocked in a cold sweat, even if the Lord of the Thousand Realms was under this terrible siege, he was afraid that he would be hit hard.

At this moment, an aura of destruction spread.

As soon as that breath appeared, it immediately suppressed the power of Yang Qingxuan and the five Shizuo, as if there was only this pure power left in the world, suppressing everything in the world!

Qom was shocked and cried, "No! Lord of the Thousand Realms!"

The four people who attacked were all stuck in their hands and turned around in a hurry.

I saw a slash that soared to the sky, crushed silently, as if there was no sound, but everything it passed was annihilated.

Even the elemental decay circle seemed to be chopped down there and split in half.

At the source of the slash, Yu An's face was cold and murderous, and his hands trembled holding a blade of the moon, his petite body seemed to be unable to withstand this huge force, and was shaking violently.

The stream of light on the blade was like fire, bursting out the purest luster, and under this destruction, it looked very strange.

Endless green light poured out from the blade, and with the surge of energy, the Blade of the Moment Moon was immediately exhausted and returned to zero.


The sky and the earth have just swayed and been perfectly split.

The four Shi Zuo's expressions changed drastically, and they could no longer attack Yang Qingxuan.

Jess shouted sharply: "Retreat!"

Under the flashing of the bodies of the four people, only the afterimages were left, which was turned into ashes in the subsequent crushing slash.

Yang Qingxuan also closed his breath, shocked by this terrible blow.

Is this the power of the Lord of Thousand Realms? It's so scary.

He had seen the power of Tian's ruthless half-step of the thousand realms, and had also seen the power of the nine-star peak of Ghost Venerable. At this moment, he felt the blow of this thousand realms, and then he suddenly came over. The gap in the last half of the step was so big.

That cut hit the four of Bart Dudu, deliberately bypassing Yang Qingxuan and Qom, and at this moment, Qom was still shocked by the cutting, his face was full of shock, and he couldn't recover.

Yang Qingxuan recovered his senses in an instant, and immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity. The halberd swayed in the air, and once again fell and hit Qom. And after he turned into the law of fire, the sky and the earth, the Emperor Yan Jue snapped down wildly.

"Damn it!"

The golden light gleamed in front of Qom's eyes, and he found that the halberd was cut to the location of Shi Mingshi in his body. His soul was lost in fright. Regardless of the pressure of the Emperor Flame Art, he gathered his whole body strength in the palm of his hand. Qi patted the halberd and shouted: "Sneak attack, despicable!"


Tianxu's slash was blocked, and was completely blocked by the violent nine-star power, and he slammed back.

This was Qom's fateful blow, almost the strongest force.

After all, the location where Yang Qingxuan was cut was too scary. It was where Shi Mingshi was, and his soul was frightened, exploding with a blow of life-long potential.

Not only was the halberd shook back, a large amount of power blasted on the body, and the ten absolute arrays passively defended, still being shattered by the blast.


Yang Qingxuan spouted a mouthful of blood, carrying the halberd in his hand, and was shaken out.

And the Emperor Flame Art of the Law of Fire, Heaven and Earth, also fell on Qom at the same time, and Qom screamed again and again after being bombarded in the fire.

The attack and defense of the two people was just an instant, almost at the same time as the one cut of the power of the thousand worlds.

While Dudu waited for the four Shizuo to evade the Blade of Shayue, they saw each of them flying back, and a powerful sea of ​​fire burst out, burning everything.

Yang Qingxuan vomited blood, flew in the air for a while, then stabilized his body and stood with a halberd.

Qom made a "wow wow" cry. It was originally a body composed of energy, but it was actually burnt black, and his skin was chapped in pieces. The irritable energy flowed on the body surface, and he suffered serious injuries.

Qom roared: "This kid is terrible, let's kill him together!"

Powerful energy erupted from the body, Yang Qingxuan watched quietly, under the fiery eyes, Qom's injury was being healed by the power of chaos, while the violent emotions and power in his body were constantly calming down under the action of Shi Yanshi .

The terrifying Jiuxing Shizuo was a fighter machine, and his actual combat strength was far better than that of a martial artist of the same rank.

Yang Qingxuan swallowed some pills and stood quietly in the air holding the halberd. The sword mark on the center of his eyebrows flashed continuously, transforming into a green light, which was the sword energy of Hyakki Yexing.

All five of Qom stepped forward cautiously. After all, the nine-star ghost cultivation is extremely strong, and the moves are extremely strange and terrifying. If you are not careful, you are in danger of falling. I am afraid that only Dudu can fight one.

At this moment, in addition to guarding against ghosts, the five are also wise to guard against Xia Yu'an.

The slash just now was really terrifying, if it fell on the body, it would be completely wiped out.

Jace said suddenly: "Goli, you go and kill that Nizi."

Gao Li said: "Yes!" He immediately left the front besieging Yang Qingxuan and flew towards Yu'an.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and shouted: "Yuan, run away!"

At this moment, he was surrounded by four people, and he was hard to protect himself, and it was impossible to save him.

Toot frowned. Although the man was extremely worried about the woman’s safety, he was not at all flustered under his worries. The body standing with a halberd seemed to be frozen in the void. From any angle, there was no flaw, like The strongest blow can be performed from any position at any time.

This kind of martial arts comprehension is even higher than that of their five Shizuo.

Dudu couldn't help but look at Yang Qingxuan a bit more, but there was a sneer on his face, and he sarcastically said: "When death is approaching, do you still worry about others?"

Yang Qingxuan sarcastically said, "Your mission is to kill me. Has the mission been completed? Your mission has not been completed yet, so you still have leisure to take care of my business? I am worried or not, but what do you care about? You are really idle. what."

Dudu was taken aback, the baby face sank immediately, and he shouted: "Take it!"

The short and fat baby's hand was raised flat in front of him, and a crimson vortex was immediately turned into a crimson vortex, placed between the hands, a singular field energy immediately dispersed and pressed towards Yang Qingxuan.

Jace, Bart, and Qom shot at the same time, standing in four positions, all of which were coordinated with each other, and they actually used the magic of formation against a Seven-Star Realm King.

I saw the sky above Yang Qingxuan, under the influence of Dudu's strange power, countless red lights gathered from all directions, forming a light group, and pressed down.

Yang Qingxuan pinched the tactics with one hand, and the sword mark on the heart of the eyebrow flashed, and the huge ghost image broke out of the emptiness, holding the sword to the light group.

At this moment, the ghost store must come out, otherwise, with Yang Qingxuan's power, unless the Moon Blade is used again, it will not be able to block a combined blow by the four.


Gui Zang screamed, and countless gloomy ghost qi was compressed in Hyakki Yekou, piercing the light ball a little bit.


As the scorching sun exploded, the boundless red scene spread into the void.

Even Gui Zang was surrounded by a red light, but in an instant, the red light was swallowed by Gui Mang and returned to normal.

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