Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1980: Please also advise, Zhuolong will return

Dudu, Bart, and Jess all stayed there, forgetting even the fear.

Their power, the topmost existence in any star field, was actually wiped out one by one.

But after the first blow, Yang Qingxuan didn't have the joy of victory at all. Instead, his complexion changed drastically, his pupils exploded with brilliant light, staring at the void ahead.

Countless tribulations flew randomly in the air, but they did not collapse, but gathered a little bit.

In the end, the figure of a half man was transformed, because the upper half had been completely shattered by the blade of Shamo.

This half body is not Qom's.

Yang Qingxuan's face suddenly became weird, the Shi Yanshi in this man's body was actually in that place...

"team leader!"

Dudu, Jess, and Bart yelled in ecstasy at the same time, with a hint of excitement and excitement in their voices.

Above that half body, countless chaotic powers turned into whirlpools, condensed, flew into the man's half body, and turned out the whole body little by little. He was an ordinary man with a national face, neither beautiful nor ugly, but still The crowd, unless it is full of muscles, is difficult to identify.

The man stretched out his right hand and grabbed it. With a "crack", a ball of light exploded and turned into a circle. Under the shattering, Qom fell out, but also ruined half of his body.

For the rest of his life, Qom hurriedly bowed, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Captain!"

Countless chaotic powers fell from the void, completing his body, but his breath was completely different from before.

The man ignored Qom, but looked at Yang Qingxuan, bowed politely, and said, "It's rude, in Xia Kesi, please give me more advice."

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "You taught me, right?"

X said without expression: "The subordinates are rude, now they have learned a lesson. Master Qingxuan, let's say goodbye."

With that, he bowed again and was about to leave.

Yang Qingxuan's face twitched, and he said coldly, "Want to go?"

X said: "How many Blades of the Moon are still in the hands of the lord? I don't know, but if you want to kill the five of us, you have to use at least ten handles. Not to mention whether the lord really has ten handles. This is huge. Are you willing to consume it? What you get is only five nine-star Shi Yanshi."

Yang Qingxuan's eyelids twitched slightly.

What Kes said is correct. To kill the four of Kumu Dudu, I am afraid that it will take five handles, and the strength of Kumu is unfathomable. He could rescue Kumu from the Blade of the Moon just now. It is the strength that has reached the half-step world king, which is comparable to Tian Ruqing.

In addition to the terrifying body structure of Shi Zuo, as long as Shi Mingshi is not destroyed, he is almost immortal. If you want to kill X, I am afraid that the five-handed blade of the moon may not be enough.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being silent.

X knocked his fingers, "pop" and said, "Go."

His body faded suddenly, and slowly disappeared into the void.

Qom, Jess, and Bart, who have turned into super beeping gongs, have slowly disappeared.

Only then did Gui Zang escaped, the ghost fire beating in his eyes, and he stared at the direction where the few people disappeared with a murderous look, gloomy.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "How about Nacks?"

Gui Zang said: "Strong, very strong, even above the sky and ruthless."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Heaven is ruthless above?"

Gui Zang explained: "Stepping into the Thousand Realms is a very huge thing. The gullies are endless. Some people can approach infinitely, but they can never cross it. Although Tian Wuqing is a half-step realm king, it is not a thousand realms. Invincible underneath."

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood, and worried: "These five people are terrible, and they also have a master. Now it seems that most of the master is a thousand realms." Yang Qingxuan turned and asked: "Yuan, what should I do now? , Or leave the land of Po Nirvana now?"

Yu'an groaned, and said: "Okay! The land of Nirvana is getting more and more turbulent. We have already gained enough benefits. Now the risks are huge. It is no longer worthy of nostalgia, and we will leave. it is good."

Yang Qingxuan said: "The way to leave is to use the blade of the moon to smash the void directly?"

Yu'an smiled and said: "Naturally not. If we can go by breaking the void, we can already go just now. It must be the chaotic void covering the top of this piece of broken nirvana, and a flash of the moon. The narrow passage cut by the blade is only enough for one person to leave. Let's restore our strength first, and then smash the void layer."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay."

The two were about to leave when suddenly there was a huge roar on the void layer, and the "rumbling" was endless.

On the originally chaotic and dull sky, countless dark clouds surged, and the dim brilliance of all colors intertwined, forming huge vortexes.

Yu'an suddenly raised his head, convulsed: "Zhuolong returns to the mansion?! What a coincidence!"

Yang Qingxuan frowned. After spending so long in the land of Po Nirvana, he naturally knew what Zhuolong's return was. He couldn't help but said with joy: "The passage is open, maybe you can leave without the blade of the moon."

Yu'an looked at the elephants that day, and after confirming that it was the return of the dragon to the mansion, he smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "You are thinking too simple, this is a big trouble, we are afraid that we can't leave for a while. After that, the power of the six maelstroms can squeeze out a void channel, just like the muddy dragon returning to the mansion, it is the only channel that can enter the ground of breaking Nirvana. Otherwise, even the Lord of the Thousand Realms, it would be extremely difficult to break through the void layer from the outside world. It was done. But during the time when the turbid dragon returned to the palace, the entire void layer was inexplicably squeezed, and the energy flow and world rules became extremely chaotic. Even from the inside, it was difficult to split the void layer. You must wait for the celestial phenomenon to end before you can leave. We have gone. What is troublesome for us is that all the major sect disciples have already sent back information for everything in the sect of the world. The guardians of the sect elders who are squatting on the Void Giant Mountain will not let us go. of."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, but then calmed down and said, "The land of Po Nirvana is so vast, and those people who want to find us are afraid it will not be so easy."

Yu'an said with an ugly face, "I hope so."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said confidently: "No matter what, thinking too much can only add trouble. Soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil, let's find a place to restore our strength. After the vision of the turbid dragon returning to the palace appeared, the distance channel emerged. There is still a period of time. We take the opportunity to improve our cultivation base, and at the same time, we can also wipe out some Shi Yanshi."

Looking at Yang Qingxuan’s confident smile, Yu An couldn’t help being infected. She shook her head with a wry smile. With him, it seemed that all common sense had failed. As long as he walked with him without hesitation and no regrets, it seemed right. .

At the moment, the two turned into a streamer, lasing to the distance.

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