Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1987: There is nothing to hide, half a thousand worlds

A white-robed man wanted to say something, but still endured it. He just snorted and put his hands on his chest, full of dissatisfaction.

Li Gonglin sneered and said, "Chen Qi, if you feel dissatisfied, you can get out of it. What do you do with the old man?!"

The white-robed man was furious and was about to break out. Another old woman hurriedly finished the game and said: "Don't make a noise, it's really hard to find. I haven't heard anyone found it yet, I'm afraid it was hiding with some mysterious weapon. The mustard seed space can only be used for divination with great supernatural powers. Li Gonglin is already very good to find this."

Chen Qi brushed his sleeves, his face was sullen and silent.

Li Gonglin raised his hand to pinch the Jue, and patted the void.

Suddenly, countless void energies followed his field energy, swirling within a thousand miles, continuously drawing various marks.

Li Gonglin closed his eyes tightly, his face expressionless, and every inch of the void was branded under his perception.

After a long time, all the whirlpools dissipated and the world returned to calm.

Li Gonglin slowly opened his eyes and said, "No."

The old woman sighed, "Hey, this search took more than twice as long. I thought there would be clues. It's still nothing to do with the basket." There was a look of disappointment on her face.

Chen Qi sneered: "Unreliable, after all, it is unreliable."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he directly tore the void with his bare hands, stepped into it, and actually left the team and stopped cooperating with everyone.

Li Gonglin's eyes flashed sneer, and he mocked: "Trash! It's best to roll."

The other three also shook their heads and sighed.

Li Gonglin hummed his sleeves and said, "Since you are all dissatisfied with this seat, let's just part ways and go."

The same waved his hand, tore through the void, and left alone.

The old woman hurriedly said, "Oh, brother Gonglin."

But in an instant, Li Gonglin was no longer in the void.

The three looked at each other.

One person said: "It's really hard to find. I'm afraid it depends on luck. The three of us should go together. Let's change directions."

The old woman nodded and said, "Okay, it can only be so."

The three people immediately discussed the lower position, and flew away in another direction.

The sky over the swamp quickly became empty.

Yu'an breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his eyes, and continued to practice.

But only half an hour later, Yu An opened his eyes again and looked up in surprise.

I saw a crack over the swamp slowly, and Li Gonglin, who had already left, came back quietly, his eyes bursting, staring at the bottom of the swamp, as if he had found the flag.

Yu'an exclaimed: "Not good!"

She instantly understood that Li Gonglin had discovered the flag before, but didn't want to share it with everyone, so she pretended to be angry and left, and waited until everyone had left.

To be able to do this kind of thing, in addition to having great resourcefulness, you also need to have great strength and absolute confidence in yourself.

Li Gonglin stepped down and landed next to a puddle, staring at it with a sneer: "Come out by yourself, still want me to'please', at this moment, are you still hiding? I know you have seen me coming."

Shot in the swamp-a brilliance appeared, and Yu'an's appearance was transformed in front of Li Gonglin, and he said coldly: "My lord is very scheming."

Li Gonglin smiled and said: "The scheming is not enough, they don't trust me. If they trust me, they will not leave halfway, and they will be able to share the results at this moment."

Yu'an sneered: "Share the results? Are adults so confident?"

Li Gonglin said: "I already know your strengths. Yang Qingxuan and Ji Beiye are not in trouble, let alone a rubbish. The only thing to beware of is the ghost repair, but the ghost repair is only half of the time. The existence of Buqianjie is at best comparable to me. It is not difficult to surrender you."

Yu'an was full of anger, and the other party actually called her rubbish, but what made her face even more ugly was that the other party was actually half a step in the world!

At this moment, Gui Xiu is in retreat, unable to show up in a short period of time, this is a big trouble.

Li Gonglin stared at Yu'an, as if he had seen something through, and smiled: "Looking at you, you are already enlightened. Directly hand over Zuotuo's Secret Store, and the province's main seat will save you from death."

Yu'an hummed: "I will give you a meta tool at random, saying it is a hidden space, will you believe it?"

Li Gonglin shook his head and said: "I don't know what is good or bad, so I have to come and pick it up personally, and at the same time search for your soul."

In the swamp, the stagnant water suddenly boiled, and it blew up with a whirl.

Countless water splashes condensed in the air into tiny icy arrows, and shot them at Li Gonglin.

"I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and I dare to use the tricks, so I am not afraid to laugh at the home of generous?"

Li Gonglin laughed wildly, slapped the water arrows with a palm, and directly shook all the water arrows with vigor, and then all evaporated and turned into white smoke.

The two figures passed through the smoke and confusion, and landed at a hundred meters on both sides of Li Gonglin.

Yang Qingxuan held the halberd and pointed forward, Ji Beiye stood with a knife, and Yu'an hurriedly took out the double thorns. The three formed a small three-talent formation and surrounded Li Gonglin.

Li Gonglin sneered and said, "Haha, the three small shrimps are all here, what about ghost repair? Let him come out too."

Yang Qingxuan said: "The three of me are enough to deal with you. The ghost correction is sleeping and I am not interested in you."

As soon as the halberd shook, it struck him first.

Li Gonglin shouted angrily: "Zhuzi, then kill you first!"

As soon as the figure shook, he bullied his body forward against the halberd, his five fingers were as fast as lightning, and directly grabbed the halberd blade.

While Li Gonglin shot, he was also paying attention to his surroundings, for fear that the ghost cultivator would suddenly attack him. The three in front of him were nothing but ants, and they could be wiped out at will. The ghost cultivator was the big trouble.

So even if he took the shot, most of his mind was still aware of the surroundings, and did not put Yang Qingxuan in his eyes.


The five fingers directly hit the halberd blade, dispersing all the brilliance on the halberd.

Yang Qingxuan's arm shook, and he couldn't hold the halberd. Both arms were completely numb, and a huge force hit his body. The blood in his body rioted, and the whole person flew out directly, vomiting a piece of blood in his mouth.

Half a step in a thousand worlds, so powerful!

Ji Beiye and Yu'an rushed up at the same time, but seeing that Yang Qingxuan was repelled by a single move, they stopped abruptly and dared not go forward.


Li Gonglin laughed wildly, his eyes flashed with murderousness, and he said coldly: "Since the ghost cultivator can't escape, I'll take your three sacrificial knives first. I want to see how long he can hide in the end!"

As soon as Li Gonglin's figure flickered, he caught Yu'an.


Both Yang Qingxuan and Ji Beiye were in a hurry, but there was a half-step Qianjie's quick response. As soon as they left, Yu'an was already pinched by Li Gonglin's neck, caught in his hand, and lifted up in front of him.

A pair of dark green eye pupils looked in all directions, and said grimly: "Then Ghost Xiu really doesn't plan to come out?"

In his opinion, that Gui Xiu was hiding there 100%, just waiting to attack him.

After all, they are all half-steps of the Thousand Worlds. If you can make a sneak attack, your chances of winning will be greatly increased.

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