Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1993: The second soul, who are you Mandrill?

In the next time, Yang Qingxuan leisurely wandered in the land of Po Nirvana.

The vision of the turbid dragon returning to the mansion seemed to have a tendency to revolve, and it began to slowly return and disappear.

Just in case, Yang Qingxuan chose three more Blades of Shaking the Moon and filled them.

At this moment, the remaining Shi Mingshi on his body was less than a thousand, and most of them were low-level.

Yang Qingxuan even stopped practicing, looking for various targets and searching for resources.

And the ghost is still in the Supreme Profound Sky, there has been no movement, the message is inaudible.

On this day, Yang Qingxuan killed a group of Shi Zuo. After a good harvest, he came to a mountain top, sat cross-legged and practiced, swallowing these Shi Yan stones into his belly piece by piece, condensing the second dantian.

After many days of fighting and cultivating, the second dantian seemed to have reacted, and the surrounding blue lustre was constantly changing, as if it was about to transform.

Yang Qingxuan did not dare to neglect, stopped searching for Shi Mingshi, began to practice, swallowed Shi Mingshi, and nourished the Dantian.

Soon after, the power of the release in the inner dantian was like a sea churning, and the azure blue inner dan even stirred up ripples, passing through the dantian, and then through the body, radiating in all directions.

Yang Qingxuan's two-handed pinch tactics are constantly changing, guiding this force through his body, and the whole person is shrouded in a blue shining force.

Not long after, a large blue light appeared on Tianling's cover, slowly condensing a baby-like figure, sitting vacantly, his handprints were the same as Yang Qingxuan's, his face was calm.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes suddenly opened, and he burst out-with an ecstasy.

This baby is the second soul, for some reason, it's just a baby form, and the second soul that Mrs. Bone condensed at the beginning is already an adult.

Suddenly, the baby opened his eyes and said in Yang Qingxuan's tone: "Do you want to continue to eat Shi Dunshi? If this is the case, how much Shi Dunshi will be consumed by this baby when he grows up to adulthood? Where can I support it?"

The scene of the baby talking like this is extremely strange, the voice is immature, but the expression is old-fashioned.

Missing, pinch the Jue again, close your eyes, and practice concentration.

I don't know how long it took before Yang Qingxuan put away the Jue seal, and the baby slowly fell down, sank into the heavenly spirit cover, and once again transformed into an inner pill in the dantian.

The power of internal release is surging like a sea, endless.

At this time, Yang Qingxuan suddenly had a strange idea. With a movement of his spiritual mind, the inner alchemy turned into a baby again, pinching his hands with both hands.

The jade of the Four Truths of Cause and Effect in the dantian was inspired by the seal of the Jue, and flew over, became countless times smaller, and fell into the hands of the baby.

The light in the baby's eyes flickered slightly, stroking the four jade lightly, and the soft energy flowed through it, causing the four jade to send out a slight induction, and the light was bright.


Joy flashed in the baby's eyes, and Shi Zhili had a subtle effect on the Four Truths of Causality. I don't know if it can be refined, but at least it has a direction.

At the moment, Yang Qingxuan retracted his mind, practiced by himself, and continued to devour Shi Dunshi, while the second soul was sitting in the dantian, nourishing the four truths of cause and effect.

This feeling is extremely strange, it's like two completely independent selves, but they are all really themselves.

With no years of cultivation, Yang Qingxuan settled on the top of the mountain, and there were more than ten daylight scenes at once.

In that wonderful state, she didn't want to come out at all.

One day, suddenly above the mountain top, under the gloomy sky, a huge figure slowly turned out, revealing a hideous face, a huge monster with the appearance of a mandrill.

The mandrill had a dull face, but water dripped gloomily, and when he saw Yang Qingxuan who was cultivating on the top of the mountain, he burst out with a terrifying roar.

"Boom" there was a huge shock, and the entire sky was shaken by the mandrill, and the huge palm of the sky was slammed down.

Yang Qingxuan was cultivating, and he had a keen sense of everything and everything, and he immediately came out of the setting, looking at each other in amazement.

Especially when I met the mandrill's gaze, my heart trembled. What kind of mandrill is this? The gaze is completely human!

With extremely clear, angry, roaring and resentful eyes.

what happened?

When did you offend such a thing?

Before thinking about it, he flew up suddenly, and when the halberd shook, it split the golden light and slashed to the giant palm.


The blade blasted on the giant palm, and was completely suppressed!

The giant palm was cast unabated and continued to crash down.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and cried out: "The Lord of the Thousand Realms?!"

It turned out to be a mandrill of the lord of a thousand worlds?

What a joke!

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly shook his figure, and changed into Qiongqi, and drew back with a roar.


The giant palm finally fell, and the entire mountain range was instantly destroyed.

Yang Qingxuan was also shaken in the air by the huge palm wind, and it took a while to stabilize his body, his face full of horror and disbelief.

Under the glaring eyes, something seemed to be discovered.

The mandrill raised up to the sky and roared several times, shocking everyone within a hundred miles.

Then roared: "Yang Qingxuan! If I don't kill you, I swear not to be a man!"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and said in horror: "You, you are Song Xuan? No wonder... why did you become a Mandrill?"

No wonder this power is so familiar, and the hateful eyes have some impressions, and that hatred is a deep hatred, as if it will be difficult to resolve forever.

This Mandrill is Song Xuan's words, so it's correct, but isn't Song Xuan dead? How could it become a mandrill?

"go to hell!"

The mandrill roared and patted it again.

The power is vast, but the movements are slower, far inferior to Song Yan's own body.

It turned out that in the previous battle, the fourteen blades of Shayue attacked, and of course Song Yan couldn't resist it, and he was resolved in an instant, entering a state of life and death.

At a critical moment, he threw out one of the most treasures he had collected in his life, this mandrill puppet, directly passing the soul through the brand induction.

This saved the soul at the moment the body was annihilated.

It's just that although the Mandrill is a puppet, it can't hold back the aftermath of the shock, and it's shattered.

During this period of time, Song Yan has nourished his soul and repaired this puppet.

The mandrill state at this moment, the strength is far worse than before.

He didn't even have the fighting power of the Lord of the Thousand Realms, but it was still half a step above the Thousand Realms.

Song Yan's hatred of Yang Qingxuan has reached its extreme, and he is constantly looking for Yang Qingxuan to avenge his hatred.

Finally on this day, after breaking through the void, he saw Yang Qingxuan cultivating, no matter where he could bear it, he immediately broke out of the void and slapped it with a palm.

Although Yang Qingxuan didn't know the details, he guessed a little, and the figure flickered, and he avoided that terrible palm.

It's just that the palm of the hand is vast, constantly fluctuating, and swept in.

Yang Qingxuan waved his halberd, and immediately smashed the energy storm into the sky.

He also discovered that Song Yan's situation at the moment was not strong enough before, and his speed was relatively slow. These were weaknesses that could be exploited.

//How many of those wonderful little clips do you remember? After reading, Yang Qingxuan was dominated by them and feared.

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