Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1997: The beast is still fighting, Master Grey Crow

Yang Qingxuan took out the storage bag and grabbed six handles and placed them in front of him, staring at the void in all directions with cold eyes.

The six perfect moon-shaking blades respectively locked the six leaning breaths, causing the six breaths to stagnate and stay in place and dare not move.

Yang Qingxuan raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, swept across everyone, and said, "If you want to make me a hit, just come over."

As he said, it was another flick of his sleeves, and another six-handled perfect-class Blade of the Moon, floating in the void.


Everyone was frightened in a cold sweat, and couldn't help backing back.

This is the twelve perfect blade of the Moon Shaking!

The value is so high that it is incalculable. If this power bursts out, the Lord of the Thousand Realms will have to die.

Everyone finally knows how Song Yan died.

Those Wu Xiu who was still coveting Zuo's secrets, all of them pale, they didn't dare to approach or even move.

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Since you are here in high spirits, you can't go back without success. Just stay where you are and watch it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime battle of a thousand realms, and you can observe this battle to the end. It's not a waste of everyone to take a trip."

Everyone was extremely dissatisfied, but they did not dare to say anything, otherwise the twelve-handled moon-shaking blade would be cut over, fearing that no one could stop it.

Moreover, what Yang Qingxuan said has some truth. Observing the battle of a thousand realms is indeed a rare experience in a lifetime, and the improvement in his martial arts understanding is also huge.

Since it seems unrealistic to **** the secret for the time being, it's better to watch the battle.

At the moment, everyone's eyes are gathered in the abyss of the earth, feeling the powerful fluctuations that continue to burst from inside.


With a flash of light in the abyss, Cang Yun Weng rushed out, covered in blood.

The nether ghost realm on the entire void suddenly condensed, and countless wandering ghosts all bit at Cang Yun Weng.

And the entire field kept shrinking, and it quickly turned into a hundred zhang radius, like a cage, imprisoning countless ghosts.

Cang Yun Weng angrily made moves in it, blasting the lonely souls and wild ghosts, and roared: "Is it interesting to use this kind of despicable means to deal with a strong man in a thousand realms? There is a kind of open fight! "

"Cut, mentally retarded!"

The ghost hidden in the realm for a moment, and said contemptuously: "Even these little ghosts can't deal with them, and you want to fight me?"

With a light wave, another tens of thousands of ghosts emerged, biting and rushing over.

Everyone swallowed with difficulty. The scene in front of them was too shocked. Just as the so-called ants bite the elephants to death, Cang Yunweng is not the evil spirits rushing over all the time, and if he is negligent, he will be bitten.

On the other hand, Gui Zang hovered in the air with great ease, holding his arms around his chest, as if watching a play.

Yang Qingxuan saw the profound meaning of this move. As long as the ghost domain of about a hundred zhang is not broken, it seems that a steady stream of evil spirits can be generated, and Cang Yun Weng is bound to be consumed in it.

Cang Yun Weng was not a fool, and soon discovered that he immediately roared, slapped his palms in all directions, shattered a circle of evil spirits, then took out a small box, and pinched it into it.

It was the soul lock box with a ghost head emerging from it, looking at the evil ghosts coming from all directions, his eyes brightened, and his big hand excitedly grabbed it.


Gui Zang was stunned, and then laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, I am so ridiculous, in front of the emperor, I actually played a little ghost, hahahaha."

Gui Zang smiled and leaned forward and backward, playing with the taste: "Then let this ghost enjoy it and eat it as much as you want."

The countless evil spirits rushed past more frantically, grabbed by the ghosts on the soul lock box and swallowed them one by one.

Soon, the form of the ghost changed. Half of its body grew out and became much stronger, but its burly body appeared extremely swollen.

Cang Yunweng's face was very ugly, and he felt it too. This ghost seemed to be about to burst.

This thing is the treasure he keeps in the soul lock box to refine the soul.

Finally, the ghost in front of him swelled to its limit, bursting with a "bang", and the entire soul lock box burst open.

There were countless refining and unrefined souls inside, all flying out. Among them was the soul of Song Xuan, full of wailing and pain, struggling desperately.

"That's it? Hey! Master Song Xuan!"

The sharp-eyed Wu Xiu recognized Song Yan in no time.

"Didn't Song Yan be killed by Yang Qingxuan? How could the soul be in Cang Yunweng's hands?"

"I have long heard that Cangyun Weng has the bad trace of collecting souls and making alchemy, but I didn't think it was true."

"Elder Song Yan dares to take away his soul, are you afraid of revenge from the Song family?"

Various voices came into Cang Yun Weng's ears, making him anxious, and said loudly: "Don't talk nonsense, this person just looks like Song Yan, not Brother Song Yan."

Gui Zang exulted: "Haha, it's the soul of the Lord of Thousand Realms, haha, it's cheap!"

When the figure shook, it turned into a huge ghost, grabbed Song Yan's soul suddenly, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The surrounding Wu Xiu was shocked, and their faces became extremely weird, "Looks like the Lord of the Thousand Realms like Elder Song Yang?"

Cang Yun Weng was sweating coldly, feeling that it was useless to explain.

After the ghosts swallowed Song Yang, his eyes lighted up, and the other souls that floated out were also swallowed one by one. Although they were not better than Song Yang, they were all realm king-level existences, and the ghosts that ate were delighted.

"Brother Yun Weng, this ghost cultivator is extremely extraordinary, I am afraid that it is a powerful existence. It is better to let the younger brother help Brother Yun Weng to eradicate this ghost cultivator and bring harm to the world."

Suddenly, the crowd was in a daze, and a numb face turned into a man wearing sackcloth and straw sandals and carrying a bundle of twine rope on his shoulders.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrunk slightly, and the secret path is not good. Once this person came out, he could see through his body and cultivation base under his fiery eyes. The main body was a huge crow, and his cultivation base had surpassed the realm king and was the lord of the thousand realms!

"Master Gray Crow!"

A scream came from the crowd.

With an immediate "crash", Master Gray Crow immediately turned into a vacuum, and all the warriors desperately backed away, as if extremely afraid.

Yu'an said solemnly: "The trouble is big. Master Grey Crow has a reputation for being far-reaching. He is not only extremely evil, but also cruel and unusually cruel. He often slaughters one city or even one world. Moreover, he has an extremely terrible hobby. , Is to swallow the soul."

"Swallow the soul?"

Yang Qingxuan looked weird, isn't that the same as Guizang? The two hit one by one.

Cang Yun Weng was at a loss. There was no reason to not be ecstatic, and he hurriedly said loudly: "Brother Gray Crow is here just right! You and I join hands to eliminate the world and eradicate this evil!"

Yang Qingxuan scolded: "You two are stupid, kill people for your own selfish desires, and you can still name them as'Destroy the World'. Among the Lords of Thousand Realms in the universe, you can't find you so cheeky and shameless. Right?!"

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